The Role of Forced Migration in Non-Capitalist Accumulation Today, Hannah Beck, Honors Project
The gendered healthcare wealth gap : examining the correlation between gender bias in healthcare, chronic pain, and the gender wealth gap, Isabel Corbett Fields, Honors Project
The space in between : bridging borderlands identity and the transgender movement, Sky Karp, Honors Project
The freaks are coming : bearded women, biopolitcs, and social reproduction in the 19th century freak show, Razi Esther Beresin-Scher, Honors Project
"No daylight between" : temporality, monstrosity, and the possiblity of empire in Israel and the United States, Clara Allene Kaul, Honors Project
Gender and jet fuel : extractivism, social reproduction, and capitalism in crisis, Shea L. Leibow, Honors Project
Queer immigration : Brazilian women navigating race & citizenship in the United States, Marcela Rodrigues-Sherley, Honors Project
Physician attitudes in treating commercial sex workers, Sarah Eleanor Evans, Honors Project
Metaphors of disability : disposability, land, and literature, Samantha Calli Stolar, Honors Project
Queer undertakings : an ethnographic analysis of the funeral industry in transition, Vanessa A. Pius, Honors Project
"We post to give inspiration to other people" : LGBTQ young adults of color and degital spaces of empowerment, Eden Green Bonjo, Honors Project
Complicity of Serbian women : questioning the heteronational ethno-state, Lucinda Elizabeth Klarich-Kahn, Honors Project
Theoretical orientations : intersectionality, Anne Michelle Re, Honors Project
Performative looking methodology : queering identity politics from a Black cultural studies perspective, Ollie James Schwartz, Honors Project
Learning queer knowledge : a study of lesbian community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Jennifer Bucchianeri Wachowski, Honors Project
"I don't want to be the victim no more" : a lesbian history of South Bend, Indiana 1974-present, Elizabeth Anne Williams, Honors Project
The history of Smith College's dual degree programs in liberal arts and engineering, Heidi Katharine Waugh, Honors Project
Taking care : women, gay men and AIDS in New York City, 1981-1992, Lena Samora Eckert-Erdheim, Honors Project
"Wild abandon" : rural lesbian histories in Wyoming and Montana, 1960-1998, Katherine Luann Morris, Honors Project
Ultrasounds : maternal voices in the soundscape of the modern horror film, Morgan Woolsey, Honors Project