2025 Publications & Works
Authoritarian Learning, Steven Heydemann
Frobenius and Commutative Pseudomonoids in the Bicategory of Spans, Ivan Contreras, Rajan Amit Mehta, and Walker H. Stern
“My Language System is Broken!”: Striving for the Wellbeing of Individuals and Society | 「言語のシステムが壊れちゃった!」 ―個人と社会のウェルビーイングにむけて―, Yuri Kumagai, Emi Otsuji, and Shinji Sato
Networked Authoritarianism and Economic Resilience in Syria, Karam Shaar and Steven Heydemann
River Valley Radical Futures, Alix Gerber
The Columns from “the Tomb of Charlemagne” between Aachen and the Louvre: A Modern Spoliation Saga, Brigitte Buettner
Ferruccio Busoni and His Muses, Jiayan Sun
11. Tez Dergisi - Liberalizme Karşı Marksizm | The Journal of Thesis Eleven – Marxism Against Liberalism., Zümray Kutlu and E. Ahmet Tonak
Abortion Pills: US History and Politics, Carrie N. Baker
Afterword: Elephants by Night: African Poems Paperback by Abraham Sutzkever, Justin Cammy
Afterword: So We Died A Memoir of Life and Death in the Ghetto of Šiauliai, Lithuania by Levi Shalit, Justin Cammy
Archangels of Funk : Episodes from the Continuing Drama of Cinnamon Jones: Scientist, Artiste, and Hoodoo Conjurer, Andrea Hairston
Avrom Sutzkever „Nuo Vilniaus geto iki Niurnbergo“, Abraham Sutzkever and Justin Cammy
Classical Sanskrit for Everyone A Guide for Absolute Beginners, Malcolm Keating
Crazy Fish Sing, Simone Brioni, Giovanna Bellesia, and Victoria Offredi Poletto
Female Agency in Films Made by Latin American Women, Vania Barraza and Maria Helena Rueda
Healthy Eating: Your Questions Answered, Barbara Brehm-Curtis
How to Lose Yourself: An Ancient Guide to Letting Go, Jay L. Garfield, Maria Heim, and Robert H. Sharf
In the Footsteps of a Shadow: North American Literary Responses to Fernando Pessoa, Charles Cutler, Dan Mahoney, and Gaby Gordon-Fox
Labors of Love: Gender, Capitalism, and Democracy in Modern Arab Thought, Susanna Ferguson
Medieval Art, Modern Politics, Brigitte Buettner and William J. Diebold
Messa di Requiem, Nino Rota and Jonathan Hirsh
Postcolonial Servitude: Domestic Servants in Global South Asian English Literature, Ambreen Hai
Radical Vulnerability: Development, Translation, Justice, Richa Nagar
Real Clothes, Real Lives : 200 Years of What Women Wore, Kiki Smith
Reason in an Uncertain World: Nyāya Philosophers on Argumentation and Living Well, Malcolm Keating
The Caribbean Race Reader: From Colonialism to Anticolonial Thought, Victoria J. Collis-Buthelezi and Aaron Kamugisha
The Politics of Incompetence Learning Language, Relations of Power, and Daily Resistance, Cori Jakubiak, Keiko Konoeda, and Yuri Kumagai
The Vindication of the World Essays Engaging with Stephen Phillips, Malcolm Keating and Matthew R. Dasti
Book Chapters
Andromède, Pierre Corneille and Hélène Visentin
Challenging the Ideas of “Japan” and “Japanese Language” in Foreign Language Education: Linguistic Landscapes Project, Yuri Kumagai
Making Sense of the Arab State, Steven Heydemann and Marc Lynch
On Examples and Classification of Frobenius Objects in Rel, Ivan Contreras, Adele Long, Sophia Marx, and Rajan Amit Mehta
Reading Japanese Linguistic Landscapes for Critical Multiliteracies Nurturing Agency and Criticality for Social Justice, Yuri Kumagai
Digital Projects
Unit Title: Social Justice and Diversity in Arabic Pop Music, May George and Nijmeh Zayed
Meridians 23:2, Ginetta Candelario