“My Language System is Broken!”: Striving for the Wellbeing of Individuals and Society | 「言語のシステムが壊れちゃった!」 ―個人と社会のウェルビーイングにむけて―, Yuri Kumagai, Emi Otsuji, and Shinji Sato
Fields of Revision: Adaptations of Wren’s Elegy by Mo Yun-suk and Kim Ki-young, Irhe Sohn and Ki-In Chong
Rethinking the Benefits of Tadoku: The Effectivness of "Tiny Tadoku Habits" on Learners' Sense of Well-Being | 多読によるプラス要素の再考察: 通常授業内「ちょこっと多読」がもたらす学習者のウェルビーイングへの有効性, Atsuko Takahashi and Chikako Hirayama Cooke
ポストコロナの日本語授業に向けて: 遠隔から対面授業を体験した初級学習者の継続的な観察からわかること, Atsuko Takahashi and Yuko Takahashi
Scar Literature, Sabina Knight
Wilt. L. Idema, Insects in Chinese Literature, Jessica Moyer
The Textual Architecture of Empire in Two Early Qing Anthologies, Jessica D. Moyer
Translingual Practices in a ‘Monolingual’ Society: Discourses, Learners’ Subjectivities and Language Choices, Reiko Kato and Yuri Kumagai
Review: Mouse vs. Cat in Chinese Literature: Tales and Commentary, Jessica Moyer
“Making it your own by adapting it to what’s important to you”: Plurilingual Critical Literacies to Promote L2 Japanese Users’ Sense of Ownership of Japanese, Noriko Iwasaki and Yuri Kumagai
Savvy Women and Boundary Negotiations in Qing Fiction, Jessica Moyer
Technology as Enabler of Learner Autonomy and Authentic Learning in Chinese Language Acquisition: A Case Study in Higher Education, Mario Valdebenito and Yalin Chen
Smith College Chinese Character Literacy Project, Sujane Wu
Collaborative Curricular Initiatives: Linking Language and Literature Courses for Critical and Cultural Literacies, Yuri Kumagai and Kimberly Kono
“Playful Vows,” translation from Li Yu, Lian xiangban [Pitying the fragrant companion], Jessica Moyer
Content-Based Instruction (CBI) for the Social Future: A Recommendation for Critical Content-Based Language Instruction (CCBI), Shinji Sato, Atsushi Hasegawa, Yuri Kumagai, and Uichi Kamiyoshi
Reframing the Boundaries of Household and Text in Hou Honglou Meng, Jessica Moyer
Tadoku Tree House, Atsuko Takahashi
Classroom-Library Collaboration: Incorporating Information Literacy into the Beginning Japanese Curriculum Using Japanese Grade Readers and Other Resources Beyond the Textbook | 図書館との連携による情報リテラシー教育を取り入れた初級日本語カリキュラムの作成と実践—多読ライブラリーや教科書外のリソースを使った日本語情報リテラシー・プロジェクトー, Atsuko Takahashi and Sharon Domier
Singing Japan’s Heart and Soul: A Discourse on the Black Enka Singer Jero and Race Politics in Japan, Neriko Musha Doerr and Yuri Kumagai
情報リテラシー教育を取り入れた初級日本語コースカリキュラムの作成と実践報告, Atsuko Takahashi
Promoting Critical Reading in an Advanced-Level Japanese Course: Theory and Practice through Reflection and Dialogues, Noriko Iwasaki and Yuri Kumagai