Scripting the Gaze: Liturgy, Homilies, and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Late Imperial Russia

Publication Source
Sacred Stories Religion and Spirituality in Modern Russia
Inclusive Pages
Creation Date
Indiana University Press
Document Type
Book Chapter
Sacred Stories brings together the work of leading scholars writing on the history of religion and religiosity in late imperial Russia during the critical decades preceding the 1917 revolutions. Embodying new research and new methodologies, this book reshapes our understanding of the place of religion in modern Russian history. Topics examined include miraculous icons and healing, pilgrim narratives, confessions, women and Orthodox domesticity, marriage and divorce, conversion and tolerance, Jewish folk beliefs, mysticism in Russian art, and philosophical aspects of Orthodox religious thought. Sacred Stories demonstrates that belief, spirituality, and the sacred were powerful and complex cultural expressions central to Russian political, social, economic, and cultural life.
Source: Publisher
Chapter from Sacred Stories : Religion and Spirituality in Modern Russia / edited by Mark D. Steinberg and Heather J. Coleman