


A Note on Solid Coloring of Pure Simplicial Complexes, Joseph O'Rourke


Flat Zipper-Unfolding Pairs for Platonic Solids, Joseph O'Rourke


On Flat Polyhedra Deriving From Alexandrov's Theorem, Joseph O'Rourke


On Folding a Polygon to a Polyhedron, Joseph O'Rourke


The Yao Graph Y6 is a Spanner, Joseph O'Rourke


Flattening Single-Vertex Origami: The Non-Expansive Case, Gaiane Panina and Ileana Streinu


Broadly Sampled Multigene Analyses Yield a Well-Resolved Eukaryotic Tree of Life, Laura Wegener Parfrey, Jessica Grant, Yonas I. Tekle, Erica Lasek-Nesselquist, Hilary G. Morrison, Mitchell L. Sogin, David J. Patterson, and Laura A. Katz


Dynamic Genomes of Eukaryotes and the Maintenance of Genomic Integrity, Laura Wegener Parfrey and Laura A. Katz


Genome Dynamics are Influenced by Food Source in Allogromia laticollaris Strain CSH (Foraminifera), Laura Wegener Parfrey and Laura A. Katz


“Everything has Changed”: Narratives of the Vietnamese American Community in Post-Katrina Mississippi, Yoosun Park, Joshua Miller, and Bao Chau Van


Gender, Sexuality, and the Authoritarian Personality, Bill E. Peterson and Eileen L. Zurbriggen


Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the Arab World: The Economies of Egypt, Jordan and Kuwait in the Regional System, Karen Pfeifer


Carbonates in Skeleton-Poor Seas: New Insights from Cambrian and Ordovician Strata of Laurentia, Sara B. Pruss, Seth Finnegan, Woodward W. Fischer, and Andrew H. Knoll


The Vegan Challenge: Through Veganism to a Paradigm Change, Alice Reznickova


The Vegan Challenge: Through Veganism to a Paradigm Change, Alice Reznickova


What Does Wilma Flintstone Have to Teach Smith College?, Collette Roy


What Does Wilma Flintstone Have to Teach Smith College?, Collette Roy


Burrow Morphology of the Bahamian Land Crab Gecarcinus lateralis, Koji Seike and H. Allen Curran

Iconic Piety in Russia, Vera Shevzov


Kahn Chronicle: Fall 2010, Smith College, Kahn Liberal Arts Institute


Sustainability 101: A Workshop Series for Life After College, Charlotte Stanley


Sustainability 101: A Workshop Series for Life After College, Charlotte Stanley


Waitlist-Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Hoarding Disorder, Gail Steketee, Randy O. Frost, David F. Tolin, Jessica Rasmussen, and Timothy A. Brown


Slider-Pinning Rigidity: a Maxwell-Laman-Type Theorem, Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran


Black Carbon Over Mexico: The Effect of Atmospheric Transport on Mixing State, Mass Absorption Cross-Section, and BC/CO Ratios, R. Subramanian, G. L. Kok, D. Baumgardner, A. Clarke, Y. Shinozuka, T. L. Campos, C. G. Heizer, B. B. Stephens, B. De Foy, Paul B. Voss, and R. A. Zaveri


WANDA B.: Weight and Activity with Blood Pressure Monitoring System for Heart Failure Patients, Myung Kyung Suh, Lorraine S. Evangelista, Victor Chen, Wen Sao Hong, Jamie Macbeth, Ani Nahapetian, Florence Joy Figueras, and Majid Sarrafzadeh


Azlactone-Functionalized Polymers as Reactive Templates for Parallel Polymer Synthesis: Synthesis and Screening of a Small Library of Cationic Polymers in the Context of DNA Delivery, Bin Sun, Xianghui Liu, Maren E. Buck, and David M. Lynn


A Brief Interview for Assessing Compulsive Hoarding: The Hoarding Rating Scale-Interview, David F. Tolin, Randy O. Frost, and Gail Steketee


Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me! A Single Measurement, Graphical Approach to the Study of the Motion of an Elevator, Warren Turner and Glenn Ellis


Long-range pollution transport during the MILAGRO-2006 campaign: A case study of a major Mexico City outflow event using free-floating altitude-controlled balloons, P. B. Voss, R. A. Zaveri, F. M. Flocke, H. Mao, T. P. Hartley, P. Deamicis, I. Deonandan, G. Contreras-Jiménez, O. Martínez-Antonio, M. Figueroa Estrada, D. Greenberg, T. L. Campos, A. J. Weinheimer, D. J. Knapp, D. D. Montzka, J. D. Crounse, P. O. Wennberg, E. Apel, S. Madronich, and B. De Foy


Posture Systematically Alters Ear-Canal Reflectance and DPOAE Properties, Susan E. Voss, Modupe F. Adegoke, Nicholas J. Horton, Kevin N. Sheth, Jonathan Rosand, and Christopher A. Shera


Live Recollections: Uses of the Past in U.S. Concert Life, Steve Waksman


Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing, Jane Waldfogel, Terry Ann Craigie, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn


Frequency and Severity Approaches to Indexing Exposure to Trauma: The Critical Incident History Questionnaire for Police Officers, Daniel S. Weiss, Alain Brunet, Suzanne R. Best, Thomas J. Metzler, Akiva Liberman, Nnamdi Pole, Jeffrey A. Fagan, and Charles R. Marmar


Noah Isenberg (ed.), Weimar Cinema, Joel Westerdale


Relationship Between Circulating Progenitor Cells, Vascular Function and Oxidative Stress with Long-Term Training and Short-Term Detraining in Older Men, Sarah Witkowski, Michael M. Lockard, Nathan T. Jenkins, Thomas O. Obisesan, Espen E. Spangenburg, and James M. Hagberg


High-Frequency Electrically Stimulated Skeletal Muscle Contractions Increase p70s6k Phosphorylation Independent of Known IGF-I Sensitive Signaling Pathways, Sarah Witkowski, Richard M. Lovering, and Espen E. Spangenburg


Effects of a Body-Oriented Response Measure on the Neural Substrate of Imagined Perspective Rotations, Maryjane Wraga, Catherine M. Flynn, Holly K. Boyle, and Gretchen C. Evans


Morphing of Triangular Meshes in Shape Space, Stefanie Wuhrer, Prosenjit Bose, Chang Shu, Joseph O'Rourke, and Alan Brunton


Overnight Atmospheric Transport and Chemical Processing of Photochemically Aged Houston Urban and Petrochemical Industrial Plume, Rahul A. Zaveri, Paul B. Voss, Carl M. Berkowitz, Edward Fortner, Jun Zheng, Renyi Zhang, Ralph J. Valente, Roger L. Tanner, Daniel Holcomb, Thomas P. Hartley, and Leslie Baran


Reflections on Salary Shares and Salary Caps, Andrew Zimbalist



Grünbaum Colorings of Toroidal Triangulations, Michael O. Albertson, Hannah Alpert, Sarah-Marie Belcastro, and Ruth Haas


From Decades to Epochs: Spanning the Gap Between Geodesy and Structural Geology of Active Mountain Belts, Richard W. Allmendinger, John P. Loveless, Matthew E. Pritchard, and Brendan Meade


Linear Reconfiguration of Cube-Style Modular Robots, Greg Aloupis, Sébastien Collette, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Robin Flatland, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, Suneeta Ramaswami, Vera Sacristán, and Stefanie Wuhrer


Old Jokes and New Multiculturalisms: Continuity and Change in Vernacular Discourse on the Yucatec Maya Language, Fernando Armstrong-Fumero


AzTEC Millimetre Survey of the COSMOS Field - II. Source Count Overdensity and Correlations with Large-Scale Structure, J. E. Austermann, I. Aretxaga, D. H. Hughes, Y. Kang, S. Kim, James D. Lowenthal, T. A. Perera, D. B. Sanders, K. S. Scott, N. Scoville, G. W. Wilson, and M. S. Yun


Reducing Waste at the Grab N' Go, Julia Beaty


Same-Sex Social Behavior in Meadow Voles: Multiple and Rapid Formation of Attachments, Annaliese K. Beery, David M. Routman, and Irving Zucker


Magma in a Beaker: Analog Experiments with Water and Various Salts or Sugar for Teaching Igneous Petrology, John B. Brady


Chemical Modification of Reactive Multilayered Films Fabricated from Poly(2-Alkenyl Azlactone)s: Design of Surfaces that Prevent or Promote Mammalian Cell Adhesion and Bacterial Biofilm growth, Maren E. Buck, Anthony S. Breitbach, Sonja K. Belgrade, Helen E. Blackwell, and David M. Lynn


Waste and Recycling Behavior in the Quad: Problems and Solutions, Andrea Buglione

Arguing the Modern Jewish Canon: Essays on Jewish Literature and Culture, Justin Cammy


Generalized Mean Curvature Flow in Carnot Groups, Luca Capogna and Giovanna Citti


Regularity of Non-Characteristic Minimal Graphs in the Heisenberg Group ℍ1, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini


Estimating the System Costs of Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty, Judith Cardell, C. Lindsay Anderson, and Chin Yen Tee


An AzTEC 1.1 mm Survey of the GOODS-N field - II. Multiwavelength Identifications and Redshift Distribution, Edward L. Chapin, Alexandra Pope, Douglas Scott, Itziar Aretxaga, Jason E. Austermann, Ranga Ram Chary, Kristen Coppin, Mark Halpern, David H. Hughes, James D. Lowenthal, Glenn E. Morrison, Thushara A. Perera, Kimberly S. Scott, Grant W. Wilson, and Min S. Yun


Heat Losses in the Smith College Steam Tunnel, Joyce Cheung


Greening the Office: Survey of the Events Management Office Discretionary Loads, Ling San Cheung


The Scope and Limitations of Intramolecular Nicholas and Pauson-Khand Reactions for the Synthesis of Tricyclic Oxygen- and Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles, Kristina D. Closser, Miriam M. Quintal, and Kevin M. Shea


Promoting Fathers' Engagement with Children: Preventive Interventions for Low-Income Families, Philip A. Cowan, Carolyn Pape Cowan, Marsha Kline Pruett, Kyle Pruett, and Jessie J. Wong


Heritable Factors Play a Major Role in Determining Host Responses to Wuchereria bancrofti Infection in an Isolated South Pacific Island Population, Karen T. Cuenco, Eric A. Ottesen, Steven A. Williams, Thomas B. Nutman, and Cathy Steel


Tissue Targeted Embryonic Chimeras: Zebrafish Gastrula Cell Transplantation, Elizabeth R. Deschene and Michael J. Barresi

Threat and authoritarianism in the United States: 1978–1987, Richard M. Doty, Bill E. Peterson, and David G. Winter


Gravity Waves From Tachyonic Preheating After Hybrid Inflation, Jean-François Dufaux, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Navros Olga


Winds and Accretion in Young Stars, Suzan Edwards


Cascade of Magnetic-Field-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in a Spin- 12 Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet, Nathanael Alexander Fortune, Scott T. Hannahs, Y. Yoshida, T. Sherline, T. Ono, H. Tanaka, and Y. Takano


Nano-Imprinted Thin Films of Reactive, Azlactone-Containing Polymers: Combining Methods for the Topographic Patterning of Cell Substrates with Opportunities for Facile Post-Fabrication Chemical Functionalization, Nathaniel J. Fredin, Adam H. Broderick, Maren E. Buck, and David M. Lvnn


Excessive Acquisition in Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, David F. Tolin, Gail Steketee, Kristin E. Fitch, and Alexandra Selbo-Bruns


Global City, Megacity: Calixthe Beyala and the Limits of the Urban Imaginary, Dawn Fulton


Taking Steps Towards Eliminating the Nature‐ Deficit Disorder in our Community, Ivonne Garcia


Dynamical Fluctuations in Dense Granular Flows, Emily Gardel, E. Seitaridou, Kevin Facto, E. Keene, K. Hattam, Nalini Easwar, and Narayanan Menon


Meridians 9:1, Paula J. Giddings


Meridians 9:2, Paula J. Giddings


Reactivity-Dependent PCR: Direct, Solution-Phase In Vitro Selection for Bond Formation, David J. Gorin, Adam S. Kamlet, and David R. Liu


Heme Reversibly Damps PERIOD2 Rhythms in Mouse Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Explants, C. J. Guenthner, David Bickar, and Mary E. Harrington


Children’s Insensitivity to Information from the Target of Agreement: The Case of Xhosa, Sandile Gxilishe, Mantoa Rose Smouse, Thabisa Xhalisa, and Jill de Villiers


Comparing the Use of Tangible and Graphical Programming Languages for Informal Science Education, Michael S. Horn, Erin T. Solovey, R. Jordan Crouser, and Robert J.K. Jacob


Global Learning through Partnered Inquiry, Rebecca Hovey


The Ethnographic Experience: Experiential Learning via Ethnographic Practice, Rebecca Hovey, Priscilla Stone, Carolyn Sorkin, and Janet Anthony


Finding Words in Alphabet Soup: Inference on Freeform Character Recognition for Historical Scripts, Nicholas Howe, Shaolei Feng, and R. Manmatha


Grounded: Practicing What We Preach, Sam M. Intrator and Robert Kunzman


Running Water: Student Water Use and Conservation in Smith Houses, Hannah Jaris


Effects of Acute and Chronic Endurance Exercise on Intracellular Nitric Oxide in Putative Endothelial Progenitor Cells: Role of NAPDH Oxidase, Nathan T. Jenkins, Sarah Witkowski, Espen E. Spangenburg, and James M. Hagberg


Using Labeled Data to Evaluate Change Detectors in a Multivariate Streaming Environment, Albert Y. Kim, Caren Marzban, Donald B. Percival, and Werner Stuetzle


Reducing the Impact of PCR-Mediated Recombination in Molecular Evolution and Environmental Studies Using a New-Generation High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, Daniel J.G. Lahr and Laura A. Katz


Angular Rigidity in 3D: Combinatorial Characterizations and Algorithms, Audrey Lee-St.john and Ileana Streinu


Gender and PTSD: What Can We Learn from Female Police Officers?, Michelle M. Lilly, Nnamdi Pole, Suzanne R. Best, Thomas Metzler, and Charles R. Marmar


Conversion or Adhesion? Historians between the Social Sciences and the Linguistic Turn, Richard Lim


Surface Cracks Record Long-Term Seismic Segmentation of the Andean Margin, John P. Loveless, Richard W. Allmendinger, Matthew E. Pritchard, Jordan L. Garroway, and Gabriel González


Dynamics of Lyman Break Galaxies and Their Host Halos, James D. Lowenthal, David C. Koo, Luc Simard, and Eelco van Kampen


Link Scheduling for Scalable Data Aggregation, Jamie Macbeth and Majid Sarrafzadeh


Press the Cancel Button! A Performance Evaluation of Scalable In-Network Data Aggregation, Jamie Macbeth and Majid Sarrafzadeh


Immunisation with a Multivalent, Subunit Vaccine Reduces Patent Infection in a Natural Bovine Model of Onchocerciasis During Intense Field Exposure, Benjamin L. Makepeace, Siv Aina Jensen, Sandra J. Laney, Charles K. Nfon, Leo M. Njongmeta, Vincent N. Tanya, Steven A. Williams, Albert E. Bianco, and Alexander J. Trees

When Straight America Starts ‘Queering’: Brokeback Mountain and Its YouTube Parodies, Jennifer Malkowski


Block Modeling with Multiple Fault Network Geometries and a Linear Elastic Coupling Estimator in Spherical Coordinates, Brendan J. Meade and John P. Loveless


Predicting the Geodetic Signature of MW 8 Slow Slip Events, Brendan J. Meade and John P. Loveless


Q-Algebroids and Their Cohomology, Rajan Amit Mehta


Q-Groupoids and Their Cohomology, Rajan Amit Mehta


Échanges synchrones transatlantiques: Le project Cross-Cultural Connections, Christiane Métral, James Benenson, and Candace Skorupa


Marginal Lands and Suburban Nature: Open Space Planning and the Case of the 1893 Boston Metropolitan Parks Plan, Steven Thomas Moga