
Dies Legibiles

Founding Editors: Isabella Double, Smith College
Marian Zens, Smith College
Caroline Pace, Smith College
Lily Sickman-Garner, Smith College
Dies Legibiles is a medieval historical journal run by Smith College students and made up of submissions from students around the country. We provide a platform for undergraduate historical works and aim to promote the exchange of ideas throughout the next generation of historians. Over our two issues, we have compiled student works covering a variety of topics and viewpoints, and we are excited to continue doing so in the future.

Current Volume: Volume 4 (2024) Dies Legibiles IV


Thank you for reading the fourth volume of Dies Legibiles! This year, the journal’s reach continued to grow; we received more than double the number of submissions than we did during the 2022–2023 academic year, including submissions from more than fifteen colleges and universities. In a time when public support and funding for the humanities is falling, it has been an incredible experience to see such strong enthusiasm for the field of Medieval Studies.