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Study Type
EVS 300
Environmental Science and Policy
I began this project with the intention of exploring and further developing the relationship between Dining Services and the emerging Smith Community Garden (SCG hereafter) with specific attention to organic waste and composted material, in an effort to close the organic waste loop on the Smith Campus. The first step involved doing some research about both compost and community gardens: what makes good compost? Why compost? What is the value (both social and economic) of a community garden? I then conducted interviews with members of the staff and student body who were connected to the SCG in some capacity before ultimately visiting (and doing some work at) the Garden myself. I also arranged to visit the Hampshire College farm in order to compare their composting system with our own program. I began this project with the intention of exploring and further developing the relationship between Dining Services and the emerging Smith Community Garden (SCG hereafter) with specific attention to organic waste and composted material, in an effort to close the organic waste loop on the Smith Campus. The first step involved doing some research about both compost and community gardens: what makes good compost? Why compost? What is the value (both social and economic) of a community garden? I then conducted interviews with members of the staff and student body who were connected to the SCG in some capacity before ultimately visiting (and doing some work at) the Garden myself. I also arranged to visit the Hampshire College farm in order to compare their composting system with our own program.
© 2008; Emily Edmonds-Langham
Recommended Citation
Edmonds-Langham, Emily, "One Woman’s Trash is Another Woman’s Treasure: Composting Organic Kitchen Waste at Smith College" (2008). Capstone, Smith College, Northampton, MA.