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Publication Date
First Advisor
Carol Zaleski
Second Advisor
Andy Rotman
Document Type
Honors Project
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Simarillion, gifts, death, sacrifice, love, song, Marcel Mauss, gift exchange, Boromir, Gandalf, Frodo, Luthien, Beren, Arwen, Aragorn
©2022 Melinda White. Access limited to the Smith College community and other researchers while on campus. Smith College community members also may access from off-campus using a Smith College log-in. Other off-campus researchers may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan for personal use.
Recommended Citation
White, Melinda, "“The Song and the Weeping”: Death, Love, and Gifts in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings" (2022). Honors Project, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
84 pages: illustrations. Includes bibliographical references (pages 76-78).