Geology of New Providence Island, Bahamas: A Field Trip Guide, John E. Mylroie, James L. Carew, H. Allen Curran, Fabienne Godefroid, Pascal Kindler, and Neil E. Sealey
Solidarity, Self-Critique, and Survival: Sangtin’s Struggles with Fieldwork, Richa Nagar
Cancer and Common Mental Disorders in the Community: Results of the Israel-World Mental Health Survey, Ora Nakash, Anat Shemesh, Maayan Nagar, and Itzhak Levav
Collaborative Online Writing Assignments to Foster Active Learning, Richard F. Olivo
Additions and Corrections. Critical Perspective: Named Reactions Discovered and Developed by Women, Julie A. Olsen and Kevin M. Shea
String-Wrapped Rotating Disks, Joseph O'Rourke
Unfolding Prismatoids as Convex Patches: Counterexamples and Positive Results, Joseph O'Rourke
Coconuts and the Emergence of Violence in Sulu: Beyond Resource CompetitionPparadigms, Yancey Orr
Priming Locus of Control to Affect Performance, Alvitta Ottley, R. Jordan Crouser, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, and Remco Chang
Capstone Design Hub: Building the Capstone Design Community, Marie C. Paretti, Susannah Howe, Steve Blair, Peter Rogers, Junichi Kanai, R. Keith Stanfill, and Glen A. Livesay
Economic Reform and Privatization in Egypt, Karen Pfeifer
Gulf Arab Financial Flows and Investment, 2000-2010: Promises, Process and Prospects in the MENA Region, Karen Pfeifer
Gulf Juggernaut: Review of Adam Hanieh, Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States, Karen Pfeifer
Gabriella Ghermandi’s “I Remember”, Victoria Offredi Poletto and Giovanna Bellesia
Enhancement and Suppression of Ultradian and Circadian Rhythms Across the Female Hamster Reproductive Cycle, Brian J. Prendergast, Annaliese K. Beery, Matthew J. Paul, and Irving Zucker
Dynein Achieves Processive Motion Using both Stochastic and Coordinated Stepping, Weihong Qiu, Nathan D. Derr, Brian S. Goodman, Elizabeth Villa, David Wu, William Shih, and Samara L. Reck-Peterson
Measuring Group Synchrony: A Cluster-Phase Method for Analyzing Multivariate Movement Time-Series, Michael J. Richardson, Randi L. Garcia, Till D. Frank, Madison Gergor, and Kerry L. Marsh
Resistance is Futile: The Bacteriocin Model for Addressing the Antibiotic Resistance Challenge, Margaret A. Riley, Sandra M. Robinson, Christopher M. Roy, Morgan Dennis, Vivian Liu, and Robert Dorit
Interpersonal Complementarity in the Mental Health Intake: a Mixed-Methods Study, Daniel C. Rosen, Alisa B. Miller, Ora Nakash, Lucila Halpern, and Margarita Alegría
The Source Counts of Submillimetre Galaxies Detected at λ= 1.1 mm, K. S. Scott, G. W. Wilson, I. Aretxaga, J. E. Austermann, E. L. Chapin, J. S. Dunlop, H. Ezawa, M. Halpern, B. Hatsukade, D. H. Hughes, R. Kawabe, S. Kim, K. Kohno, James D. Lowenthal, A. Montaña, K. Nakanishi, T. Oshima, D. Sanders, D. Scott, N. Scoville, Y. Tamura, D. Welch, M. S. Yun, and M. Zeballos
Mary and Women in Late Imperial Russian Orthodoxy, Vera Shevzov
The Russian Tradition, Vera Shevzov
Children’s Acquisition of Subject Markers in isiXhosa, Mantoa Smouse, Sandile Gxilishe, Jill de Villiers, and Peter A. de Villiers
情報リテラシー教育を取り入れた初級日本語コースカリキュラムの作成と実践報告, Atsuko Takahashi
Synthesis of Di- and Trisubstituted Azulenes Using a Danheiser Annulation as the Key Step: An Advanced Organic Laboratory Experiment, Rebecca M. Thomas and Kevin M. Shea
Neural Mechanisms of Decision Making in Hoarding Disorder, David F. Tolin, Michael C. Stevens, Anna L. Villavicencio, Melissa M. Norberg, Vince D. Calhoun, Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee, Scott L. Rauch, and Godfrey D. Pearlson
Massively Distributed Authorship of Academic Papers, Bill Tomlinson, Joel Ross, Paul Andre, Eric P.S. Baumer, Donald J. Patterson, Joseph Corneli, Martin Mahaux, Syavash Nobarany, Marco Lazzari, Birgit Penzenstadler, Andrew W. Torrance, David J. Callele, Gary M. Olson, Six Silberman, Marcus Ständer, Fabio Romancini Palamedi, Albert Ali Salah, Eric Morrill, Xavier Franch, Florian Mueller, Joseph Kaye, Rebecca W. Black, Marisa L. Cohn, Patrick C. Shih, Johanna Brewer, Nitesh Goyal, Pirjo Näkki, Jeff Huang, Nilufar Baghaei, and Craig Saper
By Any Other Name: Heterologous Replacement of the Escherichia coli RNase P Protein Subunit Has In Vivo Fitness Consequences, Paula C.G. Turrini, Jasmine L. Loveland, and Robert L. Dorit
A Simple Bijection Between Standard 3×n Tableaux and Irreducible Webs for 𝔰𝔩3, Julianna Tymoczko
Mechanical Stretch and PI3K Signaling Link Cell Migration and Proliferation to Coordinate Epithelial Tubule Morphogenesis in the Zebrafish Pronephros, Aleksandr Vasilyev, Yan Liu, Nathan Hellman, Narendra Pathak, and Iain A. Drummond
Effects of Middle-Ear Disorders on Power Reflectance Measured in Cadaveric Ear Canals, Susan E. Voss, Gabrielle R. Merchant, and Nicholas J. Horton
Desiccation Induces Viable but Non-Culturable Cells in Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021, Jan A.C. Vriezen, Frans J. de Bruijn, and Klaus R. Nüsslein
The Effect of Two Elementary School-Based Prevention Interventions on Being Offered Tobacco and the Transition to Smoking, Yan Wang, Carla L. Storr, Kerry M. Green, Shijun Zhu, Elizabeth A. Stuart, Sarah D. Lynne-Landsman, Katherine H. Clemans, Hanno Petras, Sheppard G. Kellam, and Nicholas S. Ialongo
No Innocent Bystanders: Performance Art and Audience, Frazer Ward
The Politics of Visibility: Coming Out and Individual and Collective Identity, Nancy Whittier
Indy R&D: Doing HCI research off the beaten path, Amanda Williams and Johanna Brewer
Unusual Holocene Serpulid-Tufu Bioherms, Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Morphologies and Paleoenvironmental Implications, Kelsey Winsor, H. Allen Curran, Lisa Greer, and Bosiljka Glumac
Assessing Whether Alpha-Tubulin Sequences are Suitable for Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Ciliophora with Insights into Its Evolution in Euplotids, Zhenzhen Yi, Laura A. Katz, and Weibo Song
Deep 1.1mm-Wavelength Imaging of the GOODS-S Field by AzTEC/ASTE - II. Redshift Distribution and Nature of the Submillimetre Galaxy Population, Min S. Yun, K. S. Scott, Yicheng Guo, I. Aretxaga, M. Giavalisco, J. E. Austermann, P. Capak, Yuxi Chen, H. Ezawa, B. Hatsukade, D. H. Hughes, D. Iono, S. Johnson, R. Kawabe, K. Kohno, James D. Lowenthal, N. Miller, G. Morrison, T. Oshima, T. A. Perera, M. Salvato, J. Silverman, Y. Tamura, C. C. Williams, and G. W. Wilson
Small-Network Approximations for Geometrically Frustrated Ising Systems, Bilin Zhuang and Courtney Lannert
Understanding Visualization by Understanding Individual Users, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Alvitta Ottley, R. Jordan Crouser, Krysta Chauncey, Sara L. Su, and Remco Chang
Efficient Constant-Velocity Reconfiguration of Crystalline Robots, Greg Aloupis, Sébastien Collette, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Robin Flatland, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, Val Pinciu, Suneeta Ramaswami, Vera Sacristán, and Stefanie Wuhrer
Women’s Agency and the Historical Record: Reflections on Female Activists in Nineteenth-Century Japan, Marnie S. Anderson
Words and Things in Yucatán: Poststructuralism and the Everyday Life of Mayan Multiculturalism, Fernando Armstrong-Fumero
The Geometric and Dynamic Essence of Phyllotaxis, Pau Atela
Symmetric Factorization of the Conformation Tensor in Viscoelastic Fluid Models, Nusret Balci, Becca Thomases, Michael Renardy, and Charles R. Doering
Frēstyl: Simplifying the Process of Promoting and Discovering Local Live Music, Arianna Bassoli and Johanna Brewer
Adaptive Significance of Natural Variations in Maternal Care in Rats: A Translational Perspective, Annaliese K. Beery and Darlene D. Francis
Sex Bias in Neuroscience and Biomedical Research, Annaliese K. Beery and Irving Zucker
Edge-Guarding Orthogonal Polyhedra, Nadia M. Benbernou, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Anastasia Kurdia, Joseph O'Rourke, Godfried Toussaint, Jorge Urrutia, and Giovanni Viglietta
The VLT LBG Redshift Survey I: Clustering and Dynamics of ≈ 1000 Galaxies at z ≈ 3⋆, R. M. Bielby, T. Shanks, P. M. Weilbacher, L. Infante, N. H.M. Crighton, C. Bornancini, N. Bouché, P. Héraudeau, D. G. Lambas, James D. Lowenthal, D. Minniti, N. Padilla, P. Petitjean, and T. Theuns
Exact Workspace Boundary by Extremal Reaches, Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Extremal Reaches in Polynomial Time, Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Deformations of Crystal Frameworks, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Fabrication and Selective Functionalization of Amine-Reactive Polymer Multilayers on Topographically Patterned Microwell Cell Culture Arrays, Adam H. Broderick, Samira M. Azarin, Maren E. Buck, Sean P. Palecek, and David M. Lynn
Layer-by-Layer Fabrication of Covalently Crosslinked and Reactive Polymer Multilayers Using Azlactone-Functionalized Copolymers: A Platform for the Design of Functional Biointerfaces, Maren E. Buck and David M. Lynn
H. T. Tsiang: Literary Innovator and Activist, Floyd Cheung
Inflation Targeting and Relative Price Variability: What Difference Does Inflation Targeting Make?, Chi Young Choi, Young Se Kim, and Róisín O'Sullivan
Confusion About Recycling at Smith: Recommendations for Tackling Problem Areas, MacKenzie Clark
The VLT LBG Redshift Survey- II. Interactions Between Galaxies and the IGM at z ~ 3, N. H.M. Crighton, R. Bielby, T. Shanks, L. Infante, C. G. Bornancini, N. Bouché, D. G. Lambas, James D. Lowenthal, D. Minniti, S. L. Morris, N. Padilla, C. Péroux, P. Petitjean, T. Theuns, P. Tummuangpak, P. M. Weilbacher, L. Wisotzki, and G. Worseck
Exploring Agent-Based Simulations in Political Science Using Aggregate Temporal Graphs, R. Jordan Crouser, Jeremy G. Freeman, and Remco Chang
Style-Based Retrieval for Ancient Syriac Manuscripts, Emma Dalton and Nicholas Howe
Continuous Blooming of Convex Polyhedra, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Vi Hart, Joan Iacono, Stefan Langerman, and Joseph O'Rourke
Skeletal Muscle Gender Dimorphism from Proteomics, Kalina Dimova, Lauren Ann Metskas, Mohini Kulp, and Stylianos P. Scordilis
Expanding Character Sampling for Ciliate Phylogenetic Inference Using Mitochondrial SSU-rDNA as a Molecular Marker, Micah Dunthorn, Wilhelm Foissner, and Laura A. Katz
House Prices and Marital Stability, Martin Farnham, Lucie Schmidt, and Purvi Sevak
Characterizing the IYJ Excess Continuum Emission in T Tauri Stars, William J. Fischer, Suzan Edwards, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, and John Kwan
KINARI-Web: A Server for Protein Rigidity Analysis, Naomi Fox, Filip Jagodzinski, Yang Li, and Ileana Streinu
Orbifold Singularities, Lie Algebras of the Third Kind (LATKes), and Pure Yang-Mills with Matter, Tamar Friedmann
Comparison of Object and Animal Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, Gary Patronek, and Elizabeth Rosenfield
Comorbidity in Hoarding Disorder, Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee, and David F. Tolin
Indecisiveness And Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, David F. Tolin, Gail Steketee, and Milim Oh
Transforming Infrastructure: Challenging Mindsets Installing Composting Toilets on Smith Athletic Fields, Emily Gannon
Transforming Infrastructure: Challenging Mindsets Installing Composting Toilets on Smith Athletic Fields, Emily Gannon
Hey Buddha! Don’t Think! Just Act!: reply to Finnigan, Jay L. Garfield
Acquiring the Notion of Dependent Origination: Reply to Berger, Jay L. Garfield and Jan Westerhoff
Dynamics of Hyporheic Flow and Heat Transport Across a Bed-to-Bank Continuum in a Large Regulated River, Katelyn E. Gerecht, M. Bayani Cardenas, Andrew J. Guswa, Audrey H. Sawyer, John D. Nowinski, and Travis E. Swanson
A Stereoselective Hydroxylation Step of Alkaloid Biosynthesis by a Unique Cytochrome P450 in Catharanthus roseus, Lesley Ann Giddings, David K. Liscombe, John P. Hamilton, Kevin L. Childs, Dean DellaPenna, C. Robin Buell, and Sarah E. O'Connor
Meridians 11:1, Paula J. Giddings
The Mongol-Bolshevik Revolution: Eurasianist Ideology in Search for an Ideal Past, Sergey Glebov
Polygonal Sandcracks: Unique Sedimentary Desiccation Structures in Bahamian Ooid Grainstone, Bosiljka Glumac, H. Allen Curran, Sarah A. Motti, Madeline M. Weigner, and Sarah Pruss
On the Lack of Consensus over the Meaning of Openness: An Empirical Study, Alicia M. Grubb and Steve M. Easterbrook
On the Nature of Species: Insights from Paramecium and Other Ciliates, Meaghan S. Hall and Laura A. Katz
A Positive Monk Formula in the S1-Equivariant Cohomology of Type A Peterson Varieties, Megumi Harada and Julianna Tymoczko
The Evolution of Function in Strictosidine Synthase-Like Proteins, Michael A. Hicks, Alan E. Barber, Lesley Ann Giddings, Jenna Caldwell, Sarah E. O'Connor, and Patricia C. Babbitt
Tangible Interaction and Learning: The Case for a Hybrid Approach, Michael S. Horn, R. Jordan Crouser, and Marina U. Bers
A Laplacian Energy for Document Binarization, Nicholas Howe
A Recognition-Based Motion Capture Baseline on the HumanEva II Test Data, Nicholas Howe
A History of Low Back Pain Associates with Altered Electromyographic Activation Patterns in Response to Perturbations of Standing Balance, Jesse V. Jacobs, Sharon M. Henry, Stephanie L. Jones, Juvena R. Hitt, and Janice Y. Bunn
Plasma Fetuin-A Concentrations in Young and Older High- and Low-Active Men, Nathan T. Jenkins, Jennifer A. McKenzie, James M. Hagberg, and Sarah Witkowski
Ar39 Detection at the 10-16 Isotopic Abundance Level with Atom Trap Trace Analysis, W. Jiang, William Williams, K. Bailey, A. M. Davis, S. M. Hu, Z. T. Lu, T. P. O'Connor, R. Purtschert, N. C. Sturchio, Y. R. Sun, and P. Mueller
Heterogeneous Rates of Molecular Evolution Among Cryptic Species of the Ciliate Morphospecies Chilodonella uncinata, Laura A. Katz, Jennifer DeBerardinis, Meaghan S. Hall, Alexandra M. Kovner, Micah Dunthorn, and Spencer V. Muse
Reduce, Reuse, and then Recycle: The Issue of Paper Use at Smith, Caitlin Kennedy
Reduce, Reuse, and then Recycle: The Issue of Paper Use at Smith, Caitlin Kennedy
Evolution of the Veternica Cave (Medvednica Mountain, Croatia) Drainage System: Insights from the Distribution and Dating of Cave Deposits, Damir Lacković, Bosiljka Glumac, Yemane Asmerom, and Andrej Stroj
Comprehensive Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Amoebozoa Based on Concatenated Analyses of SSU-rDNA and Actin Genes, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Jessica Grant, Truc Nguyen, Jian Hua Lin, and Laura A. Katz
Evolution of the Actin Gene Family in Testate Lobose Amoebae (Arcellinida) is Characterized by Two Distinct Clades of Paralogs and Recent Independent Expansions, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Truc B. Nguyen, Erika Barbero, and Laura A. Katz
How Green is Smith?, Gerica Lee