Large scale rigidity-based flexibility analysis of biomolecules, Ileana Streinu
Synthetic and Computational Studies on the Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroamination of Aminoalkenes, Alexandra E. Strom, David Balcells, and John F. Hartwig
Splines in Geometry and Topology, Julianna Tymoczko
A Multistep Approach to Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-Set Analysis: An Evaluation of Power and Type I Error of Gene-Based Tests of Association after Pathway-Based Association Tests, Alessandra Valcarcel, Kelsey Grinde, Kaitlyn Cook, Alden Green, and Nathan Tintle
Reflectance Measures from Infant Ears With Normal Hearing and Transient Conductive Hearing Loss, Susan E. Voss, Barbara S. Herrmann, Nicholas J. Horton, Elizabeth A. Amadei, and Kujawa G. Sharon
Appearance of Membrane Compromised, Viable But Not Culturable and Culturable Rhizobial Cells as a Consequence of Desiccation, Jan A.C. Vriezen and Frans J. de Bruijn
Consequences of Elevated Salt Concentrations Expression Profiles in the Rhizobium S. meliloti 1021 Likely Involved in Heat and Desiccation Stress, Jan A.C. Vriezen and Caroline M. Finn
No Agency Without Grassroots Autonomy: A Framework for Evaluating Women’s Political Inclusion in Jordan, Bahrain, and Morocco, Bozena Welborne
The Complexity of Covering: The Religious, Social, and Political Dynamics of Islamic Practice in the United States, Aubrey Westfall, Bozena Welborne, Sarah Tobin, and Özge Çelik Russell
The Specter of Climate Refugees: Why Invoking Refugees as a Reason to “Take Climate Change Seriously” is Troubling, Gregory White
Meridians 15:1, Karsonya Wise Whitehead
Carceral and Intersectional Feminism in Congress, Nancy Whittier
Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions and Intracranial Pressure During CSF Infusion Testing, Michael A. Williams, Jan Malm, Anders Eklund, Nicholas J. Horton, and Susan E. Voss
Glucose and Acute Exercise Influence Factors Secreted by Circulating Angiogenic Cells in vitro, Sarah Witkowski, Gayatri Guhanarayan, and Rachel Burgess
Determinants of Resource Needs and Utilization Among Refugees Over Time, A. Michelle Wright, Abir Aldhalimi, Mark A. Lumley, Hikmet Jamil, Nnamdi Pole, Judith E. Arnetz, and Bengt B. Arnetz
Unemployment in Iraqi Refugees: The Interaction of Pre and Post-Displacement Trauma, A. Michelle Wright, Abir Dhalimi, Mark A. Lumley, Hikmet Jamil, Nnamdi Pole, Judith E. Arnetz, and Bengt B. Arnetz
Nuclear Architecture and Patterns of Molecular Evolution Are Correlated in the Ciliate Chilodonella uncinata, Xyrus X. X. Maurer-Alcala and Laura A. Katz
“Try Walking in Our Shoes”: Teaching Acculturation and Related Cultural Adjustment Processes Through Role-Play, Byron L. Zamboanga, Lindsay S. Ham, Cara C. Tomaso, Shannon Audley, and Nnamdi Pole
Contrasting Sediment Melt and Fluid Signatures for Magma Components in the Aeolian Arc: Implications for Numerical Modeling of Subduction Systems, Denis Zamboni, Esteban Gazel, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Claudia Cannatelli, Federico Lucchi, Zachary D. Atlas, Jarek Trela, Sarah E. Mazza, and Benedetto De Vivo
The Front Yard of Smith College, Danyi Zeng
Cyberbullying Detection with a Pronunciation Based Convolutional Neural Network, Xiang Zhang, Jonathan Tong, Nishant Vishwamitra, Elizabeth Whittaker, Joseph P. Mazer, Robin Kowalski, Hongxin Hu, Feng Luo, Jamie C. Macbeth, and Edward Dillon
Implicit Alternatives Insufficient for Children’s Implicatures with Some, Athulya Aravind and Jill de Villiers
An Examination of Some Central Debates on Sex Trafficking in Research and Public Policy in the United States, Carrie N. Baker
“Imagine a World in Which”: Using Scenarios in Political Science, Naazneen H. Barma, Brent Durbin, Eric Lorber, and Rachel E. Whitlark
Average Case Network Lifetime on an Interval with Adjustable Sensing Ranges, Amotz Bar-Noy and Benjamin Baumer
Set It and Forget It: Approximating the Set Once Strip Cover Problem, Amotz Bar-Noy, Benjamin Baumer, and Dror Rawitz
Sexual Orientation and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A Meta-Analytic Review, Kristen L. Batejan, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, and Lance P. Swenson
Perceptions of the Functions of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in a College Sample, Kristen L. Batejan, Lance P. Swenson, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, and Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp
A Data Science Course for Undergraduates: Thinking with Data, Benjamin Baumer
OpenWAR: An Open Source System for Evaluating Overall Player Performance in Major League Baseball, Benjamin S. Baumer, Shane T. Jensen, and Gregory J. Matthews
Neurobiology of Stress, Annaliese K. Beery and Daniela Kaufer
Triangle-free Uniquely 3-Edge Colorable Cubic Graphs, Sarah-Marie Belcastro and Ruth Haas
Neilson Library Redesign, Natalie Belkov
Horticultural Escape and Naturalization of Magnolia tripetala in Western Massachusetts: Biogeographic Context and Possible Relationship to Recent Climate Change, Jesse Bellemare and Claudia Deeg
Energy, Contact, and Density Profiles of One-Dimensional Fermions in a Harmonic Trap via Nonuniform-Lattice Monte Carlo Calculations, Casey E. Berger, E. R. Anderson, and J. E. Drut
Suppression of Locomotor Activity in Female C57Bl/6J Mice Treated with Interleukin-1β: Investigating a Method for the Study of Fatigue in Laboratory Animals, David R. Bonsall, Hyunji Kim, Awa Ndiaye, Abbey Petronzio, Grace McKay-Corkum, Penny C. Molyneux, Thomas E. Scammell, and Mary E. Harrington
Deforming Diamond, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Expansive Periodic Mechanisms, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Geometric Auxetics, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Liftings and Stresses for Planar Periodic Frameworks, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Periodic Body-And-Bar Frameworks, Ciprian Borcea, Ileana Streinu, and Shin-Ichi Tanigawa
Lang’s Universal Molecule Algorithm, John C. Bowers and Ileana Streinu
Precious Stones, Mineral Beings, Performative Materiality in Fifteenth-Century Northern Art, Brigitte Buettner
Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Legendrian Knots, Patricia Cahn and Asa Levi
Regularity of Mean Curvature Flow of Graphs on Lie Groups Free Up to Step 2, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
Women in Science 2015, Clark Science Center's Summer Research Fellows Program
Fossils of Putative Marine Algae from the Cryogenian Glacial Interlude of Mongolia, Phoebe A. Cohen, Francis A. Macdonald, Sara Pruss, Emily Matys, and Tanja Bosak
Global Pattern Search at Scale, R. Jordan Crouser, Matthew C. Schmidt, Stephen Kelley, Benjamin Miller, Daniel Hook, Lauren Edwards, Maja Milosavljevic, Elizabeth Michel, Elizabeth Ferme, Robert Carrington, and Albert I. Reuther
Sinuous Rhizoliths Mimic Invertebrate Trace Fossils on Upper Pleistocene Caliche Surfaces, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, H. Allen Curran
Arthur in Early Wales/Culhwch and Olwen, Craig R. Davis
Gothic ‘Immigrants’ in the Roman Empire, Craig R. Davis
Education Values in the New Neilson Library Landscape, Sarah Dean, Vivian Hulsey, Taz Mueller, Laura Rosenbauer, and Zoe Zandbergen
Hypercube Unfoldings that Tile R3 and R2, Giovanna Diaz and Joseph O'Rourke
A Blended Approach to Idea Centered Learning, Patricia Marten DiBartolo, Lauren E. Duncan, and Glenn Ellis
An Interactive Neilson, Cara Dietz, Alyssa Graveline, and Renee Klann
Assessment of Clinical Information: Comparison of the Validity of a Structured Clinical Interview (the Scid) and the Clinical Diagnostic Interview, Rebecca Drill, Ora Nakash, Jared A. Defife, and Drew Westen
Bridging the Gap in the Classroom with Brent Durbin, Brent Durbin
Designing a Multimedia Learning Environment that Engages Children Through Narrative, Glenn W. Ellis, Al Rudnitsky, Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, Isabel Huff, and Sonia K. Ellis
Total Variation Regularization of Geodetically and Geologically Constrained Block Models for the Western United States, Eileen L. Evans, John P. Loveless, and Brendan J. Meade
Neilson Library: Use of Outdoor Space, Kate Fessler, Emily McCarter, Christina Mortali, Claudio Stoll, and Fiona Twiford
A Transitional Decompression Zone, Rebecca Flores, Asrie Karma, and Morgan Mpungose
Quantum Mechanical Derivation of the Wallis Formula for π, Tamar Friedmann and C. R. Hagen
Motives for Acquiring and Saving in Hoarding Disorder, OCD, and Community Controls, Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee, David F. Tolin, Nicole Sinopoli, and Dylan Ruby
Analyses of Alternatively Processed Genes in Ciliates Provide Insights into the Origins of Scrambled Genomes and may Provide a Mechanism for Speciation, Feng Gao, Scott W. Roy, and Laura A. Katz
Racial Attitude (Dis)Similarity and Liking in Same-Race Minority Interactions, Randi L. Garcia, Hilary B. Bergsieker, and J. Nicole Shelton
Ego, Egoism and the Impact of Religion on Ethical Experience: What a Paradoxical Consequence of Buddhist Culture Tells Us About Moral Psychology, Jay L. Garfield, Shaun Nichols, Arun K. Rai, and Nina Strohminger
Meridians 13:1, Paula J. Giddings
Predictors of Relationship Dissolution in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Randi L. Garcia
Virtual Capstone Design Teams: Preparing for Global Innovation, Jay Goldberg and Susannah Howe
Americans Attitudes Toward the Political Parties and the Party System, Howard J. Gold
Upper Plate Reverse Fault Reactivation and the Unclamping of the Megathrust During the 2014 Northern Chile Earthquake Sequence, Gabriel González, Pablo Salazar, John P. Loveless, Richard W. Allmendinger, Felipe Aron, and Mahesh Shrivastava
Distinct Assemblage of Planktonic Ciliates Dominates Both Photic and Deep Waters on the New England Shelf, Jean David Grattepanche, Luciana F. Santoferrara, George B. McManus, and Laura A. Katz
The Effects of Visual Search Efficiency on Object-Based Attention, Adam S. Greenberg, Maya Rosen, Elizabeth Cutrone, and Marlene Behrmann
Adding Temporal Intention Dynamics to Goal Modeling: A Position Paper, Alicia M. Grubb
Uncertainty Analysis of a Spatially Explicit Annual Water-Balance Model: Case Study of the Cape Fear Basin, North Carolina, Perrine Hamel and Andrew John Guswa
Data Science in Statistics Curricula: Preparing Students to “Think with Data”, J. Hardin, R. Hoerl, Nicholas J. Horton, D. Nolan, B. Baumer, O. Hall-Holt, P. Murrell, R. Peng, P. Roback, D. Temple Lang, and M. D. Ward
Explaining the Arab uprisings: Transformations in Comparative Perspective, Steven Heydemann
Igiaba Scego’s “At Sea Devoured by our Indifference”, Jim Hicks, Giovanna Bellesia, and Victoria Offredi Poletto
Synthesis of Phylogeny and Taxonomy Into a Comprehensive Tree of Life, Cody E. Hinchliff, Stephen A. Smith, James F. Allman, J. Gordon Burleigh, Ruchi Chaudhary, Lyndon M. Coghill, Keith A. Crandall, Jiabin Deng, Bryan T. Drew, Romina Gazis, Karl Gude, David S. Hibbett, Laura A. Katz, H. Dail Laughinghouse IV, Emily Jane McTavish, Peter E. Midford, Christopher L. Owen, Richard H. Ree, Jonathan A. Rees, Douglas E. Soltis, Tiffani Williams, and Karen A. Cranston
The Robinson-Schensted Correspondence and A2-web Bases, Matthew Housley, Heather M. Russell, and Julianna Tymoczko
Study Abroad, Global Knowledge and the Epistemic Communities of Higher Education, Rebecca Hovey
Connecting the New Library to Smith Campus, Susannah Howard, Sabrina Ko, Insia Naqvi, Jenny Perrin, Lynne Siringo, and Mary Taylor
Inkball Models for Character Localization and Out-of-Vocabulary Word Spotting, Nicholas Howe
A Character Style Library for Syriac Manuscripts, Nicholas Howe, Alice Yang, and Michael Penn
The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as A Social Practice, Noriko Iwasaki and Yuri Kumagai
Aerobic Copper-Catalyzed O-Methylation with Methylboronic Acid, Clare E. Jacobson, Noella Martinez-Muñoz, and David J. Gorin
Who Is David?, Joel Kaminsky
"Would You Impugn My Justice?", Joel Kaminsky
Would you Impugn My Justice? A Nuanced Approach to the Hebrew Bible's Theology of Divine Recompense, Joel Kaminsky
Creative Incubators, Alizeh Karamat, Meng Cao, and EvaMarie Olson
Marketizing Social Change: Social Shareholder Activism and Responsible Investing, Leslie King and Elisabeth Gish
User Study Space in the New Neilson, Laura Krok-Horton and Isabel Otaneda
Pericyte NF-κB Activation Enhances Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Proangiogenic Cytokine Secretion in vitro, Katherine E. Labarbera, Robert D. Hyldahl, Kevin S. O'Fallon, Priscilla M. Clarkson, and Sarah Witkowski
Sapocribrum chincoteaguense n. gen. n. sp.: A Small, Scale-bearing Amoebozoan with Flabellinid Affinities, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Jessica Grant, Robert Molestina, Laura A. Katz, and O. Roger Anderson
Exploring Hierarchical Visualization Designs Using Phylogenetic Trees, Shaomeng Li, R. Jordan Crouser, Garth Griffin, Connor Gramazio, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Hank Childs, and Remco Chang
Negotiating Blackness: West Indians and Afro-Hispanics in Panama, Paul Joseph López Oro
Visual Connections A New Space For Neilson Library, Tessy Lopez and Geneva Strauss-Wise
Kinematic Barrier Constraints on the Magnitudes of Additional Great Earthquakes Off the East Coast of Japan, John P. Loveless and Brendan J. Meade
Light Pollution, James Lowenthal