
Thomas M. Esposito, University of California, Berkeley
Paul Kalas, University of California, Berkeley
Michael P. Fitzgerald, University of California, Los Angeles
Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Gaspard Duch ne, University of California, Berkeley
Jennifer Patience, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Justin Hom, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Marshall D. Perrin, Space Telescope Science Institute
Robert J. De Rosa, Stanford University
Eugene Chiang, University of California, Berkeley
Ian Czekala, University of California, Berkeley
Bruce Macintosh, Stanford University
James R. Graham, University of California, Berkeley
Megan Ansdell, University of California, Berkeley
Pauline Arriaga, University of California, Los Angeles
Sebastian Bruzzone, Western University
Joanna Bulger, University Hawaii Institute for Astronomy
Christine H. Chen, Space Telescope Science Institute
Tara Cotten, University of Georgia
Ruobing Dong, University of Victoria
Zachary H. Draper, University of Victoria
Katherine B. Follette, Amherst College
Li Wei Hung, University of California, Los Angeles
Ronald Lopez, University of California, Los Angeles
Brenda C. Matthews, University of Victoria
Johan Mazoyer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Stan Metchev, Western University
Julien Rameau, University of Montreal
Bin Ren, Space Telescope Science Institute
Malena Rice, Yale University
Inseok Song, University of Georgia
Kevin Stahl, University of California, Los Angeles
et al, Variou Institutions
Kimberly Ward-Duong, Amherst CollegeFollow

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Astrophysical Journal


We report the results of a ∼4 yr direct imaging survey of 104 stars to resolve and characterize circumstellar debris disks in scattered light as part of the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) Exoplanet Survey. We targeted nearby (≲150 pc), young (≲500 Myr) stars with high infrared (IR) excesses (L IR/L ∗ > 10-5), including 38 with previously resolved disks. Observations were made using the GPI high-contrast integral field spectrograph in H-band (1.6 μm) coronagraphic polarimetry mode to measure both polarized and total intensities. We resolved 26 debris disks and 3 protoplanetary/transitional disks. Seven debris disks were resolved in scattered light for the first time, including newly presented HD 117214 and HD 156623, and we quantified basic morphologies of five of them using radiative transfer models. All of our detected debris disks except HD 156623 have dust-poor inner holes, and their scattered-light radii are generally larger than corresponding radii measured from resolved thermal emission and those inferred from spectral energy distributions. To assess sensitivity, we report contrasts and consider causes of nondetections. Detections were strongly correlated with high IR excess and high inclination, although polarimetry outperformed total intensity angular differential imaging for detecting low-inclination disks (≲70°). Based on postsurvey statistics, we improved upon our presurvey target prioritization metric predicting polarimetric disk detectability. We also examined scattered-light disks in the contexts of gas, far-IR, and millimeter detections. Comparing H-band and ALMA fluxes for two disks revealed tentative evidence for differing grain properties. Finally, we found no preference for debris disks to be detected in scattered light if wide-separation substellar companions were present.










© 2020. The American Astronomical Society


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