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Data Description

Description: This repository contains a database of circuit polynomials in Cayley-Menger ideals, i.e. the minimal dependencies in the algebraic matroids of Cayley-Manger ideals. At prestent the database contains, up to relabeling, all circuit polynomials on 4, 5 and 6 vertices, as well as some circuit polynomials on 7 vertices and some on 8 vertices.

The polynomials are saved in Mathematica's compressed .wdx format and have to be indivitually imported into a notebook. A tutorial on how to import the poylnomials is presented in the ImportPolynomialTutorial.nb notebook.

The notebook combinatorialResultant.nb contains some basic functions for working in the Cayley-Menger ideal, as well as a tutorial on computing the Desargues-plus-one circuit.


Circuit Polynomials in the Cayley Menger ideal

Requires: Wolfram Mathematica

Platform: any that supports Mathematica
