What Is Special About Mahsa Amini?, Ibtissam Bouachrine
Human-Centered Design, Culture Within Everyone’s Reach, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Demanding Justice: A History of Domestic Work, Jennifer Guglielmo and Michelle Joffroy
"You Just Want to Feel Free": Domestic Workers and Antiblackness, Jennifer Guglielmo and Michelle Joffroy
Luiz Ruffato’s Narrative Art Installation: The Multiplicities of Eles eram muitos cavalos, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Poesia, cosmopolítica e a tradução das artes verbais indígenas no Brasil, Malcolm McNee
“Indigenous Women on the Frontlines of Climate Activism: The Battle for Environmental Justice in the Amazon” Sônia Guajajara and Célia Xakriabá, Malcolm McNee, Sônia Guajajara, and Célia Xakriabá
Apresentação: literatura além do livro, Diego J. Bustos and Marguerite Itamar Harrison
A History of Domestic Work and Worker Organizing, Jennifer Guglielmo and Michelle Joffroy
Spheres of Simultaneity in Adriana Lisboa’s Novel Hanói, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Putting History in Domestic Workers’ Hands: A Community-Based Digital Humanities Project, Michelle Joffroy, Jennifer Guglielmo, and Diana Sierra Becerra
Review: Lines of Geography in Latin American Narrative: National Territory, National Literature, by Aarti Smith Madan, Malcolm McNee
Qorpus entrevista Malcolm McNee, Malcolm McNee
Brazilian Insecurity, Luiz Fernando Valente, Marguerite Itamar Harrison, and Leila M. Lehnen
Light Upon Dark: The Anti-Dictatorship Work of Brazilian Filmmakers Lúcia Murat and Tata Amaral, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
To Shake the Hand of Happiness: Luiz Ruffato’s Inferno Provisório, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Posthumanism, Animism, and Sérgio Medeiros’s Pluriverse Poetics, Malcolm McNee
La huella del tiempo y el retorno de lo pasado en la escritura fantástica de El cuarto de atrás de Carmen Martín Gaite, Silvia Berger