Responding to Microaggressions with Microresistance: A Framework for Consideration

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

2016 POD Network Conference


At last year’s POD Network Conference, we facilitated a workshop on ways to address microaggressions with microresistance, or “incremental daily efforts to challenge white privilege” that help targeted people “cope with microaggressions” (Irey, 2013, p. 36). Extending this concept to apply to other types of privilege such as gender, class, sexuality, ability, and nation of origin, we believe that microresistance can serve not only as a means of personal survival, but also as a way to challenge the culture that sometimes allows microaggressions to occur in our institutions.


Please reference the following citation format: Author(s). (2016). Title of the Article. In A. T. Harrell (Ed). POD Diversity Committee White Paper at the 41st Annual POD Conference (pp. #-#). Louisville, KY.
