A Beethoven Cycle, Jiayan Sun, piano
Recital 6: Part 2.3: Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major, Op. 81a (“Les Adieux”) (1809)
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Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major, Op. 81a (“Les Adieux”) (1809)
Sonate caracteristique, Lebewohl, Abwesenheit und Wiedersehn
- Das Lebe wohl (The Farewell). Adagio – Allegro
- Abwesenheit (Absence). Andante espressivo. In gehender Bewegnung doch mit viel Ausdruck
Vien 1810 am 30ten jenner. Geschrieben bei der Ankunft Seiner Kaiserl. Hoheit Des Verehrten Erzherzogs Rudolf
(Vienna, 30th January 1810, written on the arrival of His Imperial Highness the esteemed Archduke Rudolph)
- Das Wiedersehen (The Return). Vivacissimamente. Im lebhaftesten Zeitmasse
Jiayan sun, piano
Recommended Citation
Sun, Jiayan, "Recital 6: Part 2.3: Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major, Op. 81a (“Les Adieux”) (1809)" (2019). Video, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
This is a performance given on February 21, 2019 at 8:00pm in Sweeney Hall, Sage Hall at Smith College.
This concert was recorded by Ignacy Gaydamovich.
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