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School for Social Work
Intimate partner violence, Victims of violent crimes-Psychology, Poor African Americans-Psychology, African American women-Abuse of, African American women-Psychology, Suicide-Psychology, Social work with African Americans, Suicide ideation, African American Women, Intersectionality, Social work
Intimate partner violence (IPV) and suicidality are two major issues within our society that impact low income African Americans. African American women disproportionately experience IPV at high levels. IPV has been linked to suicide ideation and behavior. Both IPV and suicide ideation are understudied issues in the literature. This study examined the relationship between IPV and suicidality and three other variables that mediate the IPV-suicide link in a sample of low income African American women. Thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness and social support from family and friends were predicted mediating variables. Descriptive statistics, correlations and mediational models were used to analyze data. Correlations were found between suicide ideation and both forms of IPV (physical and non-physical), interpersonal needs (perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness) and social support from family. Though interpersonal needs (perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness) were not significantly correlated with IPV the model explained 22% of the variance in suicide ideation. Neither interpersonal needs nor social support mediated the IPV-suicide link. Explanations are discussed as well as implications for social work practice and the mental health field at large.
Recommended Citation
Jones, Kamilah, "The influence of interpersonal needs on suicide ideation among low income African American women who have experienced intimate partner violence" (2014). Dissertation, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
vi, 199 pages. Ph.D. Dissertation-Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Ma., 2015. Includes bibliographical references (page 101-109)