
Masters Theses


Nonresidential fathers' perceptions of the influence of their acrimonious divorces on their relationships with their children, Rachel Hava Green, Masters Thesis


The role of the body : exploring clinical social workers' knowledge and perceptions of body-oriented interventions, Kate S. Grisard, Masters Thesis


Awareness of vicarious trauma among novice social workers, Jennifer L. Griswold, Masters Thesis


Practice wisdom : an exploration of school social workers experience with social and emotional learning curricula : a project based upon an independent investigation, Gordon David Gross, Masters Thesis


Foster children in schools : understanding and addressing challenges through trauma theory and systems theory : a project based upon an independent investigation, Nicole C. Guertin, Masters Thesis


A question of diagnosis : mood and character in a case of emerging mental illness, Tandeka Guilderson, Masters Thesis


The conceptualization and integration of conscious breathing into clinical practice, Mia Rachel Gutfreund, Masters Thesis


Exploration of intergenerational transmission of trauma in Holocaust survivors, Lisa S. Guthery, Masters Thesis


The ecology of bullying : how might counselors' reflections on bullying improve school-based interventions?, Mary K. Gutiérrez, Masters Thesis


Impact of LGBTQ school climate policy on rates of suicide : planning and attempt among high school populations, Patrick N. Hagan, Masters Thesis


What are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) parents' perceived experience of inclusiveness in their child's preschool classroom?, Carla Haggard, Masters Thesis


Race and the internet : ǂb social media and multiracial identity development, Pilar Hailé-Damato, Masters Thesis


An exploration of the dual liminal space :the cultural and developmental process of South American Latino adolescents post immigration : a project based upon an independent investigation, Erika Hajati, Masters Thesis


Together or separate : implications for expressing progressive social justice and spiritual practices, Enroue Halfkenny, Masters Thesis


Surviving the divorce : the power of the sibling relationship, Jessica Hallberlin, Masters Thesis


Women in combat : narratives of nurses in World War II, Korea and the Vietnam War, Kathryn J. Hall, Masters Thesis


Masculine ideology in adolescent male relationships : a quantitative study, William D. Hall, Masters Thesis


Trans enough : trans/gender identities and (mis)representation in social work, Christopher C. Hamann, Masters Thesis


Altruism in relationship to the therapeutic process : an exploratory study of the perspectives and experiences of clinical social workers, Leslie M. Hammer, Masters Thesis


Racially aware supervision : examining how White mental health clinicians address cultural competency with their White supervisors, Elizabeth Hammond, Masters Thesis


Do you see what I see? : making the invisible visible through an exploration of the intersubjective experience of social work clinicians working with fat clients, Lauren Polly Hanson, Masters Thesis


The feasibility of dialogue writing with patients who have an eating disorder, Andrea Lynn Harbeck, Masters Thesis


The role of spirituality in the reconstruction of identity in older women, Elin Hardenberg, Masters Thesis


Talking about race : how do White clinicians engage in dialogue about race in cross-racial therapy with Black clients?, Elizabeth J. Hare, Masters Thesis


An exploratory study of mental health providers' awareness of internalized oppression of women who experience same-sex intimate partner violence, Sharon E. Harp, Masters Thesis


Saudade, Safi Simone Harriott, Masters Thesis


A discontinuous space : postmodern perspectives on mental health discourse, Jennifer Leigh Harrison, Masters Thesis


Sometimes love ain't enough : a study of the perceived relationship barriers as reported by 12 heterosexual African American women and men, Stephanie Harris, Masters Thesis


Working with gender nonconforming children : why does the debate continue?, Gillian A. Harvey, Masters Thesis


Reclaiming the borderlands : a relational and transnational feminist approach to the history and treatment of borderline personality disorder, Rebecca G. Hawes-Sivitz, Masters Thesis


A slight schooling on deaf education, Kathryn L. Hayden, Masters Thesis


Current trends in employee assistance concerns : employee assistance professionals' reports on the presenting concerns of employees, Theodore Robert Healy, Masters Thesis


The effects of alternative treatments such as yoga and meditation as adjunctive therapy on adolescent alcohol abusers with a history of trauma, Ann Marie Hegarty, Masters Thesis


Origins of clinician bias against people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, Lindsay K. Heightman, Masters Thesis


Evolving identities, shaping connection : the effects of narrative-sharing spaces on undocumented Latino students, Christopher M. Heinrich, Masters Thesis


Implications of frequent online social network use for adolescent and emerging adult social experiences, Nora Anne Heins, Masters Thesis


The role of emotion in therapists' training : a psychological and social exploration, Loren D. Helms, Masters Thesis


College bound : factors that influence first generation college student process, Claudia Y. Hernandez, Masters Thesis


The political birth of gay affirmative social services, José A. Hernández., Masters Thesis


A follow-up study exploring the transformative effects of wilderness therapy on adolescents with histories of trauma : a project based upon an investigation at Catherine Freer Wilderness Therapy Programs, Albany, Oregon, George Carter Herrity, Masters Thesis


Feminist identification in heterosexual encounters : exploring the relationship betweeen women's personal values and their experiences of verbal sexual coercion, Shawna M. Hershberger, Masters Thesis


Wisdom in the trees : a research project on how elders living in the Treehouse Community together with foster children and their families continue or expand the quality of meaning making in their everyday lives, Elizabeth Hinze, Masters Thesis


Liberatory means to liberatory ends : a qualitative study of direct service providers' perceptions of transformative justice as an intervention in child sexual abuse : a project based upon an independent investigation, Dona K. Hirschfield-White, Masters Thesis


The narratives of adult third culture kids : cultural identity development and psychological support upon reentry to one's home country, Yoko Hisano, Masters Thesis


Uncovering oppression within the anti-rape movement : the role of race in the reporting experiences of adult Black female rape survivors, Amy Rebecca Hochberg, Masters Thesis


"What are you?" : understanding the contextual influence on the racial categorization of multiracial adults and the impact on their sense of belonging, Maya N. Hochberger-Vigsittaboot, Masters Thesis


The life and contributions of Juliette Gordon Low, Martha Curtis Hodge, Masters Thesis


Having a voice and being heard : a scoping review of what current literature tells us is most important to the caregivers, children and social workers involved in kinship foster care, Leah J. Hoffman and Leah J. Hoffman-Setka, Masters Thesis


Expressive writing as an adjunct to talk therapy : considerations for a creative intervention for depressive disorders, Anna C. Hogeland, Masters Thesis


The clinical implications of dissolutioned adoption : a theoretical intersection of the neurosequential model of therapeutics and attachment theory, Mikayla C. Holcomb, Masters Thesis


The effects of therapist self-disclosure on the therapeutic alliance : a relational perspective, Brittany A. Hollingsworth, Masters Thesis


The unique challenges faced by South Asian American social work graduate students : campus communities, academics, and field : a project based upon an independent investigation, Sumati Shireen Holman, Masters Thesis


Let's talk about race : ǂb a study of racial discourse and self-esteem in transracial adoptees, Hyun-Zie Hong, Masters Thesis


Addressing client mental health within the personal training relationship, Alana R. Honigman, Masters Thesis


The intergenerational transmission of parenting beliefs and the impact of the Supporting Father Involvement Program on parenting beliefs in western Canada, Rachel H. Honig, Masters Thesis


Engaging fathers : examining social service agency father-friendliness and its relationships with father involvement, Cole Douglas Hooley, Masters Thesis


New homes, different places : demographic transitions in the Worcester County MA foster care system : a project based upon an investigation at Y.O.U., Inc. foster care program in Worcester MA, Anne Wassell Hopkinson, Masters Thesis


An exploratory study of White people's evolving consciousness and how their awareness of White privilege and racism changed their consciousness, Phillip C. Horner, Masters Thesis


The way we speak affects our reality : why speaking from the values of racial justice begins the creation of a racially just world, Katherine Alice Hornowski, Masters Thesis


Is social work the work of love? : love practice and queer doing in the process for full self-determination, Sady K. Horn, Masters Thesis


Navigating the experience of identity intersection : an exploration of the lesbian mother identity in the United States, Sarah A. Horn, Masters Thesis


Mortality practices : how clinical social workers interact with their mortality within their clinical and professional practice, Joseph K. Hovey, Masters Thesis


Sharing our edges : the mindfulness influence on therapist's formulation of insight, Sonia S. Hsieh, Masters Thesis


Couples' decision-making processes : first-time parenthood in dual-career partnerships, Amelia Fern Hube, Masters Thesis


Does degree matter? : an exploration into the stigmatization of mental illness by social workers and other mental health professionals, Alexandria R. Huber, Masters Thesis


Gould Farm : outcomes at a psychosocial therapeutic community reexamined : a project based upon an independent investigation, with permission of the Gould Farm, Monterey, Massachusetts, Frances Huberman, Masters Thesis


"What do you mean, 'separate identity'? : an exploration of separation and individuation for second generation Korean American adolescents, Catherine C, Huh, Masters Thesis


The prevalence of problem gambling in the Chinese community of San Francisco with a focus on exploring treatment access, Vivian Hui and Linfang Zhao, Masters Thesis


"Eating bitterness" : mental health help-seeking and Chinese international students in the United States, Ran Huo, Masters Thesis


Sex and sexuality in formerly Ultra-Orthodox Jews : defining sexual health, Abigail R. Hurvitz-Prinz, Masters Thesis


How service learning impacts identity formation and social responsibility in emerging adults, Paige M. Hustead, Masters Thesis


The role of psychotherapy in the age of medication : a theoretical analysis of biological and psychodynamic perspectives on the etiology and treatment of schizophrenia, Tessa Leona Hutchinson, Masters Thesis


A new praxis : exploring class-based microaggressions and the application of relational-cultural theory and liberation psychology in social work practice and research, Lynn Hutton and Lynn Elizabeth Hutton, Masters Thesis


Transsexualism: the lifelong paradox : a project based upon an investigation at a correctional facility in a western state, Mary E. Iannuccillo, Masters Thesis


The integrationists : exploring the experiences of third culture kid psychotherapists, Carly S. Inkpen, Masters Thesis


An exploration of the influence of media, advertising, and popular culture on the self esteem, identity, and body image in adolescent girls, Jennifer A. Irving, Masters Thesis


Maintaining community roots : understanding gentrification through the eyes of long-standing African American residents in West Oakland, Karessa Irvin, Masters Thesis


Stuck in the sibling relationship : growing up with a sibling with a serious mental illness and how intimate relationships later in life may be affected, Laura Pereira Jacinto, Masters Thesis


Attempting whiteness : Black women's expected and actual results of skin bleaching, Alcia C. Jackson, Masters Thesis


Clinician perceived barriers to effective discharge planning for youth coming out of residential and inpatient treatment, Leah Alexandra Jackson, Masters Thesis


Pushed to the edge : the treatment of transsexuals through time : a behavioral discourse analysis of the diagnostic and treatment protocols for transsexuals and the implications for contemporary social work practice, Stacey D. Jackson-Roberts, Masters Thesis


An examination of the relationship between exposure to violence in the home and attachment characteristics among youth with sexually harmful bahaviors, Talia J. Jackson, Masters Thesis


How our service systems impact resiliency and recovery of domestic violence survivors : clinical perspectives, Emily Riddle Jacobs, Masters Thesis


Till (un)death do us part : exploring the romanticization of adolescent dating violence in The twilight saga and the romantic relationship beliefs held by female fans of the series, Aviva H. Jacobstein, Masters Thesis


The impact of identity on the experience and management of bipolar disorders, Lisa M. Jaffe, Masters Thesis


What's the impact of cultural competency education? : exploring clinical social workers' attitudes towards clients health-related beliefs, opinions and psychosocial contexts, Sheryl J. Jaffe, Masters Thesis


Implicit communication : the body's role in clinical work with trauma survivors, Julia A. Jakubowski, Masters Thesis


The role of personality and prior criminal offenses in the prediction of perceived helping alliance of nonsexual offending adjudicated adolescent males in residential facilities : a project based upon an independent investigation, Aimie E. Jalbert, Masters Thesis


A history of reminiscences : clinical descriptions of nostalgia, psychodynamic theories of mourning, and the confluence of teleology, Alexandra P. Jamali, Masters Thesis


Stigma, race and mental illness : African-American clinicians' perceptions of how these factors influence help-seeking behaviors in African Americans, Rabi'ah S. Jamar, Masters Thesis


An exploratory study of clinicians' understanding of children's non-traditional toy choice and parents' concerns, Lindsay Britt Jamieson, Masters Thesis


The role of self-compassion in alcohol use disorders : an exploratory study : a project based on an investigation at ServiceNet, Inc., Northampton, Massachusetts, Kaitlyn M. Janicki, Masters Thesis


Experiences of discrimination among Arab Americans and Muslim Americans post-9/11 attacks, Lenna Jawdat, Masters Thesis


A brief history of athletics at the University of Pennsylvania : a transatlantic series, Courtney Boleslaw Jaworski, Masters Thesis


"We were all kind of learning together" : the emergence of LGBTQ affirmative psychotherapy & social services, 1960-1987: oral history study, Boston, MA, Sarah Blair Jenkins, Masters Thesis


"if you lived in your body, you'd be home by now" : clincians' perspectives on somatic practices in psychotherapy, Natasha Sunil Jeswani, Masters Thesis


"What are you, anyway?" : how parents help their multiracial children live in a world of singular racial categories, Chloe A. Jhangiani, Masters Thesis


Heavy impact : the experience of sustaining a concussion as a college athelete, Brittainy C. Johnson, Masters Thesis


The efficacy of narrative therapy approaches with self-injurious clients, Erica H. Johnson, Masters Thesis


The long term effects of racial socialization of African American sons through communication patterns from their mothers, Jacqueline A. Johnson, Masters Thesis