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Publication Date


First Advisor

Jamie C. Macbeth

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Computer Science


Natural language understanding, conceptual dependency theory, conceptual primitives, conceptual representations


This project translates the fundamental principles of Micro ELI, a computer program that analyzes natural language sentences and paragraphs to create nonlinguistic representations, from the Lisp programming language to Python, improving the compatibility and maintainability of the program. In addition to that, this project improves the Analyzer to make it capable of parsing expressions with more complicated English grammar structures. To better track changes of objects in a process, the project proposes a new conceptual representation system called Mental Motion Pictures (MMP). MMP records events in Frames in chronological order, keeping track of CD primitive ACTs—a conceptual structure that represents events coined by Roger C. Schank—and spatial relationships between objects. The project also implements a Converter that converts an MMP to a Dependency Graph (DG) similar to DGs from ProPara. The DG converted from MMP is found to be more informative and accurate than the corresponding ProPara DG, demonstrating the effectiveness of the MMP system in analyzing complex scientific processes.


©2023 Yuezhang Mackie Zhang. Access limited to the Smith College community and other researchers while on campus. Smith College community members also may access from off-campus using a Smith College log-in. Other off-campus researchers may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan for personal use.




ii, 43 pages : color illustrations. Includes bibliographical references (pages 42-43).
