Unsettling the Linguistic and Geographical Borders of Jewish American Literature: Régine Robin’s La Québecoite

Creation Date
Modern Language Association
New York
Document Type
Book Chapter
A multilingual, transnational literary tradition, Jewish American writing has long explored questions of personal identity and national boundaries. These questions can engage students in literature, writing, or religion; at Jewish, Christian, or secular schools; and in or outside the United States.
This volume takes an expansive view of Jewish American literature, beginning with writing from the earliest colonies in the Americas and continuing to contemporary Soviet-born authors in the United States, including works that engage deeply with religious concepts and others that embrace assimilation. It invites readers to rethink the nature of American multiculturalism, suggests pairings of Jewish American texts with other ethnic American literatures, and examines the workings of whiteness and privilege.
Contributors offer varied perspectives on classic texts such as Yekl, Bread Givers, and "Goodbye, Columbus," along with approaches to interdisciplinary topics including humor, graphic novels, and musical theater. The volume concludes with an extensive resources section.
Source: Publisher
Jusitn Cammy's essay, “Unsettling the Linguistic and Geographical Borders of Jewish American Literature: Régine Robin’s La Québecoite” from Teaching Jewish American Literature, ed. Roberta Rosenberg and Rachel Rubinstein. Pages: 127-136.