Publication Date
First Advisor
Tonya Strand
Document Type
Masters Thesis
Study Type
Degree Name
Master of Social Work
School for Social Work
Autism, ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, SES, Socioeconomic status, Service barriers, Solution-focused
This study attempted to remedy the existing research gaps by asking: How does SES of caregivers for children with ASD influence their ideas of service barrier solutions? The purpose of this study was to examine caregivers’ perspectives of service barrier solutions and how SES influences their ideas of solutions. It was hypothesized that high SES caregivers would report experiencing less service barriers than low SES caregivers; therefore, there would be a difference in their ideas of solutions. This study explored sources of information, service barriers, ideas of solutions to barriers, and how solutions may improve caregivers’ abilities to care for their children. The findings concluded that high SES caregivers experience more service barriers than low SES caregivers and suggested more solutions. It is recommended that a social justice framework be used in any future ASD research. Implications for practice highlight the need for further research so clinicians can better assist.
©2017 Rachel Rodriguez
Recommended Citation
Rodriguez, Rachel, "Socioeconomic status and autism spectrum disorder : caregivers' solutions to overcoming service barriers" (2018). Masters Thesis, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
iii, 56 pages. Includes bibliographical references (pages 45-46)