Cherry Pie: American Stories of Sexuality and Religion, Amelia Burton, Honors Project
Freckled Whelp: Adaptations of Shakespeare, Kaitlyn Connors, Honors Project
Fishnet: a Homecoming, Paige Passantino, Honors Project
A Different Kind of Missing, Olivia Davis, Honors Project
Triple Stars, Emma J. Kerr, Honors Project
Social Contagion or Self-Containment? The Influence of Echo and Narcissus on The Picture of Dorian Gray, Caroline Triolo, Honors Project
"We shall express our darker purpose" : curious intimacy between audience and antagonists in Shakespeare, Elizabeth Eileen Cronin, Honors Project
"A few good murders" : the case of the golden age "cozy" mystery, Hyla Maddalena, Honors Project
Aash Min Shaafak : He, who saw you, lived, Clare Elspeth Sabry, Honors Project
Escaping escapism : racebending as genre-bending in fanfiction, Katarina Feng Yuan, Honors Project
Constructing the female subject : narrative forms and the illusion of agency in Austen, James, and Wharton, Abigail Grace Bavaria, Honors Project
"Such silent misery, such secret despair" : female suffering and tragic "sensation" in Victorian fiction, Mayrose Carter Beatty, Honors Project
Book lovers and pot-boilers : representations of reading and writing in twentieth-century English feminine middlebrow fiction, Audrey L. Davis, Honors Project
Are you my mother? : revolutionary reimaginings of the Mother Nature archetype in Salvage the bones and The bean trees, Patricia Jane Jewell, Honors Project
Building Gethen, Sinead Eliane Joyce-Farley, Honors Project
The unspoken thing : a novella, Emily Jaie Luong, Honors Project
Cosmologies of healing in Ceremony and The salt eaters, Kathleen Frances Mullins, Honors Project
Corrupted : evolution of identity and the body in Gothic literature, Renée Rienecker, Honors Project
Re-visioning time and intimacy for the anthropocene : Virginia Woolf's queer modes of life-writing in To the Lighthouse, Orlando, and Flush, Rylee Marie Smith, Honors Project
Authoress of the world : womanhood in Margaret Cavendish's writings, Jemma Kathryn Stephenson, Honors Project
To break a beautiful thing : a novella, Ellena L. Erskine, Honors Project
Conceiving Katsi Cook's life writings : pregnancy as a communal, integrative, and natural experience, Jenna Lee Gilley, Honors Project
Wordsworth's theater of anxiety, Lacey Carroll Harvey, Honors Project
Once and future, Lily E. Kiewra, Honors Project
Narrative medicine in Victorian novels : how fictional doctors understand the medical profession, Sarah Yelin Lee, Honors Project
Gender and temporality : a study of Virginia Woolf and Ali Smith, Eloise R. Lindblom, Honors Project
Them what brung you : a full length play, Tanya Ritchie, Honors Project
Other words for the otherworld : the artist and madness in Nabokov's American novels, Julia B. Smith, Honors Project
"Brave new world" : envisioning sites of queer futurity and resistance in The tempest, Marianna Eleftheria Apostolakis, Honors Project
Korean Shakespeares : formation and disintegration of the traditional family, Hee Young Kim, Honors Project
No, stay : stories, Emma K. Pacchiana, Honors Project
The aesthetics of landscape : the poetry and art of place in British romanticism, Natalie Nicole Sandstrom, Honors Project
Love song for what my mother is too afraid to call by name : poems, Janelle Tan, Honors Project
The chaos axis : redefining worlds and the self in Dishonored, Meredith Bronwyn Agran, Honors Project
Reinventing genre, embracing otherness : queer Latina writers, Jennifer Marie Calabrese, Honors Project
"Active reconstruction of interrupted histories" : the effect of occupation on the literature of Israel/Palestine in Sahar Khalifeh's Wild thorns, Sami Michael's Refuge and Sayed Kashua's Second person singular, Shana Alexa Iden, Honors Project
The Countess of Pembroke's Cleopatra : translation and transformation in Mary Sidney's Antonie, Mary Ruth Robinson, Honors Project
Aesthetic men and vanishing women : Oscar Wilde's homosociality and the rejection of desire, Emma Cairns Watson, Honors Project
How choice matters in the Mass effect series : the effect of simulated realities on our perception of alien individuals, Sydney Jean Stallings Brown, Honors Project
Women's responses to the partition of the Indian subcontinent in Attia Hosain's Sunlight on a broken column, Bapsi Sidhwa's Cracking India and Sadat Hasan Manto's Mottled dawn, Ayesha Sadaf Khan, Honors Project
The said and the unsayable : silence in Jane Austen's Sense and sensibility, Mansfield Park, and Persuasion, Laura Evelyn Thurber, Honors Project
From fall to leap : the journey of faith in the works of C.S. Lewis, Shalini Asirini Abayasekara, Honors Project
Korean American poetry since 2002 : reconfigurations of feminism, race, and diaspora through ethnic abstraction, Josephpina Lee, Honors Project
Third space and identity formation in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions and Jamaica Kincaid's Annie John, Aqdas Aftab, Honors Project
A quiet war : revising heroism in Tamora Pierce's Tortall, Tess Hailey Grogan, Honors Project
"The garment of flesh" : Mary Webb's rebellious bodies, Harriet Porter Low, Honors Project
"What love women to men may owe" : gender performativity and romantic relationships in Shakespeare's comedies, Oliva Elizabeth Woods, Honors Project
Defying gender : men, women, and Christ in Aemilia Lanyer's Salve deus rex judaeorum, Veronica Lynn Adler, Honors Project
"Whither should I fly?" : The limitations of man, magic, language and the universe in Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, Emily Helen Atkinson, Honors Project
Human nature in nature : David Grayson's broadening of the country book genre, Margaret Courtney Barthel, Honors Project
Il nemico è l'ignoranza : poetics and politics in Ezra Pound's anthologies of the 1930s, Caroline Benson Evans, Honors Project
Telling, retelling, and not telling : narrating the black Atlantic, Madeline Lee Zehnder, Honors Project
Martydom within the poetry of G.M. Hopkins, Julia Ann Marley, Honors Project
Shadows on the "little bit ... of ivory : Jane Austen's religious and political convictions as expressed in her novels, Jessica Jo McQuillan, Honors Project
The third passport : crip identity formation and world making in Jeanette Winterson's Oranges are not the only fruit and Shyam Selvadurai's Funny boy, Allison Laura Pilatsky, Honors Project
Shapin' words : Toomer, Faulkner, Eliot and modernist poetics, Sarah Ayres Green, Honors Project
Genres of spirit : tragedy, comedy and aristocracy in Isak Dinesen's "Sorrow-acre" and "Copenhagen season", Catharina Elise Gress-Wright, Honors Project
Wake, Cassandra Rose Jensen, Honors Project
The courage to be confused : negative capability in Keats's sonnets, Megan Rose Kearney, Honors Project
A shape to fill a lack : absence, gender and the American South in three novels by William Faulkner, 1929-1931, Esther Maria Mobley, Honors Project
Mary Ann Shadd : an inciting voice for Canadian emigration and Black women's influence in politics and print in the male-dominated, mid-19th century racial uplift movement, Kendra Poppy, Honors Project
Cabots talk only to God : a collection of short stories, Quenby MacRae Solberg, Honors Project
Screening Jane Eyre : gender and the construction of character on film, Sarah Jean Wisner, Honors Project
Blood and tongues, Laurie Guerrero-Garces, Honors Project
The elephant man : embodying disability, Elizabeth C. Hacker, Honors Project
Retrograde investigations : methods of interpretation in The woman in white and Lady Audley's secret, Molly Powell Hamer, Honors Project
Writing under the aspect of eternity : making myth in modern Southern literature, Maria Rose Lantz, Honors Project
A special providence : shifting genre and spiritual growth in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of honour trilogy, Kelsey Lynne Radwilowicz, Honors Project
Alice's rules : an examination of structure in Alice in Wonderland, Julia Whaley Kiefer, Honors Project
Joan Didion : the narrative and the frontier ethic, Lillie Kilburn, Honors Project
Reading women and writing art in Elizabethan epyllia, Dianne Marie Mitchell, Honors Project
Intertextuality and forging identity in Alison Bechdel's Fun home: a family tragicomic, Melina Alice Moore, Honors Project
Storied empires : The tempest and Lettres d'une Péruvienne, Caroline Winschel, Honors Project
Jane Austen's brother-hero, Felicia Carey, Honors Project
Long range : distance and technology in the soldier poetry of the First and Second World Wars, Emily Edmonds-Langham, Honors Project
Critique and conscience : classics in Louis MacNeice's Autumn journal, Kimberly Meskimen, Honors Project
The migration of Wuthering Heights : a study of Wuthering Heights, Windward Heights, and Here on earth, Maria Sclafani, Honors Project
The Magic Mirror: A Study of the Double in Two of Dostoevsky's Novels, Sylvia Plath, Honors Project
A dissertation upon the influence of the French symbolist movement upon Anglo-American poetry, Maya Deren, Masters Thesis