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Publication Date


First Advisor

Steven A. Williams

Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts




Neglected Tropical Diseases, Aedes polynesiensis, Aedes albopictus, RNA Interference


Aedes albopictus and Aedes polynesiensis mosquitoes both serve as vectors for various neglected tropical diseases that contribute to the cycle of disease and poverty and cause high amounts of pain and suffering. Due to the behavior of these two mosquitoes, traditional vector control techniques may not be adequate to curb disease transmission. This project aimed to investigate a potential way to compromise the vector competence of Ae. albopictus and Ae. polynesiensis through the upregulation of their immune systems. It was hypothesized that RNA interference could be used to reduce the gene expression of Cactus and Caspar, proteins that serve as the negative regulators for two major branches of the mosquito innate immune system. dsRNA and siRNA for Cactus and Caspar were synthesized to initiate the endogenous RNAi pathway in two Ae. albopictus cell lines. Here we report the efforts made to trigger the RNAi induced knockdown of Cactus and Caspar and the progress and challenges made in verifying its success.


©2022 Rachel E. Pietrow. Access limited to the Smith College community and other researchers while on campus. Smith College community members also may access from off-campus using a Smith College log-in. Other off-campus researchers may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan for personal use.


