Recital 4: Part 1: Music for Piano Four-Hands, Jiayan Sun, Judith Gordon, and Yang Liu
Recital 4: Part 2: Music for Piano Four-Hands, Jiayan Sun, Judith Gordon, and Yang Liu
Recital 2: Part 2: Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat Major, op. 100, D. 929, Jiayan Sun, Marie-Volcy Pelletier, and Joel Pitchon
Recital 2: Part 1: Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano, op. post. 162, D. 574 and Four Impromptus, op. 90, D. 899, Jiayan Sun and Joel Pitchon
Polymer Stress Growth in Viscoelastic Fluids in Oscillating Extensional Flows with Applications to Micro-Organism Locomotion, Becca Thomases and Robert D. Guy
Entrepreneurial Capital, Inequality, and Asset Prices, Argyris Tsiaras
Technology as Enabler of Learner Autonomy and Authentic Learning in Chinese Language Acquisition: A Case Study in Higher Education, Mario Valdebenito and Yalin Chen
Mathematics for Borderland Identities, Cristina Valencia Mazzanti and Martha Allexsaht-Snider
New Source-to-Sink Approach in an Arctic Catchment Based on Hyperspectral Core-Logging (Lake Linné, Svalbard), Antonin Van Exem, Maxime Debret, Yoann Copard, Charles Verpoorter, Gregory De Wet, Nicolas Lecoq, Philippe Sorrel, Alan Werner, Steven Roof, Benoit Laignel, and Michael Retelle
Machine Plays, Hélène Visentin
An Online Wideband Acoustic Immittance (WAI) Database andCorresponding Website: Resource Review, Susan E. Voss
Relationships Between Institutional Success and Length of Tenure in a Kenyan Irrigation Scheme, Camille Washington-Ottombre
Study Group on Climate Change Recommendations Progress Report, Dano Weisbord
“Climate Refugees”—A Useful Concept?, Gregory White
Embedding Climate Change Engagement in Astronomy Education and Research, Kathryn Williamson, Travis A. Rector, and James D. Lowenthal
Gene Expression of Endangered Coral (Orbicella spp.) in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary After Hurricane Harvey, Rachel M. Wright, Adrienne M.S. Correa, Lucinda A. Quigley, Lory Z. Santiago-Vázquez, Kathryn E.F. Shamberger, and Sarah W. Davies
Positive Genetic Associations Among Fitness Traits Support Evolvability of a Reef-Building Coral Under Multiple Stressors, Rachel M. Wright, Hanaka Mera, Carly D. Kenkel, Maria Nayfa, Line K. Bay, and Mikhail V. Matz
Effects of Thermal Stress on Amount, Composition, and Antibacterial Properties of Coral Mucus, Rachel M. Wright, Marie E. Strader, Heather M. Genuise, and Mikhail Matz
Smith College Chinese Character Literacy Project, Sujane Wu
Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveal a Correlation Between Genome Architecture and Gene Family Evolution in Ciliates, Ying Yan, Xyrus X. Maurer-Alcalá, Rob Knight, Sergei L.Kosakovsky Pond, and Laura A. Katz
Validation of a Seven-Factor Structure for the Motives for Playing Drinking Games Measure, Byron L. Zamboanga, Shannon Audley, Janine V. Olthuis, Heidemarie Blumenthal, Cara C. Tomaso, Ngoc Bui, and Brian Borsari
Quantifying Protein Copy Number in Super-Resolution Using an Imaging Invariant Calibration, Francesca Cella Zanacchi, Carlo Manzo, Raffaella Magrassi, Nathan D. Derr, and Melike Lakadamyali
Evolution and Unprecedented Variants of the Mitochondrial Genetic Code in a Lineage of Green Algae, David Zihala, Marek Eliáš, and Laura A. Katz
Causative Agent of Canine Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) Detected in Wild Lemurs, Sarah Zohdy, Kim Valenta, Bernadette Rabaoarivola, Weam I. Zaky, Nils Pilotte, Steven A. Williams, Colin A. Chapman, and Zach J. Farris
Inclusion of Host Quality Data Improves Predictions of Herbivore Phenology, Mariana Abarca, Elise A. Larsen, John T. Lill, Martha Weiss, Eric Lind, and Leslie Ries
Activism, Revolution and War: Mujeres Libres Addressing the Personal and the Political, Martha A. Ackelsberg
Framing Mary : The Mother of God in Modern, Revolutionary, and Post-Soviet Russian Cultur, Amy Singleton Adams and Vera Shevzov
Toward Unfolding Doubly Covered n-Stars, Hugo A. Akitaya, Brad Ballinger, Mirela Damian, Erik Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Robin Flatland, Irina Kostitsyna, Jason S. Ku, Stephan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Ryuhei Uehara
Increasing Equity in Access to Mental Health Care: a Critical First Step in Improving Service Quality, Margarita Alegría, Ora Nakash, and Amanda NeMoyer
The Meiji at 150 Podcast: Episode 23, Dr. Marnie Anderson, Marnie S. Anderson and Tristan Grunow
Partners as Scaffolds: Teaching in the Zone of Proximal Development, Shannon Audley
Why Me? An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Drinking Gamers’ Reasons for Selecting Other Players to Drink, Shannon Audley, Kelcie Grenier, Jessica L. Martin, and Jeremy Ramos
Fighting the US Youth Sex Trade: Gender, Race, and Politics, Carrie N. Baker
Racialized Rescue Narratives in Public Discourses on Youth Prostitution and Sex Trafficking in the United States, Carrie N. Baker
Teaching to Empower, Carrie N. Baker
The Island of Amsterdamøya: A Key Site for Studying Past Climate in the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, Jostein Bakke, Nicholas Balascio, Willem G.M. van der Bilt, Raymond Bradley, William J. D' Andrea, Marthe Gjerde, Sædís Ólafsdóttir, Torgeir Røthe, and Greg De Wet
U.S. College Students’ Social Network Characteristics and Perceived Social Exclusion: A Comparison Between Drinkers and Nondrinkers Based on PastMonth Alcohol Use, Sara G. Balestrieri, Graham T. DiGuiseppi, Matthew Meisel, Melissa A. Clark, Miles Q. Ott, and Nancy P. Barnett
The Wisdom of the Road: Research and Pedagogy on India-China and the Silk Roads Ethos (SRE), Payal Banerjee
Interseismic Coupling-Based Earthquake and Tsunami Scenarios for the Nankai Trough, Hannah Baranes, Jon D. Woodruff, John P. Loveless, and M. Hyodo
Policy Insights From the EMF 32 Study on U.S. Carbon Tax Scenarios, Alexander R. Barron, Allen A. Fawcett, Marc A.C. Hafstead, James R. McFarland, and Adele C. Morris
Test Proxy Carbon Prices as Decision-making Tools, Alexander R. Barron and Breanna J. Parker
Inclusion of Females Does Not Increase Variability in Rodent Research Studies, Annaliese K. Beery
Specificity in Sociality: Mice and Prairie Voles Exhibit Different Patterns of Peer Affiliation, Annaliese K. Beery, Jennifer D. Christensen, Nicole S. Lee, and Katrina L. Blandino
Igiaba Scego’s “I Did Not Want to See That Picture”, Giovanna Bellesia and Victoria Offredi Poletto
Interacting Bosons at Finite Angular Momentum via Complex Langevin, Casey E. Berger and Joaquín E. Drut
Len Berkman on the Caffe Cino, Len Berkman
Electric sector policy, technological change, and U.S. emissions reductions goals: Results from the EMF 32 model intercomparison project, John E. Bistline, Elke Hodson, Charles G. Rossmann, Jared Creason, Brian Murray, and Alexander R. Barron
Recital 1: Sonatas Nos. 1–4: Program, Peter Bloom
Recital 2: Sonatas Nos. 5-8 & 19-20: Program, Peter Bloom
Recital 3: Sonatas Nos. 9–11 & Three “Electoral” Sonatas: Program, Peter Bloom
Recital 4: Sonatas Nos. 12–15: Program, Peter Bloom
Effective Student Research on Smith’s Landscape: What Worked, What Didn’t, and Where We Go From Here, Sydney Noa Bobrow and Paula Ariel Martinez
Auxetics Abounding, Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Periodic Auxetics: Structure and Design, Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Auxetic Deformations and Elliptic Curves, Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu
The Hidden Benefits of Abstaining from Control, Gabriel Burdin, Simon Halliday, and Fabio Landini
The State of the Union: Contemporary Interminority Attitudes in the United States, Esther Burson and Erin B. Godfrey
Challenging the Estrangela / Serto Divide: Why the Standard Model of Syriac Scripts Just Doesn't Work, Kristina Bush, Michael Philip Penn, R. Jordan Crouser, Nicholas Howe, and Shuangxia Wu
Germs of Fibrations of Spheres by Great Circles Always Extend to the Whole Sphere, Patricia Cahn, Herman Gluck, and Haggai Nuchi
The Dihedral Genus of a Knot, Patricia Cahn and Alexandra Kjuchukova
Spatially Resolved Dust, Gas, and Star Formation in the Dwarf Magellanic Irregular NGC 4449, D. Calzetti, G W. Wilson, B. T. Draine, H. Roussel, K. E. Johnson, M. H. Heyer, W. F. Wall, K. Grasha, A. Battisti, J. E. Andrews, A. Kirkpatrick, D. Rosa González, O. Vega, J. Puschnig, M. Yun, G. Östlin, A. S. Evans, Y. Tang, James Lowenthal, and D. Sánchez-Arguelles
Theresienstadt Archive: A Woman's Microhistory of the Holocaust, Justin Cammy
Meridians 16:1, Ginetta Candelario
Meridians 16:2, Ginetta Candelario
Meridians 17:1, Ginetta Candelario
Meridians 17:2 Cartographies for the Twenty-First Century, Ginetta Candelario
An Interview with Dr. Ginetta Candelario, Ginetta E. B. Candelario, Paul S. Hengesteg, and Alade McKen
Strong Comparison Principle for p-Harmonic Functions in Carnot-Caratheodory Spaces, Luca Capogna and Xiaodan Zhou
Cohort Effects in Children's Delay of Gratification, Stephanie M. Carlson, Yuichi Shoda, Ozlem Ayduk, Lawrence Aber, Catherine Schaefer, Anita Sethi, Nicole Wilson, Philip K. Peake, and Walter Mischel
SpatialEpi: Methods and Data for Spatial Epidemiology, Cici Chen, Albert Y. Kim, Michelle Ross, and Jon Wakefield
Summer Research Fellowship Project Descriptions 2018, Clark Science Center's Summer Research Fellows Program
Gaming the Framing: A New Way to Teach the Convention, the Constitution, and the Founding, John Patrick Coby
The Framers’ Coup: The Making of the United States Constitution, by Michael J. Klarman, John Patrick Coby
The Proportional Representation Debate at the Constitutional Convention: Why the Nationalists Lost, John Patrick Coby
A Superhydrophobic Cone to Facilitate the Xenomonitoring of Filarial Parasites, Malaria, and Trypanosomes Using Mosquito Excreta/Feces, Darren A.N. Cook, Nils Pilotte, Corrado Minetti, Steven A. Williams, and Lisa J. Reimer
Testing Quantum Electrodynamics in the Lowest Singlet State of Neutral Beryllium-9, E. C. Cook, Alisha Daya Vira, E. Livernois, and William Williams
Collaborative psychosocial capacity building in Northern Uganda, Joanne Corbin and Joshua Miller
Racial Differences In the Effect of Marriageable Males On Female Family Headship, Terry Ann Craigie, Samuel L. Myers, and William A. Darity
Scalable Syriac Paleography using Interactive Visualization, R. Jordan Crouser, Michael Penn, and Nicholas Howe
Perspectives on Truth: The Case of Language and False Belief Reasoning, Jill de Villiers
Holocene Glacier Activity Reconstructed from Proglacial Lake Gjøavatnet on Amsterdamøya, NW Svalbard, Gregory A. de Wet, Nicholas L. Balascio, William J. D'Andrea, Jostein Bakke, Raymond S. Bradley, and Bianca Perren
Pivoting Toward the Future: Fifty Years of Summer Research Fellowship Success Catalyzes Institutional Change, Patricia Marten DiBartolo, Kathryn M. Aloisio, Margaret Lamb, Minh Ly, and Cate Rowen
Estimation of Smith College’s Scope 3 Emissions, Cara Dietz
Relationships Between Social Network Characteristics, Alcohol Use, and Alcohol-Related Consequences in a Large Network of First-Year College Students: How Do Peer Drinking Norms Fit In?, Graham T. DiGuiseppi, Matthew K. Meisel, Sara G. Balestrieri, Miles Q. Ott, Melissa A. Clark, and Nancy P. Barnett
Resistance to Peer influence Moderates the Relationship Between Perceived (But Not Actual) Peer Norms and Binge Drinking in a College Student Social Network, Graham T. DiGuiseppi, Matthew K. Meisel, Sara G. Balestrieri, Miles Q. Ott, Melissa J. Cox, Melissa A. Clark, and Nancy P. Barnett
Panel Discussion: Amar Akbar Anthony, William Elison, Christian Lee Novetzke, and Andy Rotman
Empowering Engineers To Be Superheroes, Glenn Ellis
Engaging Children in Design Thinking Through Transmedia Narrative (RTP), Glenn W. Ellis, Isabel Huff, Al Rudnitsky, Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, and Sonia K. Ellis
Direct Imaging of the HD 35841 Debris Disk: a Polarized Dust Ring from Gemini Planet Imager and an Outer Halo From HST/STIS, Thomas M. Esposito, Gaspard Duchne, Paul Kalas, Malena Rice, Ilodie Choquet, Bin Ren, Marshall D. Perrin, Christine H. Chen, Pauline Arriaga, Eugene Chiang, Eric L. Nielsen, James R. Graham, Jason J. Wang, Robert J.De Rosa, Katherine B. Follette, S. Mark Ammons, Megan Ansdell, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis Barman, Juan Sebastián Bruzzone, Joanna Bulger, Jeffrey Chilcote, Tara Cotten, Rene Doyon, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Stephen J. Goodsell, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, Li Wei Hung, Patrick Ingraham, Quinn Konopacky, James E. Larkin, Kimberly Ward-Duong, and et al
Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Facies Analysis of Cambrian Series 2 - Series 3 Boundary Strata in Northwestern Scotland, Luke E. Faggetter, Paul B. Wignall, Sara B. Pruss, Yadong Sun, Robert J. Raine, Robert J. Newton, Mike Widdowson, Michael M. Joachimski, and Paul M. Smith
A New Look at T Tauri Star Forbidden Lines: MHD-driven Winds from the Inner Disk, Min Fang, Ilaria Pascucci, Suzan Edwards, Uma Gorti, Andrea Banzatti, Mario Flock, Patrick Hartigan, Gregory J. Herczeg, and Andrea K. Dupree
The Relationships between Religiosity and Internalizing Symptoms in African American Parent-Adolescent Dyads, Alyssa L. Faro, Laura G. McKee, Randi L. Garcia, and Deborah J. Jones
A DNA-Conjugated Small Molecule Catalyst Enzyme Mimic for Site-Selective Ester Hydrolysis, Moira L. Flanagan, A. Emilia Arguello, Drew E. Colman, Jiyeon Kim, Jesse N. Krejci, Shimu Liu, Yueyu Yao, Yu Zhang, and David J. Gorin
A Short Guide to Using Python For Data Analysis In Experimental Physics, Nathanael Alexander Fortune
Action of the Symmetric Group on the Free LAnKe: A CataLAnKe Theorem, Tamar Friedmann, Philip Hanlon, Richard P. Stanley, and Michelle L. Wachs
Scrupulosity and Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, Isabella Gabrielson, Sophia Deady, Kathryn Bonner Dernbach, Greta Guevara, Maggie Peebles-Dorin, Keong Yap, and Jessica R. Grisham