KINARI-Web: A Server for Protein Rigidity Analysis, Naomi Fox, Filip Jagodzinski, Yang Li, and Ileana Streinu
Orbifold Singularities, Lie Algebras of the Third Kind (LATKes), and Pure Yang-Mills with Matter, Tamar Friedmann
Comparison of Object and Animal Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, Gary Patronek, and Elizabeth Rosenfield
Comorbidity in Hoarding Disorder, Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee, and David F. Tolin
Indecisiveness And Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, David F. Tolin, Gail Steketee, and Milim Oh
Transforming Infrastructure: Challenging Mindsets Installing Composting Toilets on Smith Athletic Fields, Emily Gannon
Transforming Infrastructure: Challenging Mindsets Installing Composting Toilets on Smith Athletic Fields, Emily Gannon
Hey Buddha! Don’t Think! Just Act!: reply to Finnigan, Jay L. Garfield
Acquiring the Notion of Dependent Origination: Reply to Berger, Jay L. Garfield and Jan Westerhoff
Dynamics of Hyporheic Flow and Heat Transport Across a Bed-to-Bank Continuum in a Large Regulated River, Katelyn E. Gerecht, M. Bayani Cardenas, Andrew J. Guswa, Audrey H. Sawyer, John D. Nowinski, and Travis E. Swanson
A Stereoselective Hydroxylation Step of Alkaloid Biosynthesis by a Unique Cytochrome P450 in Catharanthus roseus, Lesley Ann Giddings, David K. Liscombe, John P. Hamilton, Kevin L. Childs, Dean DellaPenna, C. Robin Buell, and Sarah E. O'Connor
Meridians 11:1, Paula J. Giddings
The Mongol-Bolshevik Revolution: Eurasianist Ideology in Search for an Ideal Past, Sergey Glebov
Polygonal Sandcracks: Unique Sedimentary Desiccation Structures in Bahamian Ooid Grainstone, Bosiljka Glumac, H. Allen Curran, Sarah A. Motti, Madeline M. Weigner, and Sarah Pruss
On the Lack of Consensus over the Meaning of Openness: An Empirical Study, Alicia M. Grubb and Steve M. Easterbrook
On the Nature of Species: Insights from Paramecium and Other Ciliates, Meaghan S. Hall and Laura A. Katz
A Positive Monk Formula in the S1-Equivariant Cohomology of Type A Peterson Varieties, Megumi Harada and Julianna Tymoczko
The Evolution of Function in Strictosidine Synthase-Like Proteins, Michael A. Hicks, Alan E. Barber, Lesley Ann Giddings, Jenna Caldwell, Sarah E. O'Connor, and Patricia C. Babbitt
Tangible Interaction and Learning: The Case for a Hybrid Approach, Michael S. Horn, R. Jordan Crouser, and Marina U. Bers
A Laplacian Energy for Document Binarization, Nicholas Howe
A Recognition-Based Motion Capture Baseline on the HumanEva II Test Data, Nicholas Howe
A History of Low Back Pain Associates with Altered Electromyographic Activation Patterns in Response to Perturbations of Standing Balance, Jesse V. Jacobs, Sharon M. Henry, Stephanie L. Jones, Juvena R. Hitt, and Janice Y. Bunn
Plasma Fetuin-A Concentrations in Young and Older High- and Low-Active Men, Nathan T. Jenkins, Jennifer A. McKenzie, James M. Hagberg, and Sarah Witkowski
Ar39 Detection at the 10-16 Isotopic Abundance Level with Atom Trap Trace Analysis, W. Jiang, William Williams, K. Bailey, A. M. Davis, S. M. Hu, Z. T. Lu, T. P. O'Connor, R. Purtschert, N. C. Sturchio, Y. R. Sun, and P. Mueller
Heterogeneous Rates of Molecular Evolution Among Cryptic Species of the Ciliate Morphospecies Chilodonella uncinata, Laura A. Katz, Jennifer DeBerardinis, Meaghan S. Hall, Alexandra M. Kovner, Micah Dunthorn, and Spencer V. Muse
Reduce, Reuse, and then Recycle: The Issue of Paper Use at Smith, Caitlin Kennedy
Reduce, Reuse, and then Recycle: The Issue of Paper Use at Smith, Caitlin Kennedy
Evolution of the Veternica Cave (Medvednica Mountain, Croatia) Drainage System: Insights from the Distribution and Dating of Cave Deposits, Damir Lacković, Bosiljka Glumac, Yemane Asmerom, and Andrej Stroj
Comprehensive Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Amoebozoa Based on Concatenated Analyses of SSU-rDNA and Actin Genes, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Jessica Grant, Truc Nguyen, Jian Hua Lin, and Laura A. Katz
Evolution of the Actin Gene Family in Testate Lobose Amoebae (Arcellinida) is Characterized by Two Distinct Clades of Paralogs and Recent Independent Expansions, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Truc B. Nguyen, Erika Barbero, and Laura A. Katz
How Green is Smith?, Gerica Lee
Partitioning of Localized and Diffuse Deformation in the Tibetan Plateau From Joint Inversions of Geologic and Geodetic Observations, John P. Loveless and Brendan J. Meade
Spatial Correlation of Interseismic Coupling and Coseismic Rupture Extent of the 2011 MW=9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake, John P. Loveless and Brendan J. Meade
Stress Modulation on the San Andreas Fault by Interseismic Fault System Interactions, John P. Loveless and Brendan J. Meade
Multi- Autonomous Vehicle Insertion-Extraction System (MAVIES), Jamie C. Macbeth, Manal Habib, Armen Mkrtchyan, and Missy Cummings
Improving Water Conservation in Smith College Housing through Environmental Education, Emily Mailloux
Improving Water Conservation in Smith College Housing through Environmental Education, Emily Mailloux
Auditory Selectivity for Acoustic Features that Confer Species Recognition in the Túngara Frog, Lisa A. Mangiamele and Sabrina S. Burmeister
Smith's Journey into the Local Food System: Identifying the Bottlenecks, Stacie Mansen
Smith’s Journey into the Local Food System: Identifying the Bottlenecks, Stacie Mansen
Mysteries and Heroes: Using Imaginative Education to Engage Middle School Learners in Engineering, Lucy McAuliffe, Glenn W. Ellis, Sonia Katrin Ellis, Isabel Huff, and Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh
Invasive Species Management at MacLeish Field Station, Colleen McGaughey
Invasive Species Management at MacLeish Field Station, Colleen McGaughey
Characterizing Performance of a PEM Fuel Cell for a CMET Balloon, Denise A. McKahn and Whitney McMackin
A Controllable Membrane-Type Humidifier for Fuel Cell Applications-Part II: Controller Design, Analysis and Implementation, Denise A. McKay, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, and Jeffrey Cook
AKT1 G205T Genotype Influences Obesity-Related Metabolic Phenotypes and Their Responses to Aerobic Exercise Training in Older Caucasians, Jennifer A. Mckenzie, Sarah Witkowski, Andrew T. Ludlow, Stephen M. Roth, and James M. Hagberg
On Homotopy Poisson Actions and Reduction of Symplectic Q-Manifolds, Rajan Amit Mehta
From Double Lie Groupoids to Local Lie 2-Groupoids, Rajan Amit Mehta and Xiang Tang
The NIH-NIAID Filariasis Research Reagent Resource Center, Michelle L. Michalski, Kathryn G. Griffiths, Steven A. Williams, Ray M. Kaplan, and Andrew Moorhead
Bridging Old and New: Video Guides to Assigned Readings, Richard F. Olivo
Critical Perspective: Named Reactions Discovered and Developed by Women, Julie A. Olsen and Kevin M. Shea
Magnetic-Field Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnets, T. Ono, H. Tanaka, Y. Shirata, A. Matsuo, K. Kindo, F. Ishikawa, O. Kolomiyets, H. Mitamura, T. Goto, H. Nakano, Nathanael Alexander Fortune, Scott T. Hannahs, Y. Yoshida, and Y. Takano
Common Edge-Unzippings for Tetrahedra, Joseph O'Rourke
Convex Polyhedra Realizing Given Face Areas, Joseph O'Rourke
Conical Existence of Closed Curves on Convex Polyhedra, Joseph O'Rourke and Costin Vîlcu
Age-Gaps in Sexual Partnerships: Seeing Beyond ‘Sugar Daddies’, Miles Q. Ott, Till Bärnighausen, Frank Tanser, Mark N. Lurie, and Marie-Louise Newell
Stability and Change in Self-Reported Sexual Orientation Identity in Young People: Application of Mobility Metrics, Miles Q. Ott, Heather L. Corliss, David Wypij, Margaret Rosario, and S. Bryn Austin
Estimating the Timing of Early Eukaryotic Diversification with Multigene Molecular Clocks, Laura Wegener Parfrey, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Andrew H. Knoll, and Laura A. Katz
Tubulin Tyrosine Ligase-Like Genes ttll3 and ttll6 Maintain Zebrafish Cilia Structure and Motility, Narendra Pathak, Christina A. Austin, and Iain A. Drummond
Water Challenges: the Living Building Challenge and the MacLeish Environmental Classroom, Jake Pecht
Piety and Redistributive Preferences in the Muslim World, Thomas B. Pepinsky and Bozena C. Welborne
A Modern Book with Classic Appeal: McAdams’ Bush (Review of George W. Bush and the Redemptive Dream: A Psychological Portrait, Bill E. Peterson
Local Negotiation with Heterogeneous Groundwater Users, Gordon C. Rausser, Susan Stratton Sayre, and Leo K. Simon
Characterization of Genetically Targeted Neuron Types in the Zebrafish Optic Tectum, Estuardo Robles, Stephen J. Smith, and Herwig Baier
Springer Representations on the Khovanov Springer Varieties, Heather M. Russell and Julianna S. Tymoczko
Fabrication of Covalently Crosslinked and Amine-Reactive Microcapsules by Reactive Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Azlactone-Containing Polymer Multilayers on Sacrificial Microparticle templates, Eric M. Saurer, Ryan M. Flessner, Maren E. Buck, and David M. Lynn
Stochastic Modeling of Salt Accumulation in the Root Zone Due to Capillary Flux from Brackish Groundwater, S. H.H. Shah, R. W. Vervoort, S. Suweis, Andrew J. Guswa, A. Rinaldo, and S. E.A.T.M. Van Der Zee
Resistance and Accommodation: The Rite of Orthodoxy in Modern Russia, Vera Shevzov
Advertising Gone to the Recycling Bin? Paper Use on the Campus Center Bulletin Boards, Amy Shmania
Advertising Gone to the Recycling Bin? Paper Use on the Campus Center Bulletin Boards, Amy Shmania
Energy Conscious Ads for Hampshire Students, Michael Skolnick
Traditional and Cyber Aggressors and Victims: A Comparison of Psychosocial Characteristics, Lisa M. Sontag, Katherine H. Clemans, Julia A. Graber, and Sarah T. Lyndon
The Role of Peer Stress and Pubertal Timing on Symptoms of Psychopathology During Early Adolescence, Lisa M. Sontag, Julia A. Graber, and Katherine H. Clemans
Development And Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Children's Saving Inventory, Eric A. Storch, Jordana Muroff, Adam B. Lewin, Daniel Geller, Abigail Ross, Katherine McCarthy, Jessica Morgan, Tanya K. Murphy, Randy Frost, and Gail Steketee
Natural Realizations of Sparsity Matroids, Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran
An Analysis of the Effect of Stress Diffusion on the Dynamics of Creeping Viscoelastic Flow, Becca Thomases
“Why Would I Want to Attend That?” Motivating Students to Attend ES&P Lectures, Kelsea Thornton
"Why Would I Want to Attend That?" Motivating Students to Attend ES&P Lectures, Kelsea Thornton
Sphenothallus-Like Fossils from the Martinsburg Formation (Upper Ordovician), Tennessee, USA, Maya Li Wei-Haas, Bosiljka Glumac, and H. Allen Curran
Exploring Leadership Through International Education: Civic Learning Through Study Abroad in Uganda, Adam Weinberg, Rebecca Hovey, and Carol Bellamy
The Strategic Use of Gender Quotas in the Arab World, Bozena C. Welborne
Spectroscopic Study of the Cycling Transition 4s[3/2]2-4p[5/2] 3 at 811.8 nm in Ar39: Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shift, William Williams, Z. T. Lu, K. Rudinger, C. Y. Xu, R. Yokochi, and P. Mueller
Assembly of Lamina-Specific Neuronal Connections by Slit Bound to Type IV Collagen, Tong Xiao, Wendy Staub, Estuardo Robles, Nathan J. Gosse, Gregory J. Cole, and Herwig Baier
How Locus of Control Influences Compatibility with Visualization Style, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, R. Jordan Crouser, Ashley Rye Yauilla, Sara L. Su, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang
Circling the Bases: Essays on the Challenges and Prospects of the Sports Industry, Andrew Zimbalist
Star Messangers, Paul Zimet and Ellen Maddow
Reusing Regalia: A More Economical and Ecological Choice, Tess Zinnes
Reusing Regalia: A More Economical and Ecological Choice, Tess Zinnes
Breaking the Bottleneck: Smith's Journey Back into the Local Food System, Ali Zipparo
Whatever Happened to Feminist Critiques of Marriage?, Martha A. Ackelsberg
Highway Hull Revisited, Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sébastien Collette, Ferran Hurtado, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Belén Palop
Realistic Reconfiguration of Crystalline (and Telecube) Robots, Greg Aloupis, Sébastien Collette, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Dania El-Khechen, Robin Flatland, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, Val Pinciu, Suneeta Ramaswami, Vera Sacristán, and Stefanie Wuhrer
Schubert Polynomials and Classes of Hessenberg Varieties, Dave Anderson and Julianna Tymoczko
Chemical Evolution of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Outflow of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area, E. C. Apel, L. K. Emmons, T. Karl, F. Flocke, A. J. Hills, S. Madronich, J. Lee-Taylor, A. Fried, P. Weibring, J. Walega, D. Richter, X. Tie, L. Mauldin, T. Campos, A. Weinheimer, D. Knapp, B. Sive, L. Kleinman, S. Springston, R. Zaveri, J. Ortega, Paul Voss, D. Blake, A. Baker, C. Warneke, D. Welsh-Bon, J. De Gouw, J. Zheng, R. Zhang, J. Rudolph, W. Junkermann, and D. D. Riemer
AzTEC Half Square Degree Survey of the SHADES Fields - I. Maps, Catalogues and Source Counts, J. E. Austermann, J. S. Dunlop, T. A. Perera, K. S. Scott, G. W. Wilson, I. Aretxaga, D. H. Hughes, O. Almaini, E. L. Chapin, S. C. Chapman, M. Cirasuolo, D. L. Clements, K. E.K. Coppin, L. Dunne, S. Dye, S. A. Eales, E. Egami, D. Farrah, D. Ferrusca, S. Flynn, D. Haig, M. Halpern, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, E. Van Kampen, Y. Kang, S. Kim, C. Lacey, James D. Lowenthal, P. D. Mauskopf, R. J. McLure, and A. M.J. Mortier
Essential Genes for Astroglial Development and Axon Pathfinding During Zebrafish Embryogenesis, Michael J.F. Barresi, Sean Burton, Kristina Dipietrantonio, Adam Amsterdam, Nancy Hopkins, and Rolf O. Karlstrom