2008 - present
The Honors Project is a research project for which eligible students apply during their junior year and complete in their senior year. A successfully completed thesis project leads to the awarding of the bachelor of arts degree with the notation "honors," "high honors" or "highest honors" in the student's major subject. Each student is asked to archive his or her project in Smith ScholarWorks for access and preservation.
- On Campus Access: limited to the Smith College community and researchers on campus
- Off Campus Access: limited to the Smith College community via Smith College log-in
Honors Projects and Theses from 2011
Prosa, poesia e cinema : la contaminazione tra le forme artistiche nell'opera di Pier Paolo Pasolini, Chrysanthe Alana Peteros
The Tenishev School experiment : pedagogy and poetry, Katey Maya Pillars
Motivation, meritocracy, and the model minority rights myth : representations of Asian Americans in spelling bees, Kimberly Anne Probolus
Contesting U.S. feminist imperialism : the transnational activism of Mexican feminist Elena Arizmendi, 1911-1938, Darcy Rendon
Mitogen activated protein kinase expression in murine C2C12 myogenesis in vitro, Astia Norton Roper-Batker
Doing time is money : the economic crisis, criminal justice ideology and sentencing reform in Michigan,, Leah Jane Sakala
Coming home : the struggles of returning girl soldiers in northern Uganda, Lily K. Samuels
Probing the molecular architecture of bio-films : an in situ FTIR investigation of Poly-L-lysine and alginate on silicon-based surfaces, Cristina Caridad Santarossa
The effects of surface chemistry and nanoscale topography on biofilm colonization and growth, Carmen Say
Origin of the enigmatic breccia and folds in the Turners Falls formation, Deerfield Basin, Western Massachusetts, Lily Elizabeth Seidman
Il fascino del fascismo : la mistica di Mussolini e la politica dell'estetismo, Julia E. Simmons
Peoples politicized : self-determination, the UN and international human rights, Bethany Hannah Singer-Baefsky
Bacterial diversity in Avery Brook beaver pond sediments, Sara Hope Sirois
Cabots talk only to God : a collection of short stories, Quenby MacRae Solberg
How personal crisis made the Risorgimento : Mazzini and Cavour before and after 1836, Camilla Rose Somers
Perception and reality of inter-nation stereotypes and images : a test of image theory and the stereotype content model using objective measures, Deborah Jiehyun Song
Biotic and abiotic factors affecting throughfall volume and spatial variabiity in a New England forest, Caitlin Marie Spence
Market integration of distributed resources through coordinated frequency and price droop, Chin Yen Tee
An exploration of restricted lactate dehydrogenase subunit association, Samantha Danielle Torquato
Between theory and practice : a case study of women's roles within the Landless Workers Movement : Paus Branco, 25 de Maio settlement, Ceará, Brazill, Elizabeth Ruth Tuttle
Clay-catalyzed natural products synthesis : an investigation of a green organic synthesis of vanillin using montmorillonite clay, Anna Margaret Valentine
"A very threatened and nervous group of people" : public scrutiny of sexuality at Smith College in two historical moments, Ginina Grace Velocci
Structural analysis of Precambrian mylonite zones, Henry's Lake Mountains, southwest Montana and Idaho, Alianora Walker
Harmonic tensions : disciplinary boundaries in Nietzsche and Camus, Sofia Ali Walker
"That's what makes me, me" : portraits of four high school students reveal the importantance of an after-school program, Elizabeth Marie Wallace
International images and stereotypes : applying image theory and the stereotype content model to inter-group relationships among three Latin American countries, Raya Jordan Wall
Art as litany : analyzing Alexej von Jawlensky's work as an Expressionist outsider, Jessica Watson
Screening Jane Eyre : gender and the construction of character on film, Sarah Jean Wisner
Honors Projects and Theses from 2010
Novel method of analysis for DPOAE magnitude and phase, Modupe Florence Adegoke
Modeling traffic congestion in the Accra metropolitan area, Margaret-Avis Naa Akofio-Sowah
The Diels-Alder reaction : synthesis of a cationic dienophile, Stephanie Vivian Aldrin
Power reflectance measurements on infant ears with normal hearing and transient hearing loss, Elizabeth Ann Amadei
Who shot first? : depictions of children in westerns of the 50s to today, Deborah Amandine Asseraf
Defining the cellular and molecular identities of diencephalic astroglia associated with postoptic commissure formation during Zebrafish forebrain development, Sarah Lubna Bashiruddin
The effect of myostatin deficiency on achilles tendon structural and material behavior in male mice, Brianne Kathryn Connizzo
The role of empathy in the development of theory of mind, Heather L. Crawford
Automated writer identification for Syriac scribes, Emma Burnell Dalton
Language ideologies and the politics of language in bilingual Paraguay, Ingrid Nathaly Dávalos López
The occurrence of the bacterium Capnocytophaga in the tooth plague of canines, Sara Kate Dilegge
Cationic Diels-Alder dienophiles stablized by cobalt-complexed alkynes, Rachel Ruth Dorset
Thermodynamic and conformational features of the Spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) lesion in duplex DNA, Megana Dwarakanath
The design and implementation of an applet to simulate curved space, Stephanie Jeanne Erickson
Performance, politics and patterns :the musical aesthetic in Amiri Baraka's poetry, Susanna Pendleton Flint
Alaska : seven songs for mixed chorus and piano, Victoria Alyce Fraser
Hyporheic flow and heat transport across a bed-to-bank transect of a large regulated river : Colorado River, Austin, Tx, Katelyn Elizabeth Gerecht
Cost effective efficiency improvements of building thermal envelopes, Etta Lauren Grover-Silva
Blood and tongues, Laurie Guerrero-Garces
The elephant man : embodying disability, Elizabeth C. Hacker
Ciliate molecular phylogeny and species concepts, Meaghan Sagar Hall
Retrograde investigations : methods of interpretation in The woman in white and Lady Audley's secret, Molly Powell Hamer
Gramicidin A and cyclic peptides channel conductances in black lipid membranes, Nataliya Herasymova
Disarming bacteria through inhibition of quorum sensing, Leslie Ruth Herndon
Computer experiments for protein flexibility, Diana Jaunzeikare
The consumption of leisure : decoding Travel and leisure magazine and Architectural digest, Meera Ashok Khandkar
Situated desires: the construction of race and sexuality in Filipino migration to South Korea, Dongyoung Kim
Her body, his choice? : comparing men's and women's claims to procreative privacy, Lillian Michaela Lamboy
Writing under the aspect of eternity : making myth in modern Southern literature, Maria Rose Lantz
The adolescent rejection sensitivity scale : psychometric properties and relation to resilience and adaptive functioning, Emilie Lauren Lerner
What should we do with moral offenders? : punishment and moral rehabilitation, Caitlin Anna Liss
Self-help for hoarding : a follow-up study, Sarah Beth Maxner
Galectins and lymphatic filariasis : exploring the role of Brugia malayi galectins in parasite persistence, Margaret Mumbi Mongare
Development of a tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand strategy for synthesis of tetracycles, Julie Ann Olson
Authoritarianism and Korean attitudes about marriage and interpersonal relationships, Clare Jungho Park
Surpassing loveliness and grace : knitting culture in nineteenth-century New England, Laura Katherine Putnam
A special providence : shifting genre and spiritual growth in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of honour trilogy, Kelsey Lynne Radwilowicz
The Forsterite-Anorthite-Albite system at 5 kb pressure, Kristen Elizabeth Rahilly
Carbon neutrality and transportation : policies for influencing Smith employees' commuting choices, Rosalie Singerman Ray
Computational study of the C-CI bond length, Anna Reznickova
Heat shock protein localization after exercise based on muscle fiber type in mouse biceps brachii, Nicole Christine Rothenheber
Justifying punishment, prison and passion? : preserving injustice through neglected conversations, Maria-Fatima Santos
Knot theory and applications to 3-manifolds, Emma Schlatter
Differential proteome profiling analysis of murine skeletal muscle following a single bout of exercise, Laura Lindsay Smith
The homesteads, Halie Elisabeth Theoharides
Pronoun differentiation in young children : an eyetracker study, Emma Gabrielle Thomas
Alcohol consumption and drinking game participation among high school students : what they think and why they drink, Kathryne C. Van Tyne
Effects of early initial stimulation in cochlear implant recipients : a retrospective study, Abigail Reilly Wilkins
On homometric sets, Jennifer Irene Wise
Lo sviluppo del jazz in Italia, dalle origini agli anni Sessanta, Adriana Emery Wolfe
Sustaining Smith : an environmental history of food at Smith College, 1875-2010, Elisabeth Field Wolfe
Separations at Sinai : boundaries in Exodus 19, Sarah L. Woodbury
Honors Projects and Theses from 2009
From Qawm to ethnicity : politics of representation in contemporary Afghanistan, Shaharzad Akbar
Study of non-minimally coupled inflation of the early universe using phase portraits and Poincaré maps, Amanda Stevie Bergman
La morte e rinascita dell'autrice Elena Ferrante, Echo Bray Bergquist
Automated analysis of electrophoresis gels, Hannah Bier
Allozyme analysis of a contact zone between two mtDNA haplotypes in Desmognathus ocoee (Amphibia: Plethodontidae), Noëlle K. Bittner
The role of motor processes in egocentric mental transformations involving nonbody stimuli, Holly Boyle
A fully-developed womanhood : the collecting of fine art and a woman's education at Smith College, 1875-1910, Emily Clare Casey
Russia and Ukranian denuclearization : foreign policy under Boris Yeltsin, Volha Charnysh
Networked at the intersection : street protest, communications technology and the 2008 Republican National Convention, Candace Clement
Women of promise, lives of distinction : memoir of a low income student and analysis of class culture at Smith College, Kendra Colburn
Race, radicalism, and the wandering Jew : rethinking Emma Goldman, Olivia Grace Cummings
A novel attractant role for the Slit1a ligand during post-optic commissure formation in the developing zebrafish forebrain, Elizabeth Deschene
Site-specific dance : the place it takes, Lila Ann Dodge
The ethics of global climate change : Aristotelian ethics, Lauren M. Donahue
Presidential appointments to the Supreme Court : of bananas, backbones, and dumb sons of bitches, Sarah Dunlap
Et sa morte était Bruges : la femme et l’espace rêvé dans Bruges-la-Morte par Georges Rodenbach, Erica C. Faller