The post optic commissure (POC) is a parabolic ribbon like structure which connects the two halves of the ventral anterior nervous system. It develops in concert with a host of glial cells, called a glial bridge, which has been proposed by us and others to perform the region for POC development. We have built ΔSCOPE as a computational analytical tool to quantify POC and glial bridge development. We have used ΔSCOPE to probe the developmental course of POC development, and leveraging the analytical power of ΔSCOPE, elucidate the relationship the glial bridge has with the developing POC. We show that the glial bridge has solidified its position prior to the formation of the POC, and that the POC is established in dorsal-ventral extent earlier than has been previously observed.

Glial Bridge DOI:




Glial Bridge Development: 22 hpf, Barresi Lab, Smith College


Glial Bridge Development: 24 hpf, Barresi Lab, Smith College


Glial Bridge Development: 26 hpf, Barresi Lab, Smith College


Glial Bridge Development: 28 hpf, Barresi Lab, Smith College


Glial Bridge Development: 30 hpf, Barresi Lab, Smith College