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Publication Date
Document Type
Honors Project
Computer Science
Computers-Social aspects, Sensor networks, Wearable computers, Clothing trade, Socially aware computing, Smart clothing, Embedded sensor networks
This paper details efforts to create socially aware garments that use sensors to identify wearer activity and actuators to respond to it. Three dress concepts are put forth, and one of these dresses is developed as a prototype. The success of the rst prototype|which can sense such activities as sitting, walking, and basic gesturing, as well as raise or lower the hem of the dress in response to input|suggests that all three design concepts are feasible. Suggestions for improving the rst prototype as well as suggestions for developing the other two design concepts are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Bilal-Gore, Aliyah Haggar, "Socially aware computing and intelligent garments" (2011). Honors Project, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
8, 89 p. : col. ill. Honors Project-Smith College, Northampton, Mass., 2011. Includes bibliographical references ([61]-64)