Liftings and Stresses for Planar Periodic Frameworks, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Periodic Body-And-Bar Frameworks, Ciprian Borcea, Ileana Streinu, and Shin-Ichi Tanigawa
Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Legendrian Knots, Patricia Cahn and Asa Levi
Regularity of Mean Curvature Flow of Graphs on Lie Groups Free Up to Step 2, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
Hypercube Unfoldings that Tile R3 and R2, Giovanna Diaz and Joseph O'Rourke
Quantum Mechanical Derivation of the Wallis Formula for π, Tamar Friedmann and C. R. Hagen
The Robinson-Schensted Correspondence and A2-web Bases, Matthew Housley, Heather M. Russell, and Julianna Tymoczko
Modular Classes of Lie Groupoid Representations up to Homotopy, Rajan Amit Mehta
The Atiyah Class of a dg-Vector Bundle, Rajan Amit Mehta, Mathieu Stiénon, and Ping Xu
Spiral Unfoldings of Convex Polyhedra, Joseph O'Rourke
Harnack Estimates for Degenerate Parabolic Equations Modeled on the Subelliptic P-laplacian, Benny Avelin, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Kaj Nyström
New and Improved Spanning Ratios for Yao Graphs, Luis Barba, Prosenjit Bose, Mirela Damian, Rolf Fagerberg, Wah Loon Keng, Joseph O'Rourke, André van Renssen, Perouz Taslakian, Sander Verdonschot, and Ge Xia
Quantifying Market Inefficiencies in the Baseball Players’ Market, Benjamin Baumer and Andrew Zimbalist
Counting Edge-Kempe-Equivalence Classes for 3-Edge-Colored Cubic Graphs, Sarah-Marie Belcastro and Ruth Haas
The Classification of V -Transverse Knots and Loose Legendrians, Patricia Cahn and Vladimir Chernov
The Number of Framings of a Knot in a 3-Manifold, Patricia Cahn, Vladimir Chernov, and Rustam Sadykov
L∞-extremal Mappings in Amle and Teichmüller Theory, Luca Capogna
A Module Isomorphism Between H∗T (G/P)⊗H∗T (P/B) and H∗T (G/B), Elizabeth Drellich and Julianna Tymoczko
QCD vs. the Centrifugal Barrier: a New QCD Effect, Tamar Friedmann
Counting Conjugacy Classes of Elements of Finite Order in Lie Groups, Tamar Friedmann and Richard P. Stanley
Kif11 Dependent Cell Cycle Progression in Radial Glial Cells is Required for Proper Neurogenesis in the Zebrafish Neural Tube, Kimberly Johnson, Chelsea Moriarty, Nessy Tania, Alissa Ortman, Kristina DiPietrantonio, Brittany Edens, Jean Eisenman, Deborah Ok, Sarah Krikorian, Jessica Barragan, Christophe Golé, and Michael J.F. Barresi
Lie algebroid modules and representations up to homotopy, Rajan Amit Mehta
Mechanisms of Elastic Enhancement and Hindrance for Finite-Length Undulatory Swimmers in Viscoelastic Fluids, Becca Thomases and Robert D. Guy
Frameworks With Crystallographic Symmetry, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
A Generalization of the Turaev Cobracket and the Minimal Self-Intersection Number of a Curve on a Surface, Patricia Cahn
Intersections of Loops and the Andersen–Mattes–Reshetikhin Algebra, Patricia Cahn and Vladimir Chernov
Uniform Gaussian Bounds for Subelliptic Heat Kernels and an Application to the Total Variation Flow of Graphs Over Carnot Groups, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
A Subelliptic Analogue of Aronson-serrin's Harnack Inequality, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Garrett Rea
Sub-riemannian Heat Kernels and Mean Curvature Flow of Graphs, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Cosimo Senni Guidotti Magnani
Nucleation-Free 3D Rigidity, Jialong Cheng, Meera Sitharam, and Ileana Streinu
No Radial Excitations in Low Energy QCD. I. Diquarks and Classification of Mesons, Tamar Friedmann
No Radial Excitations in Low Energy QCD. II. The Shrinking Radius of Hadrons, Tamar Friedmann
The String Landscape: On Formulas for Counting Vacua, Tamar Friedmann and Richard P. Stanley
The k-Dominating Graph, Ruth Haas and Karen Seyffarth
A 2-Chain Can Interlock With an Open 10-Chain, Bin Lu, Joseph O'Rourke, and Jianyuan K. Zhong
Generalizing Tanisaki's Ideal Via Ideals of Truncated Symmetric Functions, Aba Mbirika and Julianna Tymoczko
Differential Graded Contact Geometry and Jacobi Structures, Rajan Amit Mehta
Billey's Formula in Combinatorics, Geometry, and Topology, Julianna Tymoczko
π/2-Angle Yao Graphs are Spanners, Prosenjit Bose, Mirela Damian, Karim Douïeb, Joseph O'Rourke, Ben Seamone, Michiel Smid, and Stefanie Wuhrer
Permutation notations for the exceptional Weyl group F4, Patricia Cahn, Ruth Haas, Aloysius G. Helminck, Juan Li, and Jeremy Schwartz
An Aronsson Type Approach to Extremal Quasiconformal Mappings, Luca Capogna and Andrew Raich
A New QCD Effect: the Shrinking Radius of Hadrons, Tamar Friedmann
Group-Theoretical Derivation of Angular Momentum Eigenvalues in Spaces of Arbitrary Dimensions, Tamar Friedmann and C. R. Hagen
Source Unfoldings of Convex Polyhedra via Certain Closed Curves, Jin-ichi Itoh, Joseph O'Rourke, and Costin Vîlcu
From Pop-Up Cards to Coffee-Cup Caustics: The Knight's Visor, Stephanie Jakus and Joseph O'Rourke
L ∞-Algebra Actions, Rajan Amit Mehta and Marco Zambon
Unfolding Prismatoids as Convex Patches: Counterexamples and Positive Results, Joseph O'Rourke
A Simple Bijection Between Standard 3×n Tableaux and Irreducible Webs for 𝔰𝔩3, Julianna Tymoczko
The Geometric and Dynamic Essence of Phyllotaxis, Pau Atela
Symmetric Factorization of the Conformation Tensor in Viscoelastic Fluid Models, Nusret Balci, Becca Thomases, Michael Renardy, and Charles R. Doering
Deformations of Crystal Frameworks, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Continuous Blooming of Convex Polyhedra, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Vi Hart, Joan Iacono, Stefan Langerman, and Joseph O'Rourke
Orbifold Singularities, Lie Algebras of the Third Kind (LATKes), and Pure Yang-Mills with Matter, Tamar Friedmann
A Positive Monk Formula in the S1-Equivariant Cohomology of Type A Peterson Varieties, Megumi Harada and Julianna Tymoczko
On Homotopy Poisson Actions and Reduction of Symplectic Q-Manifolds, Rajan Amit Mehta
From Double Lie Groupoids to Local Lie 2-Groupoids, Rajan Amit Mehta and Xiang Tang
Common Edge-Unzippings for Tetrahedra, Joseph O'Rourke
Convex Polyhedra Realizing Given Face Areas, Joseph O'Rourke
Conical Existence of Closed Curves on Convex Polyhedra, Joseph O'Rourke and Costin Vîlcu
Springer Representations on the Khovanov Springer Varieties, Heather M. Russell and Julianna S. Tymoczko
An Analysis of the Effect of Stress Diffusion on the Dynamics of Creeping Viscoelastic Flow, Becca Thomases
Highway Hull Revisited, Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sébastien Collette, Ferran Hurtado, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Belén Palop
Schubert Polynomials and Classes of Hessenberg Varieties, Dave Anderson and Julianna Tymoczko
Smoothness of Lipschitz Minimal Intrinsic Graphs in Heisenberg Groups ℍn, N > 1, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
Convexity and Horizontal Second Fundamental Forms for Hypersurfaces in Carnot Groups, Luca Capogna, Scott D. Pauls, and Jeremy T. Tyson
A Sharp Diameter Bound for Unipotent Groups of Classical Type Overℤ /pℤ, Jordan S. Ellenberg and Julianna Tymoczko
On Baryon Number Non-Conservation in Two-Dimensional O(2N+1) QCD, Tamar Friedmann
Lie Algebroid Structures on Double Vector Bundles and Representation Theory of Lie Algebroids, Alfonso Gracia-Saz and Rajan Amit Mehta
Poset Pinball, GKM-Compatible Subspaces, and Hessenberg Varieties, Megumi Harada and Julianna Tymoczko
Star Unfolding Convex Polyhedra via Quasigeodesic Loops, Jin-ichi Itoh, Joseph O'Rourke, and Costin Vîlcu
A Note on Solid Coloring of Pure Simplicial Complexes, Joseph O'Rourke
Flat Zipper-Unfolding Pairs for Platonic Solids, Joseph O'Rourke
On Flat Polyhedra Deriving From Alexandrov's Theorem, Joseph O'Rourke
On Folding a Polygon to a Polyhedron, Joseph O'Rourke
The Yao Graph Y6 is a Spanner, Joseph O'Rourke
Slider-Pinning Rigidity: a Maxwell-Laman-Type Theorem, Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran
Morphing of Triangular Meshes in Shape Space, Stefanie Wuhrer, Prosenjit Bose, Chang Shu, Joseph O'Rourke, and Alan Brunton
Grünbaum Colorings of Toroidal Triangulations, Michael O. Albertson, Hannah Alpert, Sarah-Marie Belcastro, and Ruth Haas
Generalized Mean Curvature Flow in Carnot Groups, Luca Capogna and Giovanna Citti
Regularity of Non-Characteristic Minimal Graphs in the Heisenberg Group ℍ1, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Maria Manfredini
Q-Algebroids and Their Cohomology, Rajan Amit Mehta
Q-Groupoids and Their Cohomology, Rajan Amit Mehta
Some Properties of Yao Y4 Subgraphs, Joseph O'Rourke
Sparse Hypergraphs and Pebble Game Algorithms, Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran
Sparsity-Certifying Graph Decompositions, Ileana Streinu and Louis Theran
Transition to Mixing and Oscillations in a Stokesian Viscoelastic Flow, Becca Thomases and Michael Shelley
Cauchy’s Arm Lemma on a Growing Sphere, Zachary Abel, David Charlton, Sébastien Collette, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, Val Pinciu, and Godfried Toussaint
Enumerating Constrained Non-Crossing Minimally Rigid Frameworks, David Avis, Naoki Katoh, Makoto Ohsaki, Ileana Streinu, and Shin-Ichi Tanigawa
A Class of Convex Polyhedra with Few Edge Unfoldings, Alex Benton and Joseph O'Rourke
Extremal Configurations of Hinge Structures, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
Singularities of Hinge Structures, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
A Note on Ill-Posedness of the Cauchy Problem for Heisenberg Wave Maps, Luca Capogna and Jalal Shatah
Grid Vertex-Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra, Mirela Damian
Unfolding Manhattan Towers, Mirela Damian, Robin Flatland, and Joseph O'Rourke
Unfolding Convex Polyhedra via Quasigeodesic Star Unfoldings, Jin-ichi Itoh, Joseph O'Rourke, and Costin Vîlcu
The Mixed Problem in L p for Some Two-Dimensional Lipschitz Domains, Loredana Lanzani, Luca Capogna, and Russell M. Brown
Pebble Game Algorithms and Sparse Graphs, Audrey Lee and Ileana Streinu
Permutation Representations on Schubert Varieties, Julianna S. Tymoczko
Epsilon-Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra, Mirela Damian, Robin Flatland, and Joseph O'Rourke
A New Lower Bound on Guard Placement for Wireless Localization, Mirela Damian, Robin Flatland, Joseph O'Rourke, and Suneeta Ramswami