Lewis Global Studies Center Staff Publications
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Publication Title
From Command to Community: A New Approach to Leadership Education in Colleges and Universities
Leadership education in the 21st century cannot ignore the global risks, opportunities and realities of our interconnected world; so too international education cannot avoid its responsibility to provide the knowledge and vision needed to resolve critical issues we will face as a global community. We argue that a model of international education is needed which acknowledges the diverse global community in which institutions are based and learning takes place. In linking leadership and international education, we propose an alternative approach to both based on recognition, reciprocity and responsibility toward others.
study abroad, leadership, civic engagement, Uganda
Recommended Citation
Weinberg, Adam; Hovey, Rebecca; and Bellamy, Carol, "Exploring Leadership Through International Education: Civic Learning Through Study Abroad in Uganda" (2011). Book Chapter , Smith College, Northampton, MA.
Author accepted manuscript.