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Feminist Pedagogy
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education aims to cultivate the capacity for innovation and real-world problem-solving (Marrero et al., 2014). However, STEM pedagogy has not historically aligned with this goal, often failing to teach students the necessary skills and mindset for creative problem-solving (Stehle & Peters-Burton, 2019). Traditional STEM pedagogical methods, such as rote and lecture-based learning, are based on the teacher being the dominant source of knowledge and students being the passive receivers (Achuonye, 2015; Khalaf & Mohammed Zin, 2018). These methods lack student support, collaboration, active learning, and real-world contexts (Gasiewski et al., 2012). Furthermore, the exclusion of cultures, identities, and historical connections about how we come to know scientific facts breed inequities often at the expense of innovation (Graves Jr et al., 2022).
2, Article 1
Recommended Citation
Giddings, Lesley-Ann and Price, Candice R. (2023) "Feminist Pedagogy in STEM: The Intersection of STEM Pedagogy and Feminist Theory," Feminist Pedagogy: Vol. 4: Iss. 2, Article 1. Available at:
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