
Masters Theses


A cross-cultural comparison of Mexican Americans and non-Latino White Americans : does culture influence family cohesion and father involvement?, Claudia V. Ruiz Esparza Escobedo, Masters Thesis


Clinicians' understanding and perception of coping behaviors and cultural differences in families dealing with a childhood cancer diagnosis : a project based upon an independent investigation, Kara J. Rule, Masters Thesis


"Like straight people do" : an exploration of issues lesbian women encounter during their coming out process, Emily Brennan Russell, Masters Thesis


To hold and to discipline : a Winnicottian and Foucauldian examination of adolescent athletics through the case of Friday night lights, Westley C. Rutter, Masters Thesis


The impact of maternal incarceration on latency aged children, Mae M. Ryan, Masters Thesis


A retrospective look at the perceived effects of parental acceptance/non-acceptance on transgender adolescents, Tara Ryan, Masters Thesis


An Exploratory Study of Men in the Anti-Abortion Movement: A Project Based upon an Independent Investigation, Laura E. Sabatini, Masters Thesis


"There's no escaping the body" : clinicians' views on the relevance of the body and the use of body-based interventions in work with mother-child dyads exposed to domestic violence, Danielle E. Sachs, Masters Thesis


"Bearing the weight of a mother's mood" : does a history of depression influence a woman's attitudes about having children?, Beth Sadavoy, Masters Thesis


Acting on grief in the aftermath of violent loss : the efficacy of social action as a mechanism for psychic healing, Miriam Shoshana Sadinsky, Masters Thesis


Hip-hop as healer : Black males' experience of hip-hop culture, Tawnee Sae-Saue, Masters Thesis


Sedimentation of depression : an exploration of depression through attachment theory and Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception : a project based upon an independent investigation, Senka Salatic-Ewing, Masters Thesis


A sense of pride over my size : a qualitative study of women of size who consider themselves body positive, Ruth A. Salen, Masters Thesis


Enduring attunement : emerging adults attachment patterns and desires for the nature of the primary attachment relationship, Marian Salley, Masters Thesis


Sex abuse? : just as long as you're not gay : an exploratory study with queer adults on childhood sexual traumatization, Kathleen A. Salmon, Masters Thesis


Dance for your life! : TangoFlow!® technique and implications in the treatment of trauma : a mixed-methods empirical study, Catherine A. Salmons, Masters Thesis


Clinicians' diagnostic evaluation of chronic childhood trauma disorder : an examination of the clinical utility of developmental trauma : a project based upon an independent investigation, April T. Salvaterra, Masters Thesis


Jewish annihilation anxiety : diasporic legacies of trauma, Alexandra T. Samets, Masters Thesis


Exploring the relationship between maternal childhood maltreatment history, parent-child relations and child emotion regulation, Chelsie D. Sampayan, Masters Thesis


Smith College SSW graduates and their preparedness in working with African American women IPV survivors, Shannon M. Samuels, Masters Thesis


Beyond machismo : a theoretical exploration of domestic violence in Latino men, Daniela Sanchez, Masters Thesis


Feedback informed care : co-creating treatment success, Eve Sandler, Masters Thesis


Clinicians' self-disclosure of personal experience with an anxiety and/or mood disorder, Emma M. Sando, Masters Thesis


Religiously unaffiliated social workers in health care settings : working with religiously affiliated terminally ill cancer patients, Ileana G. Sansano, Masters Thesis


Impulsive and antisocial personality characteristics amongst male adolescent sexual offenders :, Amanda Raquel Santiago, Masters Thesis


A priest, a rabbi, and a clinical social worker walk into an inpatient psychiatry unit : clinical social workers uses of humor on an inpatient psychiatry unit, Sarah Elizabeth Santoro, Masters Thesis

PDF : the irony of technology : an object relational approach to understanding the interplay of identity construction and the emergence of the "true self" through the privilege of anonymity on the Internet, Katherine Suzanne Sapp, Masters Thesis


Exploring mental dungeons and slaying psychic dragons : an exploratory study, Michael S. Sargent, Masters Thesis


How do single fathers construct a parent identity to incorporate nurturing?, Janet Saxe, Masters Thesis


The question of self-determination : an analysis of 21st century social work literature, Alexandra Prager Scalfano, Masters Thesis


Using art making in cross-cultural clinical therapy, Sara Ruth Schieffelin, Masters Thesis


"This so clearly needs to be marked" : an exploration of memorial tattoos and their functions for the bereaved, Elizabeth Schiffrin, Masters Thesis


The Transsexual Conflict, Dualism in Identity as Explored through Group Psychotherapy, Linda Ann Schloss, Masters Thesis


Community resilience in the face of community violence, Mary Kate Schmermund, Masters Thesis


Treating non-offending caregivers with a history of childhood sexual abuse and their sexually victimized children : a case study using object relations theory and trauma theory, Maytal Schmidt, Masters Thesis


Finding personal meaning : vocational horticulture therapy for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness, Ariel B. Schneider, Masters Thesis


Medicating attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents : how do parents/guardians decide?, Michael J. Schneider, Masters Thesis


The emergency department as a holding environment : using object relations theory and institutional transference to explore schizophrenia and emergency department overuse, Caroline B. Schnell, Masters Thesis


Drawing the line : an exploration of Otto Kernberg and Marsha Linehan's understanding of borderline personality disorder, Lili. Schwan-Rosenwald, Masters Thesis


Beats, Rhymes, Life & resilience : hip hop therapy with youth of color : a project based upon an investigation at Beats, Rhymes and Life Inc, Emily S.L. Schwartz, Masters Thesis


Childhood experiences of introversion : an exploration of navigating social and academic spaces and ways of coping, Leah S. Schwartz, Masters Thesis


Clinicians' experiences of personal wealth : impacts within clinical practice, Sarah Schwartz Sax, Masters Thesis


Identified social supports for women previously incarcerated and avoiding recidivism, Isabelle Scott, Masters Thesis


The work of André Green : an introduction, Louis Scuderi, Masters Thesis


Climate change on the therapist's couch : how mental health clinicians receive and respond to indirect psychological impacts of climate change in the therapeutic setting, Elizabeth B. Seaman, Masters Thesis


Normal developmental vulnerabilities of 17-24 year olds confounding informed consent to enlist in the military, Deanna L. Seather-Brady, Masters Thesis


The relationship between pretend play and cognitive, linguistic, and social skills development in early childhood : a project based upon secondary analysis of developmental screening data from an elementary school in Plainfield, Connecticut, Lauren Ann Sebastianelli, Masters Thesis


Psychedelic psychotherapy : existential and neuroscience perspectives on the therapeutic journey, Arthur W. Seelig, Masters Thesis


An exploration of the relationship between vicarious racism, police videos, and their impact on the Facebook consumer, Daniel Segundo, Masters Thesis


The double bind theory and gender non-conforming identity development, Shannon Lydia Sennott, Masters Thesis


The impact of religious and/or spiritual identity on the parental experience : self-perceptions of parents, Tiffany M. Sermini, Masters Thesis


"Who do I reach out to" : a qualitative study of help seeking behaviors, treatment preferences and community supports among South Asian Americans, Shivani Seth, Masters Thesis


Equine embrace : touch and the therapeutic encounter in equine facilitated psychotherapy from the perspective of the clinician, Ann Marie Sexauer, Masters Thesis


Batterer intervention program facilitators' perceptions of the efficacy of current behavior intervention models, Maura A. Shader-Morrissey, Masters Thesis


Exploring resources for caretakers of children with food allergies, Claudia A. Shapiro, Masters Thesis


Mothers' feelings about physical and emotional intimacy twelve to fifteen months after the birth of a first child, Melanie Freedberg Shapiro, Masters Thesis


Workout your burnout : an exploratory look at the role of perceived barriers and benefits to physical activity in social workers, Samuel Shapiro, Masters Thesis


The role of LGBT community in the lives of lesbians over 65 : an exploratory study, Sarah L. Shapiro, Masters Thesis


Trauma, criminalization, and movements for healing justice : a theoretical study of relational theory and transformative justice interventions in the treatment of juvenile sexual offending, Megan E. Shaughnessy-Mogill, Masters Thesis


Theories and interventions with transgender and gender non-conforming clients, Charles R. Shealy, Masters Thesis


Exploring the implementation of restorative practices in Bay Area schools, Vanessa Shea, Masters Thesis


Transgender individuals' experiences in therapy and perception of the treatment experience, Jeannette Marie. Sheerin, Masters Thesis


The exploration of young adults' online and offline interpersonal relationships, Josselyn B. Sheer, Masters Thesis


Therapeutic presence : an exploration of Buddhist mindfulness, Winnicott and neuroscience, Susan A. Shelby, Masters Thesis


To kill or to be killed? : an examination of influential factors within African American communities resulting in the rise of youth violence, Telea. Shepard Stovall, Masters Thesis


An exploratory study of motivations of White people engaged in antiracism work, Bronwyn R. Shiffer, Masters Thesis


The effects of joint physical custody on fathers and the father/child relationship, Evan Shopper, Masters Thesis


The healthy solitary person, Laurel Lynn Shortell, Masters Thesis


All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players : the use of performance in therapy, T. Lee Shostack, Masters Thesis


"Living in front of a mirror" : staff members' perspectives on living and working in residential therapeutic communities, Rebecca Sierra Shulman, Masters Thesis


Clinicians' experiences with child clients' explicitly stated love in the transference, Alexandra L. Shumway, Masters Thesis


A study of forty problem children of Sephardic extraction, to determine the special problems they present to a Jewish agency and to discover methods of dealing with these problems, Lucille Shyev, Masters Thesis


Clinical use of music as an adjunct to evidence-based treatment for treating posttraumatic stress disorder, Levin Jaered Sibley-Schwartz, Masters Thesis


Nature's ritalin : the effects of green spaces on symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Roger A. Sideman, Masters Thesis


Perceptions of treating professionals : a pilot study conducted with employees of the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital in Bedford, MA, Alanna Rose Sieck, Masters Thesis


Amicable collision, Kelly Silliman, Masters Thesis


Perceived stress levels of individuals who practice yoga in comparison to individuals who participate in other forms of exercise, Chelsey R. Silveria, Masters Thesis


The effects of equine therapy on the therapist, Winifred Berry Simmons, Masters Thesis


Connecting after killing : an exploration of the intersubjective space between therapist and client when combat rests between them, Alicia L. Simoni, Masters Thesis


Personal experiences of formerly obese individuals maintaining significant weight loss : a descriptive study : a project based upon an investigation at the Weight Management Program of San Francisco, Inc., San Francisco, California, Jennifer L. Simon, Masters Thesis


Using hip-hop as an empowerment tool for young adults : an exploratory study : a project based upon independent investigation, Jihan Danae Sims, Masters Thesis


How Tibet Buddhists in the United States negotiate mental health concerns, Paul Peter Sireci, Masters Thesis


Engineering proteins targeting tumor biomarker mesothelin toward applications as cancer diagnostics and therapeutics, Allison R. Sirois, Masters Thesis


Comparison of the fecal microbiota of horses before and after treatment for parasitic helminths : massively parallel sequencing of the v4 region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene, Rachael Jean Sirois, Masters Thesis


Social anxiety online : ǂb can attachment explain problem internet use? :, Julia Christine Sisson, Masters Thesis


The use of dialectical behavior therapy for treating juvenile delinquents : how mindfulness mediates trauma symptomatology and reduces anti-social behavior, Ashley Emma Sitkin, Masters Thesis


Voices of graduates from clinical social work master's programs : the impact of the education process on the self and on personal relationships, Tara Slade, Masters Thesis


Antisociality, childhood sexual trauma, and cognitive distortions surprisingly not predictive of deviant sexual arousal in male sex offenders who have abused children, Amanda Klein Slatus, Masters Thesis


Vietnam combat veterans : readjustment through the lenses of identity and social drama, Michael S. Slevin, Masters Thesis


Sleep with one eye open : specific safety concerns that homeless males face and how they cope with dangers, Rachel Sloane, Masters Thesis


For the love of them : a theoretical study of the collective in the United States military through Freudian and Fornarian theory, Sophia E. Slote, Masters Thesis


The role of the rural family in opiate addiction, Elizabeth A. Slowinski, Masters Thesis


Exploring intimate partner violence through the lens of modern attachment theory, Lisa Marie Smeltzer, Masters Thesis


It takes a village : perspectives on emerging LGBTQ affirmative social services and psychotherapy, Amelia Killough Smith, Masters Thesis


Abstracts of master's theses 1967-2006, Smith College. School for Social Work, Masters Thesis


Abstracts of theses 1920-1966, Smith College. School for Social Work, Masters Thesis


Unequal treatment : sociocultural identities and their effects on eating diorder treatment access and efficacy, Hannah Noël Smith, Masters Thesis


Adoption and the use of self-disclosure : a qualitative inquiry of the clincial professional, Heather L. Smith-Jackson, Masters Thesis


Premature termination--clinicians' perspectives : a qualitative study of why clinicians prematurely terminate personal psychotherapy, Jeffrey Kiesel Smith, Masters Thesis


"Show me the face you had before your parents were born" : African-American New Thought ministers and 'The Black interior', Kaitlin N. Smith, Masters Thesis