Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration
Evaluating the Scope of Harm Reduction Services in Western Massachusetts & How to Become Involved
Capstone for The Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration (CESC)
Project: Harm Reduction
Other project member(s): Sa’mya Wilson, Mitigating Risk, Empowering Communities: The Imperative of Harm Reduction
Harm reduction, a phrase with growing popularity in the field of public health, is an often stigmatized and highly misunderstood framework for community care. Born out of practices of community protection, the conceptualization of harm reduction that we know of today was born out of activism and organizing to combat the spread of HIV/Aids and adverse drug related incidents. While some take a more narrow approach to harm reduction and apply its term only to public health, many harm reductionists see it as a lens to see and engage with the world. In that respect, any place, behavior, or possibility for harm provides opportunities for harm reduction. Expanding the definition of harm reduction in this way helps paint a clearer picture of the goals of harm reduction, to simply make life better for ourselves. Whether that be safer, happier, more connected, or lively. For the purposes of this paper and project, we will be using this conceptualization of harm reduction that focuses more on the goals of reducing harm and increasing the quality of life for individuals and communities. In an effort to more accurately assess the current landscape of harm reduction services in the Western Massachusetts area, we will also be evaluating services that are not self identified as harm reduction or involved with drug services.