Work Will Not Save Us: An Asian American Crip Manifesto, Mel Y. Chen, Mimi Khúc, and Jina B. Kim
Hope, Sound, and the Materiality of Print in Frances Ellen Watkins Harper's Periodical Poems, Magdalena Zapędowska
James Monroe Whitfield's "The Vision": Apocalypse and the Black Periodical Press, Magdalena Zapędowska
On Recovering Early Asian American Literature, Floyd Cheung
England’s First Cosmopolitan Poet, Craig Davis
Review: Edward Pettit, The Waning Sword: Conversion Imagery and Celestial Myth in “Beowulf”, Craig Davis
Review: Niles, God's Exiles and English Verse, Craig Davis
“Gather up the reliques of thy race” : Paynim Remains in Faery-land, Tess Grogan
Cripping the Welfare Queen: The Radical Potential of Disability Politics, Jina B. Kim
Reclaiming the Radical Politics of Self-Care: A Crip-of-Color Critique, Jina B. Kim and Sami Schalk
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture, Josephine Lee, Anita Mannur, Jennifer Ann Ho, Floyd Cheung, and Cathy Schlund-Vials
The Paratext and the Plantation: Technologies of Containment in Maria Gowen Brooks’s Zophiel, Magdalena Zapędowska
Speculative Bill, Tess Grogan
Pitfalls of Ambiguity in Contexts of Islamophobia: Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Ambreen Hai
Disability in an Age of Fascism, Jina B. Kim
Toward an Infrastructural Sublime: Narrating Interdependency in Karen Tei Yamashita’s Los Angeles, Jina B. Kim
Integrating Race, Transforming Feminist Disability Studies, Jina B. Kim and Sami Schalk
Burying Bertha: Race and the Ungraveable Body in Jane Eyre, Cornelia D.J. Pearsall
The Implicated 'I': Fictitiousness, Fury, Form, Cornelia D.J. Pearsall
Preparatory Notes As a Way to Individualize Teaching and Learning, Floyd Cheung
Strategic Hybridity in Early Chinese and Japanese American Literature, Floyd Cheung
Defiant Vision: Prints and Poetry by Munio Makuuchi, Floyd Cheung and Aprile Gallant
Love in the Time of Sickness: On Race, Disability, and Intimate Partner Violence, Jina B. Kim
Ancestors and the Ivory Tower: Reflection on Keynote, Andrea Stone
Undefined, Lily Gurton-Wachter
Laughing with an Iranian American Woman: Firoozeh Dumas's Memoirs and the (Cross-) Cultural Work of Humor, Ambreen Hai
War, Cornelia D.J. Pearsall
Five Stages of Grief When Dealing with Negative Feedback, Floyd Cheung
Toward a Crip-of-Color Critique: Thinking with Minich’s ‘Enabling Whom?’, Jina B. Kim
Responding to Microaggressions with Microresistance: A Framework for Consideration, Cynthia Ganote, Floyd Cheung, and Tasha Souza
Playing with Margaret Cavendish and Mary Wroth: Staging Early Modern Women’s Dramatic Romances for Modern Audiences, Naomi J. Miller
Human and Nonhuman in Hawaii: Agency, Elegy, Ecology, Cornelia D.J. Pearsall
People of the Apokalis’: Spatial Disability and the Bhopal Disaster, Jina B. Kim
Willa Cather’s Two Modernisms, Richard H. Millington
H. T. Tsiang: Literary Innovator and Activist, Floyd Cheung
Departures from Karachi Airport: Some Reflections on Feminist Outrage, Ambreen Hai