2008 - present

The Honors Project is a research project for which eligible students apply during their junior year and complete in their senior year. A successfully completed thesis project leads to the awarding of the bachelor of arts degree with the notation "honors," "high honors" or "highest honors" in the student's major subject.  Each student is asked to archive his or her project in Smith ScholarWorks for access and preservation.

  • On Campus Access: limited to the Smith College community and researchers on campus
  • Off Campus Access: limited to the Smith College community via Smith College log-in


Honors Projects and Theses from 1955


The Magic Mirror: A Study of the Double in Two of Dostoevsky's Novels, Sylvia Plath

Honors Projects and Theses from 1948


Hospitality in Homer, Juliane Dorothea Straus

Honors Projects and Theses from 1933


The Sculptured Friezes in the Nave of San Lorenzo, Margaret Kremers