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Publication Date
Document Type
Study Type
EVS 300
Environmental Science and Policy
Paulette Peckol and Gregory White
Since the early 1980’s Massachusetts has been considering and preparing for the addition of several land based casino’s to bring in revenue for the state. In September of 2007 governor Deval Patrick proposed the addition of three land based casino licenses to the Massachusetts legislature. Of special interest to those in the western region of the state, one of the potential casinos would be built in Palmer, MA (Hampden County). The side effects of casinos have been well documented in terms of economic, social and state impacts, however very little discussion exists on the potential impact a casino would have on the environment. This study aims to examine the property being looked at for casino construction, highlight any possible negative environmental outcomes, and to assess whether or not a casino in Palmer has the potential for sustainability. Through examination of town documents and interviews with town planners and residents, the study aims to find answers to the potential environmental impact of a casino. The environmental impact of a casino must be taken into consideration in order to get a more complete sense of the feasibility and appropriateness of casinos in Massachusetts.
© 2008; Krista Riihimaki
Recommended Citation
Riihimaki, Krista, "Casino in the Valley: Economists Dream or Environmental Disaster?" (2008). Capstone, Smith College, Northampton, MA.