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Publication Date
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Study Type
ENV 312
Environmental Science and Policy
Alexander Barron
The need for bike infrastructure in urban areas is increasingly crucial as excessive greenhouse gas emissions threaten the climate and public health of millions globally. Therefore, it is imperative to find ways of connecting key areas with zero-carbon transportation. Bicycling is an increasingly popular mode of sustainable transportation, but many urban areas, including Northampton, lack the infrastructure to support safe and equitable bike mobility. Implementing a safe and accessible bike network that encourages commuting via bike will decrease Northampton’s carbon emissions, and aid the city in achieving its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.
Using data from the National Household Travel Survey, this project identified important community centers in Northampton, such as medical providers and grocery stores. Safe and accessible bike routes were then designed to reduce the city’s reliance on carbon-intensive modes of transportation. The designed routes prioritize accessibility for historically underserved and marginalized communities by utilizing GIS mapping to visualize data on demographics, crashes, and traffic patterns. Consultation with city planners also helped determine effective ways to incorporate these routes onto existing roadways. This project stitches current infrastructure and trails through quieter roadways with less vehicular traffic to provide the foundation for a more connected and accessible bike network that fosters public health, sustainability, and environmental justice in Northampton. This project recommends consulting community members to ensure increased effectiveness and safety before implementing low-cost infrastructure on the proposed routes. Lastly, this study recommends adding protected bike lanes to certain busy streets when city time and budget allow.
@ 2024, Seychelle Brainard, Lucy Hartley, and Jonna Rosenthal
Recommended Citation
Brainard, Seychelle; Hartley, Lucy; and Rosenthal, Jonna, "Gear up, Northampton! A Proposal for Increased Bike Connectivity" (2024). Capstone, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
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