Masters Theses
"Do I pull the race card?" : middle-class African American parental perceptions of racism in their children's public schools, Tamika M. Brock, Masters Thesis
Women's perceptions of different power dynamics in their sexual encounters with both women and men, Genna Blaine Brodsky, Masters Thesis
"They were neither typical..nor unique" : an exploratory study of enlistment decisions of American veterans from past to present, Kelly Alexis Brogden, Masters Thesis
"You have to know whether or not you can really compassionately hold White folks" : perspectives of instructors on White MSW student engagement with race and racism course material, Eleanor H. Broh, Masters Thesis
Queering the NCAA : how athletic administrators at National Collegiate Athletic Association institutions include transgender athletes, Lisa Margaret Brookens, Masters Thesis
Life sentence : a play in two acts, Mary Beth Brooker, Masters Thesis
The call for help : a theoretical study on the changes that occur between a school social worker and his or her child client after reportinng to Child Protective Services on suspected abuse and neglect, Aramie Brooks-Salzman, Masters Thesis
Understanding male juvenile sexual offenders : an investigation of experiences and internalized masculinity, Adam Brown, Masters Thesis
How different technological mediums may reduce attitudinal barrier to the utilization of psychotherapeutic relationships, Collin T. Browne, Masters Thesis
Attitudes of mental health professionals toward mental illness : comparisons and predictors : a project based upon an investigation at Department of Youth Services, Massachusetts, David Townsend Browne, Masters Thesis
From entrenched to empowered : the factors promoting resiliency and healing for LGBTQIA identified adult survivors of childhood sexual assault, Hal Brown, Masters Thesis
Christianity, familial acceptance, and current spirituality among LGB individuals : blessed be the tie that binds?, Megan Elaine Browning, Masters Thesis
Body image and adolescent male sexual perpetrators : a project based upon an independent investigation, Jennifer Elizabeth Brownlee, Masters Thesis
From postmodern to psychodynamics : deconstructing sex offender registration and notification policies, Sherri A. Brown, Masters Thesis
Chitlins and lemonade : the impact of the word "nigger" on college educated men in the African diaspora, Thomas W. Brown, Masters Thesis
All we know is not enough, Darcy Parker Bruce, Masters Thesis
Whose Daughter Are You? : Exploring Identity Issues of Lesbians who are Adopted : A Project Based upon an Independent Investigation, Anne Mi Ok Bruining, Masters Thesis
Gender role socialization of clinical social workers and its effect on the treatment of male alexithymia, Joseph D. Burke, Masters Thesis
Feminist values and pornography consumption amongst women and its relationship to sexual self-esteem and body esteem, Laura E. Burnham, Masters Thesis
Breast cancer survivors' views of how support groups and activism have affected their healing process, Elizabeth M. Burnworth, Masters Thesis
Emotions in the classroom, Elizabeth D. Burris, Masters Thesis
A queer-positive institution and its creation of gender-competency in social workers : a project based on the exploration of Smith College School for Social Work alumni, Haley M. Burton, Masters Thesis
Sexual expression among Black women in relationships with men from different minority racial groups, Sara Tildon Burton, Masters Thesis
Whole-genome sequencing and circadian gene analysis of the Polynesian tiger mosquito Aedes polynesiensis, Renna Bushko, Masters Thesis
Parent education para mi? : the relevance and usefulness of mainstream parent education for Latino parents, Gabriela Bustamante, Masters Thesis
Voices of family- and partner-violent adults in treatment : participants' experience of therapy, Justin Butler, Masters Thesis
The subjective experience of attachment for children with mothers who have been formally diagnosed as schizophrenic : an exploratory study based on the practice wisdom of clinical practioners, Richard Cabada, Masters Thesis
"A certain dream" : the political potential for therapy by activist clinical social workers, Anna Rachel Cable, Masters Thesis
Personality development in clinical social workers : the significance of introjective personality type in therapists, Lindsey C. Calder, Masters Thesis
"If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have schizophrenia" : distinctions between psychosis and spiritual experience among Christians, Jennifer Callaghan, Masters Thesis
Exploring what factors influence African American adolescent females to act violently towards each other, Davina S. Callahan, Masters Thesis
Widening the lens : a snapshot of parenting coordination, Elisabeth N. Callahan, Masters Thesis
How does hip hop serve as a catalyst for collective resistance : "Fight the power"- a beats, rhymes, and life approach : a project based upon an investigation at Beats, Rhymes and Life, Maria Camila Camacho, Masters Thesis
Factors affecting help-seeking behaviors for mental health services among Filipino Americans, Melissa Dimalanta Camorongan, Masters Thesis
Understanding the issues of HIV/AIDS and adolescents through the concerns, perceptions, and recommendations of adult service providers to the teen population of Rhode Island, Oriana Mae. Campanelli, Masters Thesis
An overseas example of "lighter is better" : the implications of colorism among male sex workers in Thailand, Eugene Espejo Canotal, Masters Thesis
The use of storytelling in therapy with children, Michael Delaney Cantor, Masters Thesis
Codependency among only children as predicted by parenting styles practiced in family-of-origin, Rachel Ellen Carfora, Masters Thesis
Suicide postvention : how can we improve existing models?, Seana Carmean, Masters Thesis
A qualitative study to explore Puerto Rican caregiver needs and supports to better feed their children, Nelly E. Carmona, Masters Thesis
Program evaluation of a transitional age youth program : a project based upon an investigation at ServiceNet, Northampton, Massachusetts, Andrea Carnegie Chester, Masters Thesis
Clinician's treatment decisions for a combat-related trauma and military sexual trauma : a comparative study, Stefanie Carreiro, Masters Thesis
IDEA 2004 : a mandate for social work services : are these services included in the IEPs of students with nonverbal learning disorder?, Patricia A. Carrin, Masters Thesis
Male obesity : a qualitative study of clinical attitudes and perspectives, Michael Joseph Carter, Masters Thesis
Resiliency in survivors of human trafficking : An exploratory study of clinicians' perspectives of protective factors, Theresa A. Carter, Masters Thesis
Self-image in adolescent foster youth who have had multiple out-of-home placements, Sarah Cartier, Masters Thesis
A social worker's dilemma : does experience make a difference? : how biases and judgements affect social worker's assessments of collectivist culture immigrant families : a project based upon an independent investigation, Theresa J. Cary, Masters Thesis
Substance use and related criminality among male juvenile sexual and nonsexual offenders : an investigation of the patterns and prevalence, Deborah Ann Caserta, Masters Thesis
Predictors and prevention strategies for homelessness among women veterans, Angela Sue Casper, Masters Thesis
An exploration of the social construction of race and racial identity : a project based upon an independent investigation, Elizabeth Castrellon, Masters Thesis
Queer women's sexual experiences after sexual violence in a non-heterosexual relationship, Amee Catalano, Masters Thesis
Primary caregiving fathers : I was an interloper in a woman's world, Meghan L. Cavanaugh, Masters Thesis
Exploring refugees' sense of belonging in Chittenden County, Vermont : retrospective accounts of the resettlement process, Sam Chalfin, Masters Thesis
"They keep moving me" : an examination of the effects of multiple placements on foster youth utilizing the theories of attachment and resilience, Meleah M. Chamberlain, Masters Thesis
"Not my priority" : perspectives from LGBTQ individuals who do not identify marriage equality as their primary political concern, Elizabeth Anne Chandler, Masters Thesis
An exploratory study of the experience of single mothers in higher education : a project based upon an independent investigation, Kelly Lyn Chandler, Masters Thesis
Cultural competence : an exploration of its translation into therapeutic practice, Tsu-Yin Chang, Masters Thesis
Love-melancholy : revolt against mourning, Samantha R. Chaplin, Masters Thesis
Levels of perceived stress among clinicians who work with client suicidal behavior with an organizational context, Elyse A.S. Chastain, Masters Thesis
An exploration of the relationship between religion and spirituality and acculturation stress among international students in the western Massachusetts, Mun Ying Kennis Cheng, Masters Thesis
Homemade : an exploratory study on the impact of cooking on family relationships and cultural identity development, Tammie G. Chen, Masters Thesis
Replicating a couples group intervention to enhance father involvement and co-parenting in a Canadian sample, Todd B. Chen, Masters Thesis
Interracial relationships from the perspective of Cambodians in western Massachusetts, Vuthy Chhum, Masters Thesis
From swarms to summer camps : a theoretical deconstruction of cohesion among groups of latency aged boys, Prairie Youn-Yuen Chiu, Masters Thesis
Majority attitudes toward affirmative action in the workplace : a survey based on the Kuklinski List Experiment, Sonnie Chong, Masters Thesis
We need a good war : factors that influence the experience of racism in the United States military, Sarah E. Chotkowski, Masters Thesis
Exogenous oxytocin in the central nucleus of the amygdala of female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) attenuates peer bond formation, Jennifer D. Christensen, Masters Thesis
Let's do it : individual perspectives on first sexual experiences : a project based upon an independent investigation, Sara Ann Christiano, Masters Thesis
Holocaust narratives : exploration of the emotional impact of disclosure status among first, second, and third generation Holocaust survivors, April M. Christman, Masters Thesis
Are we dating? : an exploratory study of nonsexual, passionate friendships between women, Linda Christine Chupkowski, Masters Thesis
Exploring ways White children are taught about race and racism, Angela M. Clark, Masters Thesis
Dwell in possibility : an exploration of the use of metaphor in psychotherapy : a project based on interviews with fourteen psychotherapists, Heather B. Clarke, Masters Thesis
Putting the body back in social work : how social workers experience and differ in levels of personal body awareness, Lauren Nancarrow Clarke, Masters Thesis
Promoting posttraumatic growth among OIF/OEF veterans : a theoretical exploration of the challenges of reintegration, Erin E. Clements, Masters Thesis
Clinical social work and administrative leadership : an analysis of MSW programs in United States, Amanda J. Cloninger, Masters Thesis
Refusing to relax my smile : building resistance through hip hop therapy : a project based upon an investigation at Beats, Rhymes and Life, Stephanie Clowdus, Masters Thesis
Transgender perspectives on accessible primary healthcare : a mixed method study, Ann Marie Coakley, Masters Thesis
What psychodynamic psychotherapists think about free will and determinism and how that impacts their clinical practice : a qualitative study, Patrick J. Cody, Masters Thesis
Social class in the therapeutic dyad : how do clinicians engage in dialogue about class with their clients?, Andrew L. Cohen, Masters Thesis
Mothering the mother : can a postpartum doula enhance maternal self confidence and maternal empathy in a primiparous mother?, Binda Colebrook, Masters Thesis
MassHealth (Medicaid) clinicians' perceptions of in-home therapy with children and families, Kathryn E. Cole, Masters Thesis
Social workers' perspectives on managed care : an exploratory study, Julia Fraley Coles, Masters Thesis
Strengthening the future of Haiti : mental health needs of children in Fonfrède, Haiti : a project based upon an investigation at Capracare, Jaimie A. Colica, Masters Thesis
Cognitively informed therapeutic relationships between dogs and humans : a project based upon an independent investigation, Dawn Marie Colinan, Masters Thesis
Clinical perspectives on etiology, assessment, formulation and treatment of imaginary companions in adolescents with attachment trauma, Kathryn M. Collins, Masters Thesis
Alone with the other : paradoxes of shame and recognition in psychoanalytic theory, case material and Home alone, Nicholas J. Collura, Masters Thesis
The dilemmas and challenges of teenage motherhood : exploring the barriers in the discovery of the self, Rebecca Colvin, Masters Thesis
Culture, gender, and the social construction of borderline personality disorder, Allegra L. Comas, Masters Thesis
Unequal access : gaps in service for gay male victims of intimate partner violence, Elizabeth H. Condrey, Masters Thesis
Screening techniques : clinicians' views and approaches to assessing alcohol and substance use in older adults, Erin M. Conlan, Masters Thesis
The integration of psychoeducation about healing environments and placemaking and the effect on mental health for clients, Christienne D. Constabile, Masters Thesis
Perspectives of foster parents : what influences their motivation to become and continue to be foster parents?, Bridget D. Conway, Masters Thesis
From social work to sex therapy : increasing clinicians' sexual intervention self-efficacy beliefs, Kijao Corbett, Masters Thesis
The effects of music on the negative symptoms of schizophrenia : a project based upon an investigation at Hartford Hospital's Institute of Living, Hartford, Connecticut, Joan Elizabeth Corbin, Masters Thesis
Educator perceptions of student mental health services in high-performing charter schools, Gabriel Friedl Corens, Masters Thesis
How de we do no harm? : exploring adult children of alcoholics' perspectives on disclosure and support from childhood peers, Erica B. Cormier, Masters Thesis
Moving past the culture bound syndrome : looking for acute social withdrawal outside Japan, Evan W. Correy, Masters Thesis
Heterosexual men in the United States of America : are the oppressors also oppressed?, Shanta P. Cortez-Greig, Masters Thesis
Deconstructing Latinx racial paradigms : cross-cultural constructions of race and their impact on Dominican-American racial identity, Jacqueline I. Cosse, Masters Thesis
"There is something you should know" : the reasons therapists disclose their chronic physical illness to clients and the therapeutic implications of self disclosure, Caitlin Mara Cotter, Masters Thesis