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Publication Date


Document Type

Honors Project




Bistatic radar, Radar targets, Radar-Automatic detection, Kalman filtering, Probabilistic databases, Radar tracking, Kalman filter, Probabilistic Data Association Filter, Condensation filter, Bistatic radar-Mathematical models


Radar tracking algorithms are an essential piece of radar systems. In conjunction with my design clinic team's project of designing a radar detection algorithm, I have started designing a radar tracking algorithm. This will assist in the achieving the ultimate goals of this system: to be a low cost, high quality bistatic radar system used for purposes including building security and surveillance. This paper contains research on several tracking algorithms including the Kalman Filter, the Probabilistic Data Association Filter, and the Condensation algorithm, as well as some minor variations on these algorithms. It also outlines several design decisions regarding the specific system that this tracking algorithm is tailored to, including the speed of targets, the range resolution of the data, and the sampling frequency for inputting measurements into the tracking algorithms. These design decisions were implemented in the coding of two of these algorithms in MATLAB. I tested the tracking filter with experimental and synthetic data to observe and confirm the functionality of the design. Finally this paper provides suggestions for future work with this system in order to develop a fully functional radar tracking algorithm that can work with real data, in real time.




iii, 40 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) Honors project-Smith College, 2013. Includes bibliographical references (p. 31-32)
