Sibling Rivals: How the Idea of Chosenness Unites and Divides Jews and Christians, Joel Kaminsky
Creating a Feminist Religious Counterpublic:RLDS Feminists and Women's Ordination Advocacy in America, 1970–1985, David Howlett and Nancy Ross
“A Plague Broke Out among Them”: Reflections on the Bible and the Pandemic, Joel Kaminsky
Tolerance Over Inclusiveness?, Joel Kaminsky
What the Hebrew Bible Can Teach Us About Illness, Death and Dying, Joel Kaminsky
The RLDS Church, Global Denominations, and Globalization: Why the Study of Denominations Still Matters, David Howlett
Charles Franklin Finch Lecture: Does God Play Favorites?: Exploring the Promise and Problems of Biblical Chosenness, Joel Kaminsky
Lecture hosted by the Jewish Studies Program at SUNY Purchase: Does the Idea of “God’s Chosen People” Divide Jews and Christians?, Joel Kaminsky
Psalm 37 25, Innocent Suffering, & Divine Recompense, Joel Kaminsky
The Value of Jokes in Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Joel Kaminsky
The Meaning & Telos of Israel's Election with Dr. Joel Kaminsky and Dr. Mark Reasoner, Joel Kaminsky and Mark Reasoner
“Is there no Balm in Gilead?”: Health, Illness, Death, and Dying in the Hebrew Bible and Today, Joel Kaminsky
New Books in Middle Eastern Studies: An interview with James E. Lindsay and Suleiman Mourad, "Muslim Sources of the Crusader Period", James Lindsay, Suleiman A. Mourad, and Aaron M. Hagler
His Own Prophet: Adonis’s misguided polemic against Islam, Suleiman A. Mourad
Why Denominations Can Climb Hills: RLDS Conversions in Highland Tribal India and Midwestern America, 1964–2000, David Howlett
The Akedah in Jewish Tradition, Joel Kaminsky
In Quest of a Coherent Portrait of Paul: A Rejoinder to Michael Bird, Joel Kaminsky and Mark Reasoner
Arabia and the Birth of Islam: When History, Myth and Opinion Become Inseparable, Suleiman A. Mourad
The Orthodox Church and Religion in Revolutionary Russia, 1894-1924, Vera Shevzov
Election in the Hebrew Bible, Joel Kaminsky
Humor and Hope from Passover to Purim, Joel Kaminsky
“The might of my own hand has gotten me this wealth”: Reflections on Wealth and Poverty in the Hebrew Bible and Today, Joel Kaminsky
Too Big to Be Owned: Reflections on Jerusalem in Islamic History, Suleiman A. Mourad
Panel Discussion: Amar Akbar Anthony, William Elison, Christian Lee Novetzke, and Andy Rotman
Islamic Shari'a Law, History and Modernity: Some Reflections, Suleiman A. Mourad
Understanding the Crusades from an Islamic perspective, Suleiman A. Mourad
Podcast: Amar Akbar Anthony: Bollywood, Brotherhood, and the Nation, William Elison, Christian Lee Novetzke, and Andy Rotman
Podcast: The Divine Stories of Early Buddhism, Andy Rotman
Attaining and Forfeiting Adam's Immortality at Sinai, Joel Kaminsky
Response: Is Repentance Biblical?, Joel Kaminsky
Who Is David?, Joel Kaminsky
"Would You Impugn My Justice?", Joel Kaminsky
Would you Impugn My Justice? A Nuanced Approach to the Hebrew Bible's Theology of Divine Recompense, Joel Kaminsky
Reflections on Associative Word Links in Judges, Joel Kaminsky
Review: Tanak: A Theological and Critical Introduction to the Jewish Bible by Marvin A. Sweeney, Joel Kaminsky
Icons, Miracles, and the Ecclesial Identity of Laity in Late Imperial Russian Orthodoxy, Vera Shevzov
Loving One's (Israelite) Neighbor: Election and Commandment in Leviticus 19, Joel Kaminsky
Violence in the Bible, Joel Kaminsky
Review: Zion, City of Our God by Richard S. Hess and Gordon J. Wenham, Joel Kaminsky
The Concept of Election and Second Isaiah: Recent Literature, Joel Kaminsky
Review: The Covenant Formula: An Exegetical and Theological Investigation by Rolf Rendtorff, Joel Kaminsky
Review: Seeking Ezekiel: Text and Psychology by David Halperin, Joel Kaminsky