Advertising Gone to the Recycling Bin? Paper Use on the Campus Center Bulletin Boards, Amy Shmania
Energy Conscious Ads for Hampshire Students, Michael Skolnick
Traditional and Cyber Aggressors and Victims: A Comparison of Psychosocial Characteristics, Lisa M. Sontag, Katherine H. Clemans, Julia A. Graber, and Sarah T. Lyndon
The Role of Peer Stress and Pubertal Timing on Symptoms of Psychopathology During Early Adolescence, Lisa M. Sontag, Julia A. Graber, and Katherine H. Clemans
Development And Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Children's Saving Inventory, Eric A. Storch, Jordana Muroff, Adam B. Lewin, Daniel Geller, Abigail Ross, Katherine McCarthy, Jessica Morgan, Tanya K. Murphy, Randy Frost, and Gail Steketee
Natural Realizations of Sparsity Matroids, Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran
An Analysis of the Effect of Stress Diffusion on the Dynamics of Creeping Viscoelastic Flow, Becca Thomases
“Why Would I Want to Attend That?” Motivating Students to Attend ES&P Lectures, Kelsea Thornton
"Why Would I Want to Attend That?" Motivating Students to Attend ES&P Lectures, Kelsea Thornton
Sphenothallus-Like Fossils from the Martinsburg Formation (Upper Ordovician), Tennessee, USA, Maya Li Wei-Haas, Bosiljka Glumac, and H. Allen Curran
Exploring Leadership Through International Education: Civic Learning Through Study Abroad in Uganda, Adam Weinberg, Rebecca Hovey, and Carol Bellamy
The Strategic Use of Gender Quotas in the Arab World, Bozena C. Welborne
Spectroscopic Study of the Cycling Transition 4s[3/2]2-4p[5/2] 3 at 811.8 nm in Ar39: Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shift, William Williams, Z. T. Lu, K. Rudinger, C. Y. Xu, R. Yokochi, and P. Mueller
Assembly of Lamina-Specific Neuronal Connections by Slit Bound to Type IV Collagen, Tong Xiao, Wendy Staub, Estuardo Robles, Nathan J. Gosse, Gregory J. Cole, and Herwig Baier
How Locus of Control Influences Compatibility with Visualization Style, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, R. Jordan Crouser, Ashley Rye Yauilla, Sara L. Su, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang
Circling the Bases: Essays on the Challenges and Prospects of the Sports Industry, Andrew Zimbalist
Star Messangers, Paul Zimet and Ellen Maddow
Reusing Regalia: A More Economical and Ecological Choice, Tess Zinnes
Reusing Regalia: A More Economical and Ecological Choice, Tess Zinnes
Breaking the Bottleneck: Smith's Journey Back into the Local Food System, Ali Zipparo
Whatever Happened to Feminist Critiques of Marriage?, Martha A. Ackelsberg
Highway Hull Revisited, Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sébastien Collette, Ferran Hurtado, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Belén Palop
Realistic Reconfiguration of Crystalline (and Telecube) Robots, Greg Aloupis, Sébastien Collette, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Dania El-Khechen, Robin Flatland, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, Val Pinciu, Suneeta Ramaswami, Vera Sacristán, and Stefanie Wuhrer
Schubert Polynomials and Classes of Hessenberg Varieties, Dave Anderson and Julianna Tymoczko
Chemical Evolution of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Outflow of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area, E. C. Apel, L. K. Emmons, T. Karl, F. Flocke, A. J. Hills, S. Madronich, J. Lee-Taylor, A. Fried, P. Weibring, J. Walega, D. Richter, X. Tie, L. Mauldin, T. Campos, A. Weinheimer, D. Knapp, B. Sive, L. Kleinman, S. Springston, R. Zaveri, J. Ortega, Paul Voss, D. Blake, A. Baker, C. Warneke, D. Welsh-Bon, J. De Gouw, J. Zheng, R. Zhang, J. Rudolph, W. Junkermann, and D. D. Riemer
AzTEC Half Square Degree Survey of the SHADES Fields - I. Maps, Catalogues and Source Counts, J. E. Austermann, J. S. Dunlop, T. A. Perera, K. S. Scott, G. W. Wilson, I. Aretxaga, D. H. Hughes, O. Almaini, E. L. Chapin, S. C. Chapman, M. Cirasuolo, D. L. Clements, K. E.K. Coppin, L. Dunne, S. Dye, S. A. Eales, E. Egami, D. Farrah, D. Ferrusca, S. Flynn, D. Haig, M. Halpern, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, E. Van Kampen, Y. Kang, S. Kim, C. Lacey, James D. Lowenthal, P. D. Mauskopf, R. J. McLure, and A. M.J. Mortier
Essential Genes for Astroglial Development and Axon Pathfinding During Zebrafish Embryogenesis, Michael J.F. Barresi, Sean Burton, Kristina Dipietrantonio, Adam Amsterdam, Nancy Hopkins, and Rolf O. Karlstrom
Key Technical Challenges for the Electric Power Industry and Climate Change, Lisa M. Beard, Judith Cardell, Ian Dobson, Floyd Galvan, David Hawkins, Ward Jewell, Mladen Kezunovic, Thomas J. Overbye, Pankaj K. (PK) Sen, and Daniel J. Tylavsky
Mad Gardens Compassion and Education: An Environmental Journal of Literature, Art and Culture for Smith College, Rebecca Benson and Veronica Kratman
Mad Gardens: Compassion and Education: An Environmental Journal of Literature, Art and Culture for Smith College, Rebecca Benson and Veronica Kratman
A Curriculum Unit on Programming and Robotics, Marina U. Bers, Louise Flannery, Elizabeth Kazakoff, and R. Jordan Crouser
How Far Can You Reach?, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Predrag Matvejević’s Mediterranean Breviary: Nostalgia for an “Ex-World” or Breviary for a New Community?, Anna Botta
Sweeping Minimum Perimeter Enclosing Parallelograms: Optimal Crumb Cleanup, Yonit Bousany, Mary Leah Karker, Joseph O'Rourke, and Leona Sparaco
A Community-Based Study of Factors Associated with Continuing Transmission of Lymphatic Filariasis in Leogane, Haiti, Alexis Boyd, Kimberly Y. Won, Shannon K. McClintock, Catherine V. Donovan, Sandra J. Laney, Steven A. Williams, Nils Pilotte, Thomas G. Streit, Madsen V.E. Beau de Rochars, and Patrick J. Lammie
Free-Standing and Reactive Thin Films Fabricated by Covalent Layer-by-Layer Assembly and Subsequent Lift-Off of Azlactone-Containing Polymer Multilayers, Maren E. Buck and David M. Lynn
Functionalization of Fibers Using Azlactone-Containing Polymers: Layer-by-Layer Fabrication of Reactive Thin Films on the Surfaces of Hair and Cellulose-Based Materials, Maren E. Buck and David M. Lynn
Reactive Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Suspended Thin Films and Semipermeable Membranes at Interfaces Created Between Aqueous and Organic Phases, Maren E. Buck and David M. Lynn
Superhydrophobic Thin Films Fabricated by Reactive Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Azlactone-Functionalized Polymers, Maren E. Buck, Sarina C. Schwartz, and David M. Lynn
Smoothness of Lipschitz Minimal Intrinsic Graphs in Heisenberg Groups ℍn, N > 1, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
Convexity and Horizontal Second Fundamental Forms for Hypersurfaces in Carnot Groups, Luca Capogna, Scott D. Pauls, and Jeremy T. Tyson
Neural Activity Patterns in Response to Interspecific and Intraspecific Variation in Mating Calls in the Túngara Frog, Mukta Chakraborty, Lisa A. Mangiamele, and Sabrina S. Burmeister
Color-Magnitude Relation and Morphology of Low-Redshift ULIRGs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Yuxi Chen, James D. Lowenthal, and Min S. Yun
Bioturbation, Habitat Partitioning, and Tiering in Tropical Intertidal Callianassid Mounds: An Example From the Bahamas, H. Allen Curran
Enigmatic Structures on Upper Pleistocene Laminar Caliche Surfaces of the Bahamas: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?, H. Allen Curran
Agreement Between Clinician and Patient Ratings of Adaptive Functioning and Developmental History, Jared A. DeFife, Rebecca Drill, Ora Nakash, and Drew Westen
Filtering of Visual Information in the Tectum by an Identified Neural Circuit, Filippo Del Bene, Claire Wyart, Estuardo Robles, Amanda Tran, Loren Looger, Ethan K. Scott, Ehud Y. Isacoff, and Herwig Baier
Diversity of Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia Ciliates in Coastal Marine Sediments and in Overlying Plankton, Mary Doherty, Maiko Tamura, Jan A.C. Vriezen, George B. McManus, and Laura A. Katz
« Sottes chansons contre Amours » : parodie et burlesque au Moyen Âge, Eglal Doss-Quinby, Marie-Geneviève Grossel, and Samuel N. Rosenberg
Personality and Politics: Introduction to the Special Issue, Lauren E. Duncan, Bill E. Peterson, and Eileen L. Zurbriggen
A Sharp Diameter Bound for Unipotent Groups of Classical Type Overℤ /pℤ, Jordan S. Ellenberg and Julianna Tymoczko
Using Knowledge Building to Support Deep Learning, Collaboration and Innovation in Engineering Education, Glenn W. Ellis, Alan N. Rudnitsky, and Mary A. Moriarty
CurvedLand: An Applet to Simulate Curved Space, Stephanie Erickson and Gary Felder
CurvedLand: An Applet For Illustrating Curved Geometry Without Embedding, Gary Felder and Stephanie Erickson
Investigating Numbers and Behavior: Grab ‘n Go, Camila X. Fierro
Field-induced Quantum Phase Transitions in the Spin-1/2 Triangular-lattice Antiferromagnet Cs2CuBr4, Nathanael Alexander Fortune, Scott T. Hannahs, Y. Takano, Y. Yoshida, T. Sherline, A. A. Wilson-Muenchow, T. Ono, and H. Tanaka
Nano-Imprinted Thin Films of Reactive, Azlactone-Containing Polymers: Combining Methods for the Topographic Patterning of Cell Substrates with Opportunities for Facile Post-Fabrication Chemical Functionalization, Nathaniel J. Fredin, Ryan M. Flessner, Christopher M. Jewell, Shane L. Bechler, Maren E. Buck, and David M. Lynn
On Baryon Number Non-Conservation in Two-Dimensional O(2N+1) QCD, Tamar Friedmann
Taking Conventional Truth Seriously: Authority Regarding Deceptive Reality, Jay L. Garfield
Meridians 10:1, Paula J. Giddings
Meridians 10:2, Paula J. Giddings
The Work of Nursing in Chinese Hospital, Suzanne Z. Gottschang
Lie Algebroid Structures on Double Vector Bundles and Representation Theory of Lie Algebroids, Alfonso Gracia-Saz and Rajan Amit Mehta
Campus Assessment of Building Heating Energy Consumption-Informing the Climate Action Plan, E. Grover-Silva, D. A. McKahn, and D. Weisbord
Effect of Plant Uptake Strategy on the Water-Optimal Root Depth, Andrew J. Guswa
Poset Pinball, GKM-Compatible Subspaces, and Hessenberg Varieties, Megumi Harada and Julianna Tymoczko
Location, Location, Location: Important for Jet-Lagged Circadian Loops, Mary E. Harrington
Where Are We Now? Statistics on Capstone Courses Nationwide, Susannah Howe
Star Unfolding Convex Polyhedra via Quasigeodesic Loops, Jin-ichi Itoh, Joseph O'Rourke, and Costin Vîlcu
Endurance Exercise Training Effects on Body Fatness, VO2max HDL-C Subfractions, and Glucose Tolerance are Influenced by a PLIN Haplotype in Older Caucasians, Nathan T. Jenkins, Jennifer A. McKenzie, Coleen M. Damcott, Sarah Witkowski, and James M. Hagberg
Alternative Processing of Scrambled Genes Generates Protein Diversity in the Ciliate Chilodonella uncinata, Laura A. Katz and Alexandra M. Kovner
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Worry Reduction in an Outpatient with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Siamak Khodarahimi and Nnamdi Pole
Geology of Central Eleuthera, Bahamas: A Field Trip Guide, Pascal Kindler, John E. Mylroie, H. Allen Curran, James L. Carew, Douglas W. Gamble, and Thomas A. Rothfus
Immobilization of Polymer-Decorated Liquid Crystal Droplets on Chemically Tailored Surfaces, Michael I. Kinsinger, Maren E. Buck, Nicholas L. Abbott, and David M. Lynn
Langmuir Films of Flexible Polymers Transferred to Aqueous/Liquid Crystal Interfaces Induce Uniform Azimuthal Alignment of the Liquid Crystal, Michael I. Kinsinger, Maren E. Buck, Maria Victoria Meli, Nicholas L. Abbott, and David M. Lynn
Romance, Family, and Nation in Japanese Colonial Literature, Kimberly T. Kono
Education and Compassion: A Smith College Environmental Arts and Culture Journal, Veronica Kratman
Education and Compassion: A Smith College Environmental Arts and Culture Journal, Veronica Kratman
Detection of Wuchereria bancrofti L3 Larvae in Mosquitoes: A Reverse Transcriptase PCR Assay Evaluating Infection and Infectivity, Sandra J. Laney, Reda M.R. Ramzy, Hanan H. Helmy, Hoda A. Farid, Ameen A. Ashour, Gary J. Weil, and Steven A. Williams
Thrombin and Exercise Similarly Influence Expression of Cell Cycle Genes in Cultured Putative Endothelial Progenitor Cells, Michael M. Lockard, Sarah Witkowski, Nathan T. Jenkins, Espen E. Spangenburg, Thomas O. Obisesan, and James M. Hagberg
Normal and Reverse Faulting Driven by the Subduction Zone Earthquake Cycle in the Northern Chilean Forearc, John P. Loveless, Richard W. Allmendinger, Matthew E. Pritchard, and Gabriel González
Geodetic Imaging of Plate Motions, Slip Rates, and Partitioning of Deformation in Japan, John P. Loveless and Brendan J. Meade
Testing Mechanisms of Subduction Zone Segmentation and Seismogenesis With Slip Distributions From Recent Andean Earthquakes, John P. Loveless, M. E. Pritchard, and K. Kukowski
Climatic Cycles Recorded in the Middle Eocene Hemipelagites from a Dinaric Foreland Basin of Istria (Croatia), Borna Lužar-Oberiter, Peter A. Hochuli, Ljubomir Babić, Bosiljka Glumac, and Darko Tibljas
Grouped Variable Model Selection for Heterogeneous Medical Signals, Jamie Macbeth and Majid Sarrafzadeh
Health Econometrics: Respiration- Oxygenation Correlation through Spectral Models, Jamie Macbeth and Majid Sarrafzadeh
Shrinking Symbolic Regression Over Medical and Physiological Signals, Jamie Macbeth and Majid Sarrafzadeh
How Green is My House? Co-operative vs. Traditional Housing at Smith College, Maggie McCaffrey
How Green is My House? Co-operative vs. traditional housing at Smith College, Maggie McCaffrey
Methodology for Selection, Sequencing, and Deployment of Activities in a Capstone Design Course Using the Tidee Web-Based Assessment System, Jay McCormack, Steve Beyerlein, David F. Feldon, Denny Davis, Howard Davis, Zachary Wemlinger, Robert Gerlick, and Susannah Howe
Drafting a Blueprint for Educating Tomorrow's Engineers Today, Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, Glenn Ellis, and Diana Fiumefreddo
Interaction-Dependent PCR: Identification of Ligand-Target Pairs from Libraries of Ligands and Libraries of Targets in a Single Solution-Phase Experiment, Lynn M. McGregor, David J. Gorin, Christoph E. Dumelin, and David R. Liu
A Controllable Membrane-Type Humidifier for Fuel Cell Applications-Part I: Operation, Modeling and Experimental Validation, Denise A. McKay, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, and Jeffrey Cook
Normative Reflectance and Transmittance Measurements on Healthy Newborn and 1-Month-Old Infants, Gabrielle R. Merchant, Nicholas J. Horton, and Susan E. Voss
Gender Dimorphism In The Exercise-Naïve Murine Skeletal Muscle Proteome, Lauren Ann Metskas, Mohini Kulp, and Stylianos P. Scordilis
Gender Dimorphism in the Exercise-Naïve Murine Skeletal Muscle Proteome, Lauren Ann Metskas, Mohini Kulp, and Stylianos P. Scordilis
Behaviors and Numbers: Investigating Grab 'n Go, Alana Miller
Behaviors and Numbers: Investigating Grab ‘n Go, Alana Miller
Psychosocial Capacity Building in New York: Building Resiliency with Construction Workers Assigned to Ground Zero after 9/11, Joshua Miller, Jeff Grabelsky, and K. C. Wagner
Something Smells Fishy A Look into the Sustainability of Smith College’s Seafood Consumption, Alison Montgomery