Publication Date


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Masters Thesis


School for Social Work


Anti-abortion, men


This study was undertaken to examine the characteristics and possible motivations of male anti-abortion activists. Specifically, this study explored the following questions:

1. How is the intense dedication of these men to the anti-abortion movement related to their perceptions of current societal structures? Do they experience legalized abortion as a threat to their external world views?

2. How is their behavior related to them as individuals, with unique gender role ideology? Do they experience legalized abortion as a threat to their internal world views?

3. Is their behavior related to an internal character rigidity separate from apparent beliefs and values?

4. Are they as a group significantly less feminist than a normative sample of men?

The major findings that emerged from the sample of 20 adult male anti-abortion activists were: that there is support for the hypothesis that the men in the anti—abortion movement feel an external societal threat as well as an internal traditional role threat, and that legalized abortion is a major contributing factor to those perceived threats. There was not clear support for a threat based on rigid internal character attributes distinct from apparent beliefs and values. Although they did not score significantly less feminist than a normative sample of men, they did hold traditional beliefs about sex roles. The subjects were as a group: white, married, middle-aged, well-educated and politically conservative. There was no support for the movement's self-image of pro-life.

The most consistent message that they expressed is that every part of society must be based on a belief in God. The majority revealed an intense opposition to situational ethics. They believed that people no longer have a clear understanding of what is right and wrong because they have turned away from God


iv, 84 leaves. Includes Includes bibliographical references and appendices (74-84)

Included in

Social Work Commons
