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Publication Date
Document Type
Masters Thesis
Study Type
Degree Name
Master of Social Work
School for Social Work
Home-based mental health services, Social work education, Social workers-Training of, Medicaid-Massachusetts, Social work Masters curriculum, In home therapy, Social work training
This study examines the education and training experience of Masters level In-Home Therapy (IHT) clinicians who are currently serving clients with MassHealth insurance in Massachusetts. It explores how the Commonwealth might assist the clinicians to increase levels of job satisfaction. Insight is gained for helping those who are teaching and training to achieve more success in preparing clinicians for IHT.
One hundred and eight respondents completed an online, anonymous survey that included demographic information and work experience. Participants were required to be at least 18 years of age and currently working in the field of IHT. The survey consisted of vignettes rated on a Likert style scale regarding preparedness and importance.
There were five open-ended questions. The data indicated that participants feel confident and assess their work to be important. They report inadequate training in certain areas, and offered ideas for how the training and education might be improved.
Recommended Citation
Privat, Tiffany Renée, "Mass-Health (Medicaid) clinicians' perceptions of training and preparedness for practicing in-home therapy with children and families" (2017). Masters Thesis, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
v, 116 pages. Includes bibliographical references (pages 70-72)