


Documentation of Extensive Root Systems of Thalassia Seagrass Along the Banks of Pigeon Creek, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Bosiljka Glumac and H. Allen Curran


Subaerial Seeps on Holocene Carbonate Eolian Strata from Cat Island, Bahamas, Bosiljka Glumac, H. Allen Curran, and Sarah Brisson


Gender-Typed Behavior Over Time in Children with Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Randi L. Garcia


Fibonacci or Quasi-Symmetric Phyllotaxis. Part I: Why?, Christophe Golé, Jacques Dumais, and Stéphane Douady


Modeling Negotiations Over Water and Ecosystem Management: Uncertainty and Political Viability, Rachael E. Goodhue, Susan Stratton Sayre, and Leo K. Simon


The “pHunger Games”: Manuscript Review to Assess Graduating Chemistry Majors, David J. Gorin, Elizabeth R. Jamieson, Kate Queeny, Kevin M. Shea, and Carrie G. Read Spray


Advancing the Mill River Greenway Initiative: Creating a Social and Ecological Space Along the Mill River, Julia Graham


Patchiness of Ciliate Communities Sampled at Varying Spatial Scales Along the New England Shelf, Jean-David Grattepanche, George B. McManus, and Laura A. Katz


A General Method for Combining Different Family-Based Rare-Variant Tests of Association to Improve Power and Robustness of a Wide Range of Genetic Architectures, Alden Green, Kaitlyn Cook, Kelsey Grinde, Alessandra Valcarcel, and Nathan Tintle


Looking into the Crystal Ball: Requirements Evolution over Time, Alicia M. Grubb and Marsha Chechik


GrowingLeaf: Supporting Requirements Evolution Over Time, Alicia M. Grubb, Gary Song, and Marsha Chechik


Effect of Base-Pairing Partner on the Thermodynamic Stability of the Diastereomeric Spiroiminodihydantoin Lesion, Brian Gruessner, Megana Dwarakanath, Elizabeth Stewart, Yoon Bae, and Elizabeth R. Jamieson


The Downside Risk of Climate Change in California’s Central Valley Agricultural Sector, Michael Hanemann, Susan Stratton Sayre, and Larry Dale


An Analysis of Tax Forecasting Errors in Ireland, Andrew Hannon, Eimear Leahy, and Róisín O'Sullivan


Macleish Mines: Geology and Historic Land Use, Emma Harnisch


The Political Ecology of Authoritarian Learning, Steven Heydemann


Estrogens Suppress a Behavioral Phenotype in Zebrafish Mutants of the Autism Risk Gene, CNTNAP2, Ellen J. Hoffman, Katherine J. Turner, Joseph M. Fernandez, Daniel Cifuentes, Marcus Ghosh, Sundas Ijaz, Roshan A. Jain, Fumi Kubo, Brent R. Bill, Herwig Baier, Michael Granato, Michael J.F. Barresi, Stephen W. Wilson, Jason Rihel, Matthew W. State, and Antonio J. Giraldez


Measurements by Controlled Meteorological Balloons in Coastal Areas of Antarctica, Lars R. Hole, Alexis Pérez Bello, Tjarda J. Roberts, Paul B. Voss, and Timo Vihma


Inkball Models as Features for Handwriting Recognition, Nicholas Howe, Andreas Fischer, and Baptiste Wicht


Capturing the Big Picture: The 2015 Capstone Design Survey, Susannah Howe


The 2015 Capstone Design Survey: Observations From the Front Lines, Susannah Howe, Sophia L. Poulos, and Laura Mae Rosenbauer


Interseismic Deformation and Moment Deficit Along the Manila Subduction Zone and the Philippine Fault System, Ya-Ju Hsu, Shui-Beih Yu, John P. Loveless, Teresito Bacolcol, Renato Solidum, Artemio Luis Jr., Alfie Pelicano, and Jochen Woessner


Borderline Personality Traits Predict Poorer Functioning during Partial Hospitalization: The Mediating Role of Depressive Symptomatology, Stephanie Jarvi Steele


Relations Between Past-Week Physical Activity and Recent Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Treatment-Seeking Psychiatric Adults, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Bridget A. Hearon, Kristen L. Batejan, Stephanie Gironde, and Thröstur Björgvinsson


Gfap-Positive Radial Glial Cells are an Essential Progenitor Population for Later-Born Neurons and Glia in the Zebrafish Spinal Cord, Kimberly Johnson, Jessica Barragan, Sarah Bashiruddin, Cody J. Smith, Chelsea Tyrrell, Michael J. Parsons, Rosemarie Doris, Sarah Kucenas, Gerald B. Downes, Carla M. Velez, Caitlin Schneider, Catalina Sakai, Narendra Pathak, Katrina Anderson, Rachael Stein, Stephen H. Devoto, Jeff S. Mumm, and Michael J.F. Barresi


Attaining and Forfeiting Adam's Immortality at Sinai, Joel Kaminsky


Response: Is Repentance Biblical?, Joel Kaminsky


Absence of the Filarial Endosymbiont Wolbachia in Seal Heartworm (Acanthocheilonema spirocauda) but Evidence of Ancient Lateral Gene Transfer, Caroline D. Keroack, Jenna Irene Wurster, Caroline G. Decker, Kalini M. Williams, Barton E. Slatko, Jeremy M. Forster, and Steven A. Williams


A Bayesian Method for Cluster Detection with Application to Five Cancer Sites in Puget Sound, Albert Y. Kim and Jon Wakefield


Human Xq28 Inversion Polymorphism: From Sex Linkage to Genomics - A Genetic Mother Lode, Cait S. Kirby, Natalie Kolber, Asmaa M. Salih Almohaidi, Lou Ann Bierwert, Lori Saunders, Steven Williams, and Robert Merritt

Multiliteracies in World Language Education, Yuri Kumagai, Ana López-Sánchez, and Suzhuan Wu


The Smith College Campus and the Evolution of Athletics, Jane Kuntz


Passing Strange: Embodying and Negotiating Difference in Academia, Daphne Lamothe


Transpacific: Beyond Silk and Silver, Dana Leibsohn and Meha Priyadarshini


Construct Validity Evidence for the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach using the Bifactor Model, Ronald F. Levant, Rosalie J. Hall, Ingrid K. Weigold, and Eric R. McCurdy


Understanding Challenges and Tradeoffs in iStar Tool Development, Tong Li, Alicia M. Grubb, and Jennifer Horkoff


Ni de aquí, ni de allá”: Garífuna Subjectivities and the Politics of Diasporic Belonging, Paul Joseph López Oro


Two Decades of Spatiotemporal Variations in Subduction Zone Coupling Offshore Japan, John P. Loveless and Brendan J. Meade


Slip Distribution of the 2014 Mw=8.1 Pisagua, Northern Chile, Earthquake Sequence Estimated From Coseismic Fore-Arc Surface Cracks, John P. Loveless, Chelsea P. Scott, Richard W. Allmendinger, and Gabriel González


Harmonically Trapped Fermions in Two Dimensions: Ground-State Energy and Contact of SU(2) and SU(4) Systems via a Nonuniform Lattice Monte Carlo Method, Zhihuan Luo, Casey E. Berger, and Joaquín E. Drut


The Coherence of Conceptual Primitives, Jamie C. Macbeth and Marydjina Barionnette


Trump Discovers Sexual Nationalism, Mehammed Mack


Increased Androgenic Sensitivity in the Hind Limb Muscular System Marks the Evolution of a Derived Gestural Display, Lisa A. Mangiamele, Matthew J. Fuxjager, Eric R. Schuppe, Rebecca S. Taylor, Walter Hödl, and Doris Preininger


Child Maltreatment’s Heavy Toll: The Need for Trauma-Informed Obesity Prevention, Susan M. Mason, S. Bryn Austin, Jennifer L. Bakalar, Renee Boynton-Jarrett, Alison E. Field, Holly C. Gooding, Laura M. Holsen, Benita Jackson, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Mar Sanchez, Stephanie Sogg, Marian Tanofsky-Kraff, and Janet W. Rich-Edwards


Nuclear Architecture and Patterns of Molecular Evolution Are Correlated in the Ciliate Chilodonella uncinata, Xyrus X. Maurer-Alcalá and Laura A. Katz


The Story of the Smith College Campus School, Dylan McBride


Learning in Complex Environments: The Effects of Background Speech on Early Word Learning, Brianna T.M. McMillan and Jenny R. Saffran


Phenotypic and Molecular Analysis of the Effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone on the Human Filarial Parasite Brugia malayi, Amruta S. Mhashilkar, Swamy R. Adapa, Rays H.Y. Jiang, Steven A. Williams, Weam I. Zaky, Barton E. Slatko, Ashley N. Luck, Andrew Moorhead, and Thomas R. Unnasch


Auditory Spatial Coding Flexibly Recruits Anterior, but Not Posterior, Visuotopic Parietal Cortex, Samantha W. Michalka, Maya L. Rosen, Lingqiang Kong, Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham, and David C. Somers


Seven Self-Care Strategies, Joshua Miller


Playing with Margaret Cavendish and Mary Wroth: Staging Early Modern Women’s Dramatic Romances for Modern Audiences, Naomi J. Miller


The Zoning Map and American City Form, Steven Thomas Moga


What Old Zoning Maps Tell Us About Planning, Steven Thomas Moga


Discrimination, Racial/Ethnic Identity, and Substance Use Among Latina/os: Are They Gendered?, Kristine M. Molina, Benita Jackson, and Noemi Rivera-Olmedo


Culture, Health, and Science: A Multidisciplinary Liberal Arts Alternative to the Public Health Major, Morgan M. Morgan, Sabina Knight, and Aline C. Gubrium


Psychological Factors Associated with Emotional Distress Among Palestinian Arabs from East Jerusalem Accessing Psychiatric Care in Israel, Ora Nakash, Maayan Nagar, Itzhak Levav, Eli Danilovich, Mamoun Abu-Tair, and Grigory Podolsky


Which Public? Whose Goods? What We Know (and What We Don't) about Public Goods in Rural China, Sara A. Newland


Effect of the Spiroiminodihydantoin Lesion on Nucleosome Stability and Positioning, Erika Norabuena, Sara Barnes Williams, Margaret A. Klureza, Liana J. Goehring, Brian Gruessner, Mala L. Radhakrishnan, Elizabeth R. Jamieson, and Megan E. Núñez


Profiling the Macrofilaricidal Effects of Flubendazole on Adult Female Brugia Malayi Using RNAseq, Maeghan O'Neill, Cristina Ballesteros, Lucienne Tritten, Erica Burkman, Weam I. Zaky, Jianguo Xia, Andrew Moorhead, Steven A. Williams, and Timothy G. Geary


Hoarding Among Outpatients Seeking Treatment at a Psychiatric Hospital in Singapore, Clarissa Ong, Vathsala Sagayadevan, Siau Pheng Lee, Rebecca Ong, Siow Ann Chong, Randy O. Frost, and Mythily Subramaniam


Unfolding Convex Polyhedra via Radially Monotone Cut Trees, Joseph O'Rourke


strategicplayers: Strategic Players. R package version 1.0., Miles Q. Ott


Unequal Edge Inclusion Probabilities in Link-Tracing Network Sampling With Implications for Respondent-Driven Sampling, Miles Q. Ott and Krista J. Gile


Bayesian Peer Calibration with Application to Alcohol Use, Miles Q. Ott, Joseph W. Hogan, Krista J. Gile, Crystal Linkletter, and Nancy P. Barnett


Melatonin Signaling Controls the Daily Rhythm in Blood Glucose Levels Independent of Peripheral Clocks, Sharon Owino, Susana Contreras-Alcantara, Kenkichi Baba, and Gianluca Tosini


Using Natural Language Processing and Qualitative Analysis to Intervene in Gang Violence: A Collaboration Between Social Work Researchers and Data Scientists, Desmond Upton Patton, Kathleen McKeown, Owen Rambow, and Jamie C. Macbeth


Extinction Intensity, Selectivity and Their Combined Macroevolutionary Influence in the Fossil Record, Jonathan L. Payne, Andrew M. Bush, Ellen T. Chang, Noel A. Heim, Matthew L. Knope, and Sara B. Pruss


Human and Nonhuman in Hawaii: Agency, Elegy, Ecology, Cornelia D.J. Pearsall


Neoliberal Transformation and the Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, Karen Pfeifer


Oil on the Waters? Middle East Studies and Economics of the Middle East, Karen Pfeifer


Improved PCR-Based Detection of Soil Transmitted Helminth Infections Using a Next-Generation Sequencing Approach to Assay Design, Nils Pilotte, Marina Papaiakovou, Jessica R. Grant, Lou Ann Bierwert, Stacey Llewllyn, James S. McCarthy, and Steven A. Williams


A Novel Xenomonitoring Technique Using Mosquito Excreta/Feces for the Detection of Filarial Parasites and Malaria, Nils Pilotte, Weam I. Zaky, Brian P. Abrams, Dave D. Chadee, and Steven A. Williams


The Etymology of Nigger: Resistance, Language, and the Politics of Freedom in the Antebellum North, Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor


La “masacre” de San Juan de Ondores: Reforma, comunidad y violencia en la sierra central (1969-1979), Javier Puente


A Coin Vibrational Motor Swimming at Low Reynolds Number, Alice C. Quillen, Hesam Askari, Douglas H. Kelley, Tamar Friedmann, and Patrick W. Oakes


From Obedience to Contagion: Discourses of Power in Milgram, Zimbardo, and the Facebook Experiment, Timothy Recuber


Controlled Meteorological (CMET) Free Balloon Profiling of the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Around Spitsbergen Compared to ERA-Interim and Arctic System Reanalyses, Tjarda J. Roberts, Marina Dütsch, Lars R. Hole, and Paul Voss


Acceptability of Treatments and Services for Individuals with Hoarding Behaviors, Carolyn I. Rodriguez, Amanda Levinson, Sapana R. Patel, Kim Rottier, Jordana Zwerling, Susan Essock, Lee Shuer, Randy O. Frost, and Helen Blair Simpson


Cognitive Control Network Contributions to Memory-Guided Visual Attention, Maya L. Rosen, Chantal E. Stern, Samantha W. Michalka, Kathryn J. Devaney, and David C. Somers


Let’s Talk About Sex, Not Abortion, Loretta J. Ross


Beyond the Flesh: Contemporary Representations of the Black Female Body in Afro-Brazilian Literature, Flávia Santos de Araújo


Origin of Late Holocene Strandplains in the Southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas: Progradation, Ephemeral Highstands, and Storminess, Michael Savarese and H. Allen Curran


The Effect of Safety-Net Programs on Food Insecurity, Lucie Schmidt, Lara Shore-Sheppard, and Tara Watson


Endothelial and Inflammatory Responses to Acute Exercise in Perimenopausal and Late Postmenopausal Women, Corinna Serviente, Lisa M. Troy, Maxine De Jonge, Daniel D. Shill, Nathan T. Jenkins, and Sarah Witkowski


Beyond Clickers, Next Generation Classroom Response Systems for Organic Chemistry, Kevin M. Shea

Part 18: SN1/E1 Reactions with Alkyl Halides, Kevin M. Shea

Part 19: SN2/E2 Reactions of Alkyl Halides, Kevin M. Shea

Part 20: Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alcohols, Kevin M. Shea

Part 21: Radical Chain Reaction Overview, Kevin M. Shea


Literature-Based Problems for Introductory Organic Chemistry Quizzes and Exams, Kevin M. Shea, David J. Gorin, and Maren E. Buck


Deep Learning for Population Genetic Inference, Sara Sheehan and Yun S. Song


Navigating Institutional Barriers Designing First Year Sustainability Workshops, Claire Shope


Tracing Slow Winds From T Tauri Stars via Low-velocity Forbidden Line Emission, M. N. Simon, I. Pascucci, Suzan Edwards, W. Feng, U. Gorti, D. Hollenbach, E. Rigliaco, and J. T. Keane


Radial Glia Inhibit Peripheral Glial Infiltration into the Spinal Cord at Motor Exit Point Transition Zones, Cody J. Smith, Kimberly Johnson, Taylor G. Welsh, Michael J.F. Barresi, and Sarah Kucenas


Neilson Library Final Charter, Smith College


Kahn Chronicle: Fall 2016, Smith College, Kahn Liberal Arts Institute


Kahn Chronicle: Spring 2016, Smith College, Kahn Liberal Arts Institute


Open Access Amendment to Publication Agreement, Smith College Libraries


Sticky Seeding in Discrete-Time Reversible-Threshold Networks, Gwen Spencer


Modeling Internet Traffic Generations Based on Users and Activities for Telecommunication Applications, Sara Stoudt, Pamela Badian-Pessot, Blanche Ngo Mahop, Erika Earley, Jordan Menter, Yadira Flores, Danielle Williams, Weijia Zhang, Liza Maharjan, Yixin Bao, Laura Rosenbauer, Van Nguyen, Veena Mendiratta, and Nessy Tania