Crafting, Community, and Collaboration: Reflections on the Ethnographic Sala Project at the Pukara Lithic Museum, Peru, Elizabeth A. Klarich
Auditory Spatial Attention Representations in the Human Cerebral Cortex, Lingqiang Kong, Samantha W. Michalka, Maya L. Rosen, Summer L. Sheremata, Jascha D. Swisher, Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham, and David C. Somers
On Learning Japanese Language: Critical Reading of Japanese Language Textbook, Yuri Kumagai
The Process of Standardization of Culture & Language in a Japanese Language Classroom: Analyzing Teacher-Students Interactions, Yuri Kumagai
How Discordant Morphological and Molecular Evolution Among Microorganisms Can Revise our Notions of Biodiversity on Earth, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Haywood Dail Laughinghouse, Angela M. Oliverio, Feng Gao, and Laura A. Katz
Hybrid Power System Options for Off-Grid Rural Electrification in Northern Kenya, June M. Lukuyu and Judith Cardell
Untranslatable Desire: Inter-Ethnic Relationships in Franco-Arab Literature, Mehammed Mack
Financial Knowledge Among Educated Women: Room for Improvement, Mahnaz Mahdavi and Nicholas J. Horton
Lie algebroid modules and representations up to homotopy, Rajan Amit Mehta
Scaling the ISAM land surface model through parallelization of inter-component data transfer, Phil Miller, Michael Robson, Bassil El-Masri, Rahul Barman, Gengbin Zheng, Atul Jain, and Laxmikant Kalé
Complete Genome Sequence of Burkholderia phymatum STM815T , a Broad Host Range and Efficient Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiont of Mimosa Species, Lionel Moulin, Agnieszka Klonowska, Bournaud Caroline, Kristina Booth, Jan A.C. Vriezen, Rémy Melkonian, Euan K. James, Peter W. Young, Gilles Bena, Loren Hauser, Miriam Land, Nikos Kyrpides, David Bruce, Patrick Chain, Alex Copeland, Sam Pitluck, Tanja Woyke, Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, Jim Bristow, and Margaret Riley
Muddying the Waters: Co-authoring Feminisms Across Scholarship and Activism, Richa Nagar
Comorbidity of Common Mental Disorders with Cancer and Their Treatment Gap: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys, Ora Nakash, Itzhak Levav, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Jordi Alonso, Laura Helena Andrade, Matthias C. Angermeyer, Ronny Bruffaerts, Jose Miguel Caldas-De-Almeida, Slivia Florescu, Giovanni De Girolamo, Oye Gureje, Yanling He, Chiyi Hu, Peter De Jonge, Elie G. Karam, Viviane Kovess-Masfety, Maria Elena Medina-Mora, Jacek Moskalewicz, Sam Murphy, Yosikazu Nakamura, Marina Piazza, Jose Posada-Villa, Dan J. Stein, Nezar Ismet Taib, Zahari Zarkov, Ronald C. Kessler, and Kate M. Scott
Presenting Problems and Treatment Expectations Among Service Users Accessing Psychiatric Outpatient Care: Are There Gender Differences?, Ora Nakash, Maayan Nagar, and Itzhak Levav
Student Reflections on Capstone Design: Experiences with Industry-Sponsored Projects, Judith Shaul Norback, Page F. Rhoad, Susannah Howe, and Linda A. Riley
The Pilot-Wave Perspective on Spin, Travis Norsen
Weak Measurement and Bohmian Conditional Wave Functions, Travis Norsen
The Dynamic Nature of Genomes Across the Tree of Life, Angela M. Oliverio and Laura A. Katz
Development of Curves on Polyhedra Via Conical Existence, Joseph OʼRourke and Costin Vîlcu
Folk Food Webs and the Role of Praxis in Substantive Ecological Knowledge, Yancey Orr and Brian Hallmark
Cytoplasmic Carboxypeptidase 5 Regulates Tubulin Glutamylation and Zebrafish Cilia Formation and Function, Narendra Pathak, Christina A. Austin-Tse, Yan Liu, Aleksandr Vasilyev, and Iain A. Drummond
Cristina Ali Farah’s “Can the Past be Obliterated?”, Victoria Offredi Poletto and Giovanna Bellesia
Cristina Ali Farah’s “The Bundle on my Back”, Victoria Offredi Poletto and Giovanna Bellesia
Functional Correlates of Optic Flow Motion Processing in Parkinson's Disease, Deepti Putcha, Robert S. Ross, Maya L. Rosen, Daniel J. Norton, Alice Cronin-Golomb, David C. Somers, and Chantal E. Stern
Monitoring the Health of Transgender and Other Gender Minority Populations: Validity of Natal Sex and Gender Identity Survey Items in a U.S. National Cohort of Young Adults, Sari L. Reisner, Kerith J. Conron, Laura Anatale Tardiff, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Allegra R. Gordon, and S Bryn Austin
The Retinal Projectome Reveals Brain-Area-Specific Visual Representations Generated by Ganglion Cell Diversity, Estuardo Robles, Eva Laurell, and Herwig Baier
Long-Term Memory Guidance of Visuospatial Attention in a Change-Detection Paradigm, Maya L. Rosen, Chantal E. Stern, and David C. Somers
Righting/Writing the Black Female Body in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Literature, Flávia Santos de Araújo
Molecular Xenomonitoring Using Mosquitoes to Map Lymphatic Filariasis After Mass Drug Administration in American Samoa, Mark A. Schmaedick, Amanda L. Koppel, Nils Pilotte, Melissa Torres, Steven A. Williams, Stephen L. Dobson, Patrick J. Lammie, and Kimberly Y. Won
Burrow Morphology of the Land Crab Gecarcinus lateralis and the Ghost Crab Ocypode quadrata on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas: Comparisons and Palaeoenvironmental Implications, Koji Seike and H. Allen Curran
Part 12: Corey's Total Synthesis of Salinosporamide A, Kevin M. Shea
Part 13: Enolate Reaction Overview, Kevin M. Shea
Part 14: Enolate Reactions - Retrosynthetic Analysis, Kevin M. Shea
Part 15: Introduction to Electrocyclic Reactions, Kevin M. Shea
Part 16: Diels-Alder Reaction Drawing Tool, Kevin M. Shea
Part 17: C8H11N NMR Example - Part 1, Kevin M. Shea
Part 17: Introduction to Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions, Kevin M. Shea
Part 18: C8H11N NMR Example - Part 2, Kevin M. Shea
Part 19: Alkene Reaction Mechanisms - Part 2, Kevin M. Shea
Part 20: Alkene Reaction Mechanisms, Kevin M. Shea
Part 21: Ka and pKa Introduction, Kevin M. Shea
Part 22: Organic Chemistry Nomenclature Introduction, Kevin M. Shea
Part 23: Wittig Reagent and pKa - Quiz 1, Problem no. 2, Kevin M. Shea
Part 24: Mechanisms of Oxidation Reactions, Kevin M. Shea
Part 25: Stereoisomer Problems - Identical, Enantiomers, Diastereomers, or Constitutional Isomers, Kevin M. Shea
Part 26: Resonance Delocalization Examples, Kevin M. Shea
Part 27: pKa Problem, Kevin M. Shea
Part 28: Ketal Synthesis Problem, Kevin M. Shea
Part 29: Organic Acid-Base Introduction, Kevin M. Shea
Part 30: Organic Chemistry Chapter 1 Overview, Kevin M. Shea
Part 31: Organic Chemistry Structure Determination Class Problem, Kevin M. Shea
Part 32: Predict Products and Synthesis Problems, Kevin M. Shea
Part 33: Unusual Lithium Aluminum Hydride Mechanisms, Kevin M. Shea
Part 34: Structure Determination - Exam 1, Problem no. 6, Kevin M. Shea
Part 35: Carbonyl Reaction Tables, Kevin M. Shea
Part 36: Alkyne Reactions, Kevin M. Shea
Feeling (Mis)Understood and Intergroup Friendships in Interracial Interactions, Nicole Shelton, Sara Douglass, Randi L. Garcia, Tiffany Yip, and Thomas E. Trail
The Struggle for the Sacred: Russian Orthodox Thinking about Miracles in a Modern Age, Vera Shevzov
Kahn Chronicle: Fall 2014, Smith College, Kahn Liberal Arts Institute
Visualization Evaluation for Cyber Security: Trends and Future Directions, Diane Staheli, Tamara Yu, R. Jordan Crouser, Suresh Damodaran, Kevin Nam, David O'Gwynn, Lane Harrison, and Sean McKenna
Time for T? Immunoinformatics Addresses Vaccine Design for Neglected Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Frances E. Terry, Leonard Moise, Rebecca F. Martin, Melissa Torres, Nils Pilotte, Steven A. Williams, and Anne S. De Groot
Mechanisms of Elastic Enhancement and Hindrance for Finite-Length Undulatory Swimmers in Viscoelastic Fluids, Becca Thomases and Robert D. Guy
osr1 Is Required for Podocyte Development Downstream of wt1a, Ritu Tomar, Sudha P. Mudumana, Narendra Pathak, Neil A. Hukriede, and Iain A. Drummond
Understanding Melatonin Receptor Pharmacology: Latest Insights from Mouse Models, and Their Relevance To Human Disease, Gianluca Tosini, Sharon Owino, Jean Luc Guillaume, and Ralf Jockers
Promoting Critical Reflexivity Through Arts-Based Media: A Case Study, Christopher Trevelyan, Rory Crath, and Adrienne Chambon
A Comparison of Student Misconceptions in Rotational and Rectilinear Motion, Warren A. Turner, Glenn W. Ellis, and Robert J. Beichner
Ce grand bastiment neuf et vieux’: The Louvre Towards Political, Social and Urban Transformations in the Grand Siècle, Hélène Visentin
Rethinking Coalitions: Anti-Pornography Feminists, Conservatives, and Relationships between Collaborative Adversarial Movements, Nancy Whittier
Life in Groups: The Roles of Oxytocin in Mammalian Sociality, Allison M.J. Anacker and Annaliese K. Beery
Wind Power Uncertainty and Power System Performance, C. Lindsay Anderson and Judith Cardell
Women and Political Life in Meiji Japan: The Case of the Okayama joshi konshinkai (Okayama Women’s Friendship Society), Marnie S. Anderson
Hot Gas Lines in T Tauri Stars, David R. Ardila, Gregory J. Herczeg, Scott G. Gregory, Laura Ingleby, Kevin France, Alexander Brown, Suzan Edwards, Christopher Johns-Krull, Jeffrey L. Linsky, Hao Yang, Jeff A. Valenti, Hervé Abgrall, Richard D. Alexander, Edwin Bergin, Thomas Bethell, Joanna M. Brown, Nuria Calvet, Catherine Espaillat, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, Gaitee Hussain, Evelyne Roueff, Eric R. Schindhelm, and Frederick M. Walter
Zebrafish Ciliopathy Screen Plus Human Mutational Analysis Identifies C21orf59 and CCDC65 Defects as Causing Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Christina Austin-Tse, Jan Halbritter, Maimoona A. Zariwala, Renée M. Gilberti, Heon Yung Gee, Nathan Hellman, Narendra Pathak, Yan Liu, Jennifer R. Panizzi, Ramila S. Patel-King, Douglas Tritschler, Raqual Bower, Eileen O'Toole, Jonathan D. Porath, Toby W. Hurd, Moumita Chaki, Katrina A. Diaz, Stefan Kohl, Svjetlana Lovric, Daw Yang Hwang, Daniela A. Braun, Markus Schueler, Rannar Airik, Edgar A. Otto, Margaret W. Leigh, Peadar G. Noone, Johnny L. Carson, Stephanie D. Davis, Jessica E. Pittman, Thomas W. Ferkol, Jeffry J. Atkinson, and Kenneth N. Olivier
Bench Book for Assessing Parental Gatekeeping in Parenting Disputes: Understanding the Dynamics of Gate Closing and Opening for the Best Interests of Children, William G. Austin, Linda Fieldstone, and Marsha Kline Pruett
Moving Beyond "Slaves, Sinners, and Saviors": An Intersectional Feminist Analysis of US Sex-Trafficking Discourses, Law and Policy, Carrie N. Baker
Igiaba Scego’s "Salsicce", Giovanna Bellesia and Victoria Offredi Poletto
As Strong as the Weakest Link: Mining Diverse Cliques in Weighted Graphs, Petko Bogdanov, Ben Baumer, Prithwish Basu, Amotz Bar-Noy, and Ambuj K. Singh
Frameworks With Crystallographic Symmetry, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Stratigraphic Framework, Discontinuity Surfaces, and Regional Significance of Campanian Slope to Ramp Carbonates from Central Dalmatia, Croatia, M. Brlek, T. Korbar, B. Cvetko Tešović, B. Glumac, and L. Fuček
Nothing Happened: Charlotte Salomon and an Archive of Suicide, Darcy Buerkle
A Generalization of the Turaev Cobracket and the Minimal Self-Intersection Number of a Curve on a Surface, Patricia Cahn
Intersections of Loops and the Andersen–Mattes–Reshetikhin Algebra, Patricia Cahn and Vladimir Chernov
Uniform Gaussian Bounds for Subelliptic Heat Kernels and an Application to the Total Variation Flow of Graphs Over Carnot Groups, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
A Subelliptic Analogue of Aronson-serrin's Harnack Inequality, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Garrett Rea
Sub-riemannian Heat Kernels and Mean Curvature Flow of Graphs, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Cosimo Senni Guidotti Magnani
Nucleation-Free 3D Rigidity, Jialong Cheng, Meera Sitharam, and Ileana Streinu
Heterogeneous Response of Disaggregate Inflation to Monetary Policy Regime Change: The Role of Price Stickiness, Chi-Young Choi and Róisín O'Sullivan
Women in Science 2013, Clark Science Center's Summer Research Fellows Program
Balancing Human and Machine Contributions in Human Computation Systems, R. Jordan Crouser, Alvitta Ottley, and Remco Chang
Ichnogenic Megaporosity and Permeability in Carbonate Aquifers and Reservoirs: Definitions and Examples, H. Allen Curran and Kevin J. Cunningham
Preservational and Morphological Variability of Assemblages of Agglutinated Eukaryotes in Cryogenian Cap Carbonates of Northern Namibia, Lilly A. Dalton, Tanja Bosak, Francis A. MacDonald, Daniel J.G. Lahr, and Sara B. Pruss
What Should be Taught in Intermediate Macroeconomics?, Pedro De Araujo, Roisin O'Sullivan, and Nicole B. Simpson
2+1=1: Reply to Ziporyn, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
A Mountain By Any Other Name: Reply to Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature? A Moment of Yes and No. Answer! But Not in Words or Signs: Reply to Siderits, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
How We Think Mādhyamikas Think: Reply to Tillemans, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
The Contradictions are True—And not Out of this World: Reply to Yagisawa, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
Those Conceptions Proliferate Everywhere: Reply to Kassor, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
Two Plus One Equals One: A Response to Brook Ziporyn, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest
Attention Biases in Female Survivors of Chronic Interpersonal Violence: Relationship to Trauma-Related Symptoms and Physiology, Jonathan DePierro, Wendy D'Andrea, and Nnamdi Pole