2008 - present
The Honors Project is a research project for which eligible students apply during their junior year and complete in their senior year. A successfully completed thesis project leads to the awarding of the bachelor of arts degree with the notation "honors," "high honors" or "highest honors" in the student's major subject. Each student is asked to archive his or her project in Smith ScholarWorks for access and preservation.
- On Campus Access: limited to the Smith College community and researchers on campus
- Off Campus Access: limited to the Smith College community via Smith College log-in
Honors Projects and Theses from 2016
Analysis of two approaches for inferring lateral gene transfer in the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum, Zuliat Owoade
Product characteristics in a pilot scale biomass torrefier with heated screw conveyance, Anna Hester Partridge
Hoarding behavior and sleep patterns in a college sample, Margaret Sophie Peebles-Dorin
Why aren't all of the Black students sitting together? : Black student intra-racial dynamics on a college campus, Gabirelle Louise Peterson
Assessing the biodiversity and discovering evidence of RNA editing in testate (shelled) amoebae, Natalie Abigail Phillips
Towards a Black women's romantic ideology : theorizing Black women's cultural production in the 1980/90s, Jocelyn Mitzi Proietti
Exploring modifications and identification of neurolenin as a potential anti-filarial drug candidate for Lymphatic filariasis, Meghna Purkayastha
The poetics of space : a close study of Lucille Clifton's Aesthetic and ethic, Margaret Rose Rathbun
Shooter bias and eye gaze, Rachel E. Silveria
(Dis)respect in the urban classrooms : teachers and an ethic to care, Alexandra Francis Singer
Protein engineering for receptor-mediated drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier, Natalie Durham Sorkin Smith
Nuestro cabello : personal and social significance of hair among Afro-Cuban women, Miari Taina Stephens
Size matters not : the importance of sRNAs in adaptive thermoregulation in uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Madeleine Sutherland
The phylogeography and cytogenetics of Rhipsalis baccifera : the cactus that made it to the Old World, Elizabeth Ann Tan
The said and the unsayable : silence in Jane Austen's Sense and sensibility, Mansfield Park, and Persuasion, Laura Evelyn Thurber
"The wife, the widow" : narratives of grief in contemporary American memoir, Madison McFadden Tierney
Metaphysical free will and contemporary science, Gillian Ariela Tisdale
Drinking motives and alcohol expectancies as predictors of high-risk drinking behavior prior to and during the college transition, Cara Celine Tomaso
Investigating the evolution of Wolbachia spp.- derived genes in the genome of Wolbachia-independent filarial nematodes, Eirini Tsekitsidou
A study of geomorphologic and geochemical evidence for prehistoric floods from Paulina Lake in Newberry Crater, Central Oregon, Heather Elizabeth Upin
Security and privacy issues in the smart grid : a decentralized approach, Angela Upreti
Cam girls, Elizabeth Adeline Slavet Walber
Characterization of cyclohexanol modulation of GABA[subscript A], Erin M. Walch
Interpreting negated adjectives : a developmental perspective, Xiaozhou Wang
The institutional correlates of enrollments of international students, Nutcha Wattanachit
Electric power system design for miniature proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Yijin Wei
Comrades and rivals : farmers and foxhunters in nineteenth-century Leicestershire, Madison Capron White
Aggregate Level Biographical Outcomes for Gay and Lesbian Movements: Collective Identity, Lifecourse, and Generations, Nancy Whittier
Towards In silico protein surgery : handling errors and working with the protein data bank, Victoria E. Wolf
Wideband acoustic immittance measurements : effects of age, gender, race, and equipment, Yezhezi Zhang
Client emotional response and psychotherapy progress : a case-based approach, Yiwen Zhu
Honors Projects and Theses from 2015
From fall to leap : the journey of faith in the works of C.S. Lewis, Shalini Asirini Abayasekara
Microbes in the dark : molecular analyses of marine communities below the photic zone, Jessica Nicole Andrade
Distress associated with non-acquisition in hoarding disorder, Elizabeth Barlow Atkins
Methods for generating and identifying (3,6) sparse graphs, Pratistha Bhattarai
La questione dell'identità moderna in Svevo e Pirandello, Emily Augusta Biffis
From monster to maiden : Archaic and classical depictions of the Greek gorgon in art and literature, Olivia Simpson Blais
Cycles of fury : revenge and the underworld in Senecan tragedy, Chloe Bollentin
Assessing seasonal photosynthetic function of dominant species post-clearcut, Kyle Acadia Boyd
Outbreak control : designing a PCR-based diagnostic test for Dengue virus, Katharine Stuyvesant Brien
O(s) livro(s) de Aristides Fernández : oito contos e um comentario, Ingrid Brioso-Rieumont
Novel dimensions in visual media for understanding the biological world : illustrating the effects of aquatic pollution in three case studies, Anna Marie Campbell
1D and 2D ¹H NMR spectroscopy studies of mutagenic DNA duplexes, Sophia C. Carroll
The cost of capital : a philosophical exploration of commodification, Jana Chan
DNA-small molecule catalyst conjugates for site-selective chemistry in complex contexts, Drew Elizabeth Colman
Rethinking the antagonistic role of "invasive weeds" within plant communities : a case study from the Chihuahuan Desert, Samantha Jo Danguilan
Performing liminality : embodying disability and trans identity onstage, Ana Ruffino Darrow
Flow simulation software : an evaluation and comparison, Nicole L. DeChello
The Smiffenpoofs : a history of female a cappella, Abigail Francis Duquette
Revisiting forbidden lines in T Tauri stars, Wanda Feng
Modeling rapid phyllotactic transitions in Magnolia x soulangiana 'Verbanica', Madeline Christine Franz
Tolerance and trade : multiculturalism in seventeenth century New Amsterdam, Tess Kathleen Frydman
Seeing it in the mind's eye : the role of imagery in imaginative resistance, Janelle Marie Gagnon
The Koyal's cage : marriage, independence and Islam in 21st century India : inspirated by Henrik Ibsen's A doll's house, Afreen Seher Gandhi
Suicide, or the politics of life and death, Mercer Elizabeth Gary
China's thirst for African oil : trade and aid implications of Beijing's Africa policy, Ella Alexa Genasci Smith
Engineering microproteins targeting the interface of tumor biomarkers Mesothelin and MUC16, Katia Sophia George
A provenance study of ancient Corinthian pottery by non-destructive chemical analysis, Rebecca Frances Gerdes
Under pressure : compressed air system analysis for Dresser-Rand's Olean facility, Alison Jo Grady
Exploring the relationship between anthropomorphism, loneliness and hoarding disorder, Lucy-Lynn Ming Graves
Petrography, geothermobarometry and metamorphic history of metapelites from the Central Ruby Range, southwest Montana, Clémentine Hamelin
Community center to concert hall : youth outreach, classical music publics, and institutional discourse, Anna Lee Hirschi
Developing synthetic multi-fluorescence techniques in S. cerevisiae for single molecule microscopy, Malayna A. Hocker
Potential effects of eastern hemlock decline on the hemlock-associated liverwort Bazzania trilobata, Michelle Renee Jackson
Intersecting identities and shooter bias, Laura Christine Keenan
Simultaneously controlling nanoscale morphology and chemical functionality in the Si(100) surface, Minhee Kim
Complicity of Serbian women : questioning the heteronational ethno-state, Lucinda Elizabeth Klarich-Kahn
The role of the blood-brain barrier in postoperative cognitive decline, Kay Ogashira Kulason
Oxytocin and same-sex social affiliation in meadow voles, Elyssa Margaret LaFlamme
Investigating piezoelectric sensors : a design clinic honors extension project, Emily Christine Lane
Building is for boys : the effects of gender related stereotype threat on executive functioning in young girls, Emma Eva Lattes
Korean American poetry since 2002 : reconfigurations of feminism, race, and diaspora through ethnic abstraction, Josephpina Lee
(Re)sounding cinema : the digital age, Sarah Elizabeth Lerner
Resistere con le parole e le azioni : le diverse lotte femminili del XX secolo da donne-madri a partigiane combattenti, Caitlyn McCready Levine
Telling moments and conflicting goods : William Quiller Orchardson and Edith Wharton, Gavriella Chava Levy Haskell
Native American women's community activism : personal experience and social and cultural capital in collective identity, Noemi Linares-Ramirez
The optical production of metastable krypton atoms for the development of the next generation of atom trap trace analysis, Danika Rose Luntz-Martin
Investigating the neurobiology of the effects of Interleukin 1β on effort-based behavior : impact of isoflavone diet and adenosine A2A receptor antagonist treatments, Tatenda Dawn Mahlanza
Microfossil assemblages in Cryogenian (~716 Ma) cap carbonates of Namibia, Zambia, Mongolia and Arctic Alaska, Kelsey Reed Moore
Does a correlation between severe/regressive autism and viral co-infection exist?, Mojdeh Mostafavi
Geologic mapping and characterization of Nicholson Crater, Mars, Alyssa Christine Pascuzzo
Development of a tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand strategy for the synthesis of tetracycles, Zulema Maria Peralta
Preserving the microbiome : quantifying collateral damage during antibiotic use, Laila Elaine Phillips
Reproduction in mammalian predator and prey : the effects of allometry, phylogeny, and ecology on reproduction in Canidae and Leporidae, Katherine Greer Pielmeier
Temperature regulation of biofilm formation in uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Gemma Louise Regan-Mochrie
Hate speech and its impact on civic dialogue, Maredith Patricia Richardson
NMR spectroscopy of the mutagenic DNA duplexes, Lindsay Morgan Roth
Ergonomic study of handheld laparoscopic surgical devices, Adrienne Rafer Saludades
From Facebook to fundraisers : small and local social movement organizations on the internet and social media, Samantha Ann Scovill
Miseq transcriptome analysis of A. Viteae versus B. Malayi, a Wolbachia dependent nematode, Marie Jacques Seignon
The extent to which social networks mitigate the effects of shocks on well-being : an empirical study of households in Andhra Pradesh, India, Noor Nandini Sethi
Legend and myth-making during the Duke d'Enghien affair, Naomi Gitanjali Sinnathamby
Design of an online learning environment for chemical concepts in bioengineering, Greta Wanless Stacy
Geostatistical models for the spatial distribution of uranium in the continental United States, Sara Ann Stoudt
Shy presence : a body of work, Abigail Louise Tatarian
The interim solution : the Nazification of Hamburg's Germanistik and the existence of the German university under National Socialism, Chloe Paige Vaughn
Identification of thioredoxin peroxidase-2 (tpx-2) promoter-binding proteins in the filarial parasite, Brugia malayi : a targeted approach to vaccine and drug candidate discovery, Krithika Venkataraman