Play Matters: Play-Full Teaching In Higher Education, Glenn Ellis
Tapping Into The Imaginations Of Engineers, Glenn Ellis
Development and Use of a Client Interaction Rubric for Formative Assessment, John K. Estell and Susannah Howe
Trilobite Extinctions, Facies Changes and the ROECE Carbon Isotope Excursion at the Cambrian Series 2–3 Boundary, Great Basin, Western USA, Luke E. Faggetter, Paul B. Wignall, Sara B. Pruss, Robert J. Newton, Yadong Sun, and Stephen F. Crowley
Matching Multiple Rigid Domain Decompositions of Proteins, Emily Flynn and Ileana Streinu
Genetic Targeting and Anatomical Registration of Neuronal Populations in the Zebrafish Brain with a New Set of BAC Transgenic Tools, Dominique Förster, Irene Arnold-Ammer, Eva Laurell, Alison J. Barker, António M. Fernandes, Karin Finger-Baier, Alessandro Filosa, Thomas O. Helmbrecht, Yvonne Kölsch, Enrico Kühn, Estuardo Robles, Krasimir Slanchev, Tod R. Thiele, Herwig Baier, and Fumi Kubo
Magnetic-field-induced 1st order transition to FFLO state at paramagnetic limit in 2D superconductors, Nathanael Alexander Fortune, C. C. Agosta, S. T. Hannahs, and J. A. Schleuter
Post-Fatigue Recovery of Power, Postural Control and Physical Function in Older Women, Stephen A. Foulis, Stephanie L. Jones, Richard E. Van Emmerik, and Jane A. Kent
How Do We Gather Knowledge through Language?, Elisa Freschi and Malcolm Keating
On H-spaces and a Congruence of Catalan Numbers, Tamar Friedmann and John Harper
Perceived Self-to-Other Similarity as a Mediator of the Effects of Gender and Racial Composition on Identification in Small Groups, Randi L. Garcia
Gpr37l1 Modulates Seizure Susceptibility: Evidence from Mouse Studies and Analyses of a Human Gpr37l1 Variant, Michelle M. Giddens, Jennifer C. Wong, Jason P. Schroeder, Emily G. Farrow, Brilee M. Smith, Sharon Owino, Sarah E. Soden, Rebecca C. Meyer, Carol Saunders, J. B. LePichon, David Weinshenker, Andrew Escayg, and Randy A. Hall
Meridians 15:2, Paula J. Giddings
Women's Entrepreneurship 2016/2017 Report, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Smith College
Monosexual and Nonmonosexual Women in Same-Sex Couples’ Relationship Quality During the First Five Years of Parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg, Randi L. Garcia, and Melissa H. Manley
VB-Groupoids and Representation Theory of Lie Groupoids, Alfonso Gracia-Saz and Rajan Amit Mehta
Experiences of Canadian Oncologists with Difficult Patient Deaths and Coping Strategies Used, Leeat Granek, L. Barbera, O. Nakash, M. Cohen, and M. K. Krzyzanowska
Teaching with Big Data: Report from the 2016 Society for Neuroscience Teaching Workshop, William Grisham, Joshua C. Brumberg, Terri Gilbert, Linda Lanyon, Robert W. Williams, and Richard F. Olivo
Modeling and Reasoning with Changing Intentions: An Experiment, Alicia M. Grubb and Marsha Chechik
Taxes, Transfers, and Women's Labor Supply in the United States, Melanie Guldi and Lucie Schmidt
Beyond Opportunity: A Women’s College Offers Lessons in Promoting Diversity and Engineering Identity, Andrew John Guswa
Potential Effects of Landscape Change on Water Supplies in the Presence of Reservoir Storage, Andrew John Guswa, Perrine Hamel, and P. James Dennedy-Frank
Predicting Dry‐Season Flows with a Monthly Rainfall–Runoff Model: Performance for Gauged and Ungauged Catchments, Perrine Hamel, Andrew John Guswa, Jake Sahl, and Lu Zhang
Total Molecular Gas Masses of Planck – Herschel Selected Strongly Lensed Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxies, K. C. Harrington, M. S. Yun, B. Magnelli, D. T. Frayer, A. Karim, A. Weiß, D. Riechers, E. F. Jiménez-Andrade, D. Berman, James Lowenthal, and F. Bertoldi
Light Upon Dark: The Anti-Dictatorship Work of Brazilian Filmmakers Lúcia Murat and Tata Amaral, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
To Shake the Hand of Happiness: Luiz Ruffato’s Inferno Provisório, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Reproduction in Mammals: The Female Perspective, Virginia Hayssen and Teri J. Orr
Rules for Reconstruction in Syria, Steven Heydemann
African Environmental Change from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene, Colin Hoag and Jens-Christian Svenning
Reward Capacity Predicts Leptin Dynamics During Laboratory-Controlled Eating in Women as a Function of Body Mass Index, Laura M. Holsen and Benita Jackson
Isolated Character Forms from Dated Syriac Manuscripts, Nicholas Howe, Minyue Dai, and Michael Penn
Chronological Profiling for Paleography, Nicholas Howe and Stephanie Xie
Extending the 2015 Capstone Design Survey: Data From Australia and New Zealand, Susannah Howe and Laura Mae Rosenbauer
The 2015 Capstone Design Survey Results: Current Practices and Changes over Time, Susannah Howe, Laura Rosenbauer, and Sophia Poulos
Mormonism: The Basics, David Howlett and John-Charles Duffy
Age and Intraspecific Diversity of Resilient Acropora Communities in Belize, Adele Irwin, Lisa Greer, Robert Humston, Meghann Devlin-Durante, Paul Cabe, Halard Lescinsky, Karl Wirth, H. Allen Curran, and Iliana B. Baums
Does that pose become you? Testing the effect of body postures on self-concept, Benita Jackson, Kelly Nault, Laura Smart Richman, Onawa LaBelle, and Nicolas Rohleder
The Role of Positive Expectancies in Risk Behavior: An Exploration of Alcohol Use and Non- Suicidal Self-Injury, Stephanie Jarvi Steele and Lance P. Swenson
Motivation for and use of social networking sites: Comparisons Among College Students With and Without Histories of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Lance P. Swenson, and Kristen L. Batejan
Northampton Food Rescue: Gathering Resources, Connecting Communities, and Building Resilience, Alyssa Johnson-Kurts
Power poses — where do we stand?, Kai J. Jonas, Joseph Cesario, Madeliene Alger, John F. Dovidio, Sean Duffy, Jenna A. Harder, Dian van Huistee, Benita Jackson, David J. Johnson, Victor N. Keller, Lukas Klaschinski, Onawa LaBelle, Marianne LaFrance, Ioana M. Latu, Margot Morssinkhoff, Kelly Nault, Vaani Pardal, Caroline Pulfrey, Nicolas Rohleder, Richard Ronay, Laura Smart Richmond, Marianne Schmid Mast, Konrad Schnabel, Micheala Schröder-Abé, and Josh M. Tybur
Is Impressionism History?, Laura Kalba
Victorian Valentines: Intimacy in the Industrial Age, Laura Kalba, Clara Rosenberg, and Sally Stack
A Program Aimed toward Inclusive Excellence for Underrepresented Undergraduate Women in the Sciences, Laura A. Katz, Kathryn M. Aloisio, Nicholas J. Horton, Minh Ly, Sara B. Pruss, Kate Queeney, Cate Rowen, and Patricia Marten DiBartolo
(Close) the Door, the King (is Going): The Development of Elliptical Resolution in Bha Mīmāṃsā, Malcolm Keating
Metonymy and Metaphor as Verbal Postulation: The Epistemic Status of Non-Literal Speech in Indian Philosophy, Malcolm Keating
Alcohol Perceptions and Behavior in a Residential Peer Social Network, Shannon R. Kenney, Miles Q. Ott, Matthew Meisel, and Nancy P. Barnett
SIAM Data Mining "Brings It" to Annual Meeting, Jeremy Kepner, Sanjukta Bhowmick, Aydın Buluç, Rajmonda Caceres, R. Jordan Crouser, Vijay Gadepally, Ben Miller, and Jennifer Webster
OkCupid Data for Introductory Statistics and Data Science Courses, Albert Y. Kim and Adriana Escobedo-Land
Cripping East Los Angeles: Enabling Environmental Justice in Helena María Viramontes’s Their Dogs Came with Them, Jina B. Kim
Toward a Crip-of-Color Critique: Thinking with Minich’s ‘Enabling Whom?’, Jina B. Kim
Abundant Exotics and Cavalier Crafting: Obsidian Use and Emerging Complexity in the Northern Lake Titicaca Basin, Elizabeth A. Klarich, Abigail Levine, and Carol Schultze
Learning Japanese/Japan in a Year Abroad in Kyoto: Discourse of Study Abroad, Emotions, and Construction of Self, Yuri Kumagai
Why Roma Children Need Language Assessments in Romani, Hristo Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, and Andrea Takahesu Tabori
Why Roma Children Need Testing in Romani, Hristo Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, and Andrea Takahesu Tabori
Hippocampal Contribution to Context Encoding across Development is Disrupted Following Early-Life Adversity, Hilary K. Lambert, Margaret A. Sheridan, Kelly A. Sambrook, Maya L. Rosen, Mary K. Askren, and Katie A. McLaughlin
Blackness Written, Erased, Rewritten James Weldon Johnson, Teju Cole, and the Palimpsest of Modernity, Daphne Lamothe
The City-Child's Quest: Spatiality and Sociality in Paule Marshall's The Fisher King, Daphne Lamothe
APA Member Interview: Susan Levin, Susan B. Levin
Changes in Saving Cognitions Mediate Hoarding Symptom Change in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Hoarding Disorder, Hannah C. Levy, Blaise L. Worden, Christina M. Gilliam, Christine D'Urso, Gail Steketee, Randy O. Frost, and David F. Tolin
Flagellar Swimming in Viscoelastic Fluids: Role of Fluid Elastic Stress Revealed by Simulations Based on Experimental Data, Chuanbin Li, Boyang Qin, Arvind Gopinath, Paulo E. Arratia, Becca Thomases, and Robert D. Guy
Gardening the Community: A Discussion of Japanese Knotweed Eradication Methods, Sable Liggera
Research to Establish the Validity, Reliability, and Clinical Utility of a Comprehensive Language Assessment of Mandarin, Xueman Lucy Liu, Jill de Villiers, Chunyan Ning, Eric Rolfhus, Teresa Hutchings, Wendy Lee, Fan Jiang, and Yi Wen Zhang
Super-Interseismic Periods: Redefining Earthquake Recurrence, John P. Loveless
Angle-Monotone Paths in Non-Obtuse Triangulations, Anna Lubiw and Joseph O'Rourke
Callosciurus prevostii (Rodentia: Sciuridae), Peter W.W. Lurz, Isabella Fielding, and Virginia Hayssen
Conceptual Primitive Decomposition for Knowledge Sharing via Natural Language, Jamie C. Macbeth
Crowdsourcing a Parallel Corpus for Conceptual Analysis of Natural Language, Jamie C. Macbeth and Sandra Grandic
Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency Primitives: A Comparison, Jamie C. Macbeth, Dagmar Gromann, and Maria M. Hedblom
Dying in Full Detail : Mortality and Digital Documentary, Jennifer Malkowski
I Turned Out to be Such a Damsel in Distress : noir games and the unrealized femme fatale, Jennifer Malkowski
GPER/GPR30, a Membrane Estrogen Receptor, is Expressed in the Brain and Retina of a Social Fish (Carassius auratus) and Colocalizes with Isotocin, Lisa A. Mangiamele, Julia R. Gomez, Nancy J. Curtis, and Richmond R. Thompson
Mechanical Models Favor a Ramp Geometry for the Ventura-Pitas Point Fault, California, Scott T. Marshall, Gareth J. Funning, Hannah E. Kreuger, Susan E. Owen, and John P. Loveless
Post-Rift Magmatic Evolution of the Eastern North American “Passive-Aggressive” Margin, Sarah E. Mazza, Esteban Gazel, Elizabeth A. Johnson, Michael Bizimis, Ryan McAleer, and C. Berk Biryol
Greater Data Science at Baccalaureate Institutions, Amelia McNamara, Nicholas J. Horton, and Benjamin S. Baumer
Posthumanism, Animism, and Sérgio Medeiros’s Pluriverse Poetics, Malcolm McNee
Block motion changes in Japan triggered by the 2011 great Tohoku earthquake, Brendan Meade and John P. Loveless
Stakeholder Perceptions of Green Spaces: Informing the New Landscape Master Plan, Madeleine Meadows-McDonnell
Pioneer Valley Goes Green: Minimizing Franklin Regional Transit Authority’s Carbon Footprint, Michelle Mei
Repairing Gaps in Kinari-2 for Large Scale Protein and Flexibility Analysis Applications, Magdalena Metlicka, Mojtaba Nouri Bygi, and Ileana Streinu
Reforming College Sports: The Case for a Limited and Conditional Antitrust Exemption, Jayma Meyer and Andrew Zimbalist
Pyritized Cryogenian Cyanobacteria Fossils From Arctic Alaska, Kelsey R. Moore, Tanja Bosak, Francis Macdonald, Kimberly Du, Sharon A. Newman, Daniel J.G. Lahr, and Sara B. Pruss
A Conversation with Anna Mwaba on the African Union, Election Monitoring, and More, Anna Kapambwe Mwaba
‘We don’t talk Gypsy here’: Minority Language Policies in Europe, William S. New, Hristo Kyuchukov, and Jill de Villiers
Economic Conditions and Supplemental Security Income Application, Austin Nichols, Lucie Schmidt, and Purvi Sevak
Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae), Paula Noonan, Siobhan Prout, and Virginia Hayssen
Improving Assessment of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture to Further Veteran PTSD Research., Jane M. Onoye, Michele Spoont, Julia M. Whealin, Nnamdi Pole, Margaret Anne MacKintosh, James L. Spira, and Leslie A. Morland
A Novel, Species-Specific, Real-Time PCR Assay for the Detection of the Emerging Zoonotic Parasite Ancylostoma Ceylanicum in Human Stool, Marina Papaiakovou, Nils Pilotte, Jessica R. Grant, Rebecca J. Traub, Stacey Llewellyn, James S. McCarthy, Alejandro J. Krolewiecki, Rubén Cimino, Rojelio Mejia, and Steven A. Williams
Differential Toxic Effects of Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta) on the herbivorous gastropods, Littorina littorea and L. obtusata (Mollusca), Paulette Peckol and Alysha B. Putnam
Assessing the Quantity and Disciplinary Distribution of Sustainability Courses at Smith College, Sam Peikes
Historiography of Ba`thi Iraq Post-2003: Faust’s Ba`thification in Comparative Perspective, Karen Pfeifer
Insights into Transgenerational Epigenetics from Studies of Ciliates, Olivia A. Pilling, Anna J. Rogers, Bethaney Gulla-Devaney, and Laura A. Katz
Devious Design: Digital Infrastructure Challenges for Experimental Ethnography, Lindsay Poirier
Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Detection of Dust Emission in Multiple Images of a Normal Galaxy at z > 4 Lensed by a Frontier Fields Cluster, Alexandra Pope, Alfredo Montaña, Andrew Battisti, Marceau Limousin, Danilo Marchesini, Grant W. Wilson, Stacy Alberts, Itziar Aretxaga, Vladimir Avila-Reese, José Ramón Bermejo-Climent, Gabriel Brammer, Hector Bravo-Alfaro, Daniela Calzetti, Ranga-Ram Chary, Ryan Cybulski, Mauro Giavalisco, David Hughes, Erin Kado-Fong, Erica Keller, Allison Kirkpatrick, Ivo Labbe, Daniel Lange-Vagle, James Lowenthal, Eric Murphy, Pascal Oesch, Daniel Rosa Gonzalez, David Sánchez-Argüelles, Heath Shipley, Mauro Stefanon, Olga Vega, Katherine Whitaker, Christina C. Williams, Min Yun, Jorge A. Zavala, and Milagros Zeballos
Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium (USTARS), Candice Price
Enhancing Father Involvement in Low-Income Families: A Couples Group Approach to Preventive Intervention, Marsha Kline Pruett, Kyle Pruett, Carolyn Pape Cowan, and Philip A. Cowan
Enhancing Paternal Engagement in a Coparenting Paradigm, Marsha Kline Pruett, Kyle D. Pruett, Carolyn P. Cowan, and Philip A. Cowan
Making Peru’s Sendero Luminoso: The Geography & Ecology of Civil War, Javier Puente
Making Peru’s Sendero Luminoso: The Mega Niño of 1982-1983, Javier Puente
Assessing Smith College’s Unaccounted Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Angelica Radke