The Destructive Work of Restoration: Fishing Communities Facing Territorialization in Turag River, Efadul Huq and Mohammad Azaz
Fossil Fuel Divestment in U.S. Higher Education: Endowment Dependence and Temporal Dynamics, Alexander R. Barron, Rachel C. Venator, Ella V.H. Carlson, Jane K. Andrews, Junwen Ding, and David DeSwert
The Impact of Weather Shocks on Employment Outcomes: Evidence from South Africa, Harriet Margaret Brookes Gray, Vis Taraz, and Simon Halliday
Annulled: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Archives of the Ottoman East, Matthew Ghazarian
People Move, Policies Don’t: Discursive Partition Against Climate-Impacted Dwellers in Urbanizing Bangladesh, Efadul Huq and Tanzil Shafique
Climate Change and Labor Reallocation: Evidence from Six Decades of the Indian Census, Maggie Liu, Yogita Shamdasani, and Vis Taraz
Ungrading for Cartographic Education: Reflections from Small Undergraduate Classes, Heather Rosenfeld
Public Works Programmes and Agricultural Risk: Evidence from India, Vis Taraz
Global Patterns of Forced Labor in Island Southeast Asia, Cheryll Alipio and Yancey Orr
A Climate of Confessionalization: Famine and Difference in the Late Ottoman Empire, Matthew Ghazarian
Beyond a Liberal Reading of insurgent in Transformative Planning Practices, Efadul Huq
Deception-Based Knowledge in Indigenous and Scientific Societies American Indian Tricksters and Experimental Research Designs, Yancey Orr and Raymond Orr
Meeting U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goals with the International Air Pollution Provision of the Clean Air Act, Mei Yuan, Alexander R. Barron, Noelle E. Selin, Paul D. Picciano, Lucy E. Metz, John M. Reilly, and Henry D. Jacoby
Carbon Neutrality Should Not Be the End Goal: Lessons for Institutional Climate Action From U.S. Higher Education, Alexander R. Barron, Maya Domeshek, Lucy Metz, Laura Draucker, and Aaron L. Strong
Compositional Stasis and Flexibility in American Indian Tribes, Raymond I. Orr and Yancey A. Orr
Victory for All, Administration for Some: An Examination of Differences in the Impact of Indigenous Jurisdictional Expansion in Oklahoma, Raymond Orr and Yancey Orr
Witnessing Pandora: Doing “Undone Science” at Chicken Sanctuaries, Heather Rosenfeld
Meeting Potential New U.S. Climate Goals, Mei Yuan, Alexander R. Barron, Noelle Selin, Paul Picciano, Lucy E. Metz, John Reilly, and Henry Jacoby
Carbon Pricing Approaches for Climate Decisions in U.S. Higher Education: Proxy Carbon Prices for Deep Decarbonization, Alexander R. Barron, Breanna J. Parker, Susan Stratton Sayre, Shana S. Weber, and Dano Weisbord
CleanLaw: Joe Goffman and Alex Barron on Carbon Pricing Models, Joe Goffman and Alexander R. Barron
Seeing the Insurgent in Transformative Planning Practices, Efadul Huq
A Near-Term to Net Zero Alternative to the Social Cost of Carbon for Setting Carbon Prices, Noah Kaufman, Alexander R. Barron, Wojciech Krawczyk, Peter Marsters, and Haewon McJeon
What Does it Take to Reduce Massachusetts Emissions 50% by 2030? Challenges Meeting Climate Goals Under Current Legislation (S.2500), Lucy E. Metz, Alice I. Bell, Talia W. Deady, and Alexander R. Barron
Policy Insights from Comparing Carbon Pricing Modeling Scenarios, Alexander R. Barron, Marc A.C. Hafstead, and Adele C. Morris
Relationships Between Institutional Success and Length of Tenure in a Kenyan Irrigation Scheme, Camille Washington-Ottombre
Policy Insights From the EMF 32 Study on U.S. Carbon Tax Scenarios, Alexander R. Barron, Allen A. Fawcett, Marc A.C. Hafstead, James R. McFarland, and Adele C. Morris
Test Proxy Carbon Prices as Decision-making Tools, Alexander R. Barron and Breanna J. Parker
Electric sector policy, technological change, and U.S. emissions reductions goals: Results from the EMF 32 model intercomparison project, John E. Bistline, Elke Hodson, Charles G. Rossmann, Jared Creason, Brian Murray, and Alexander R. Barron
Can Farmers Adapt to Higher Temperatures? Evidence from India, Vis Taraz
Ottoman Postcards in a Post-Ottoman World, Matthew Ghazarian
Folk Food Webs and the Role of Praxis in Substantive Ecological Knowledge, Yancey Orr and Brian Hallmark
Coconuts and the Emergence of Violence in Sulu: Beyond Resource CompetitionPparadigms, Yancey Orr