Analyzing Motivation and Realization

Publication Source
Generativity and Adult Development: How and Why we Care for the Next Generation
Inclusive Pages
Creation Date
American Psychological Association
Washington, DC
Document Type
Book Chapter
Generativity is the adult's concern for and commitment to promoting the next generation through parenting, teaching, mentoring, and generating products and outcomes that aim to benefit youth and foster the development and well-being of those individuals and social systems that outlive the self. Almost 50 yrs ago, Erikson introduced this concept in his 8-stage model of human development as the 7th stage of the life cycle, generation vs stagnation. "Generativity and Adult Development" brings together contemporary thinking and research being done on the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of generativity in adult lives. The book draws together a roster of distinguished scholars from the fields of life-span development, personality and social psychology, clinical and counseling psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, and the arts. The reader will find here a host of stimulating ideas, new research findings, and clinical wisdom about how adults fashion their lives in ways designed to promote the ensuing generations and to leave an enduring legacy that will outlive the self. Source: Publisher
Generativity and Adult Development:How and why We Care for the Next Generation edited by D. P. McAdams & E. de St. Aubin