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Duke University Press


Editor's Introduction to the issue "Black Feminisms in the Caribbean and the United States: Representation, Rebellion, Radicalism, and Reckoning" archived as published by Ginetta E. B. Candelario.

The Smith College community has full-text access to the journal Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism.

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As a scholar of Afro-Latinidades, it is a particular pleasure for me to offer Meridians readers this issue devoted to “Black Feminisms in the Caribbean and the United States: Representation, Rebellion, Radicalism, and Reckoning.” This curated conversation about Black feminist liberation strategies, which vary and move across time and place, is aptly illustrated with cover art by Haitian artist Mafalda Nicolas Mondestin, Ann fè on ti pale (The Meeting). Ann fè on ti pale is a Haitian Kreyol expression that means “let’s chat about it” or “we should chat” (pers. comm., August 29, 2021), and, apropos of that invitation, we open the conversation with “Vodou, the Arts, and (Re)Presenting the Divine: A Conversation with Edwidge Danticat,” an especially timely and insightful interview that Kyrah Malika Daniels conducted in January 2020....

Meridians: 21:1 Black Feminisms in the Caribbean and the United States: Representation, Rebellion, Radicalism, and Reckoning



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