The Contributions of Language and Inhibitory Control to False Belief Reasoning Over Time, Jill de Villiers and Peter A. de Villiers
Queering Critical Consciousness: Measurement and Implications of Critical Consciousness Among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, Esther Burson, Erin B. Godfrey, Deanna A. Ibrahim, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Jerel P. Calzo, and V. Paul Poteat
Introduction to the Italy Site of the Global Feminisms Project, Lauren Duncan
A Fair Share: Effects of Disparity, Allocation Strategy, and System Justification on Perceptions of Policy Support in the Education Domain, David Igliozzi, Yael Granot, and Victor Ottati
Implicit Associations with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Examination in a Clinical Sample by Borderline Personality Symptomatology, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Nigel M. Jaffe, Claire A. Kelly, Thröstur Björgvinsson, and Lance P. Swenson
Assessing the Acquisition of Romani in Roma Children, Hirsto Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, Yanwan Zhu, and Iris Zhong
How Schools Can Bolster Belonging Among Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Youth, Allison Lloyd, Yael Granot, Elizabeth Rovegno, Ashley Bazin, Alba Bryant, and Maryse Richards
Neighborhood Eviction Trajectories and Odds of Moderate and Serious Psychological Distress During Pregnancy Among African American Women, Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Benita Jackson, and Brittney Francis
Better Policy Interventions Through Intersectionality, Elizabeth R. Cole and Lauren E. Duncan
Theory of Mind and Clausal Embedding, Jill de Villiers and Tom Roeper
Psychological Perspectives on the Presentation of Video Evidence: How Perceivers Weight What is Seen and Unseen, Yael Granot and David Igliozzi
Narratives Reflecting Theory of Mind among Bilingual Lyuli Children of Uzbekistan, Hristo Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, Bahodir B. Mamurov, and Gulbahor R. Akramova
Beyond the Symptom: The Biology of Fatigue, David M. Raizen, Janet Mullington, Christelle Anaclet, Gerard Clarke, Hugo Critchley, Robert Dantzer, Ronald Davis, Kelly L. Drew, Josh Fessel, Patrick M. Fuller, Erin M. Gibson, Mary Harrington, W. Ian Lipkin, Elizabeth B. Klerman, Nancy Klimas, Anthony L. Komaroff, Walter Koroshetz, Lauren Krupp, Anna Kuppuswamy, Julie Lasselin, Laura D. Lewis, Pierre J. Magistretti, Heidi Y. Matos, Christine Miaskowski, Andrew H. Miller, Avindra Nath, Maiken Nedergaard, Mark R. Opp, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Dragana Rogulja, Asya Rolls, and John D. Salamone
Racism as a Source of Pain, Howard Schubiner, Benita Jackson, Kristine M. Molina, John A. Sturgeon, Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Mark A. Lumley, Jallicia Jolly, and Zina Trost
Outcomes for Binge Eating Disorder in a Remote Weight-Inclusive Treatment Program: A Case Report, Caitlin B. Shepherd, Rebecca G. Boswell, Jessica Genet, Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, Christine Stockert, Rebecca Brumm, Shaun Riebl, and Elsbeth Crowe
Editorial: Social Psychological Process and Effects on the Law, Colleen M. Berryessa, Clare S. Allely, Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, and Yael Granot
Emergent Intra-Pair Sex Differences and Organized Behavior in Pair Bonded Prairie Voles (Microtus ochrogaster), Liza E. Brusman, David S.W. Protter, Allison C. Fultz, Maya U. Paulson, Gabriel D. Chapel, Isaiah O. Elges, Ryan T. Cameron, Annaliese K. Beery, and Zoe R. Donaldson
Who is Using PrEP On-Demand? Factors Associated with PrEP Use Modality among Black and Hispanic/Latino Emerging Adults, Antonia E. Caba, Taylor Rathus, Esther Burson, Philip A. Chan, Lisa A. Eaton, and Ryan J. Watson
Social Justice Conversations: Using Critical Dialogue to Unpack Oppression, Annemarie Gockel, Peggy O'Neill, and Nnamdi Pole
Pilot Examination of Stress, Heart Rate Variability, and Alcohol Craving and Use among Female Veterans, Cathryn Glanton Holzhauer, Elizabeth E. Epstein, Laurel Bickar, Robyn A. Ellis, Nnamdi Pole, Mehmet Sofuoglu, David A. Smelson, and Kristin Mattocks
The Art of Social Justice: Examining Arts Programming as a Context for Critical Consciousness Development Among Youth, Deanna A. Ibrahim, Erin B. Godfrey, Elise Cappella, and Esther Burson
Keeping an Eye on Circadian Time in Clinical Research and Medicine, Elizabeth B. Klerman, Allison Brager, Mary A. Carskadon, Christopher M. Depner, Russell Foster, Namni Goel, Mary Harrington, and et al
Selectivity and Sociality: Aggression and Affiliation Shape Vole Social Relationships, Nicole S. Lee and Annaliese K. Beery
Methods for Detecting PER2:LUCIFERASE Bioluminescence Rhythms in Freely Moving Mice, Blanca Martin-Burgos, Wanqi Wang, Ivana William, Selma Tir, Innus Mohammad, Reja Javed, Stormi Smith, Yilin Cui, Jessica Arzavala, Dalilah Mora, Ciearra B. Smith, Vincent van der Vinne, Penny C. Molyneux, Stephen C. Miller, David R. Weaver, Tanya L. Leise, and Mary E. Harrington
The Psychology of Hate: Moral Concerns Differentiate Hate from Dislike, Clara Pretus, Jennifer L. Ray, Yael Granot, William A. Cunningham, and Jay J. Van Bavel
Cell-Type-Specific Circadian Bioluminescence Rhythms in Dbp Reporter Mice, Ciearra B. Smith, Vincent van der Vinne, Eleanor McCartney, Adam C. Stowie, Tanya L. Leise, Blanca Martin-Burgos, Penny C. Molyneux, Lauren A. Garbutt, Michael H. Brodsky, Alec J. Davidson, Mary E. Harrington, Robert Dallmann, and David R. Weaver
Naked Mole-Rat Social Phenotypes Vary in Investigative and Aggressive Behavior in a Laboratory Partner Preference Paradigm, Ilapreet Toor, Rashoun Maynard, Xinye Peng, Annaliese K. Beery, and Melissa M. Holmes
Sex differences in the reward value of familiar mates in prairie voles, Daniel M. Vahaba, Emily R. Halstead, Zoe R. Donaldson, Todd H. Ahern, and Annaliese K. Beery
Pervasive Neglect of Sex Differences in Biomedical Research, Irving Zucker, Brian J. Prendergast, and Annaliese K. Beery
Natural Variation in the Oxytocin Receptor Gene and Rearing Interact to Influence Reproductive and Nonreproductive Social Behavior and Receptor binding, Todd H. Ahern, Sara Olsen, Ryan Tudino, and Annaliese K. Beery
Familiarity and Mate Preference Assessment with the Partner Preference Test, Annaliese K. Beery
A Neuroscientist's Guide to the Vole, William M. Kenkel, Morgan L. Gustison, and Annaliese K. Beery
The Role of Dopamine Signaling in Prairie Vole Peer Relationships, Nicole S. Lee and Annaliese K. Beery
Beyond Counting Words: A paradigm Shift for the Study of Language Acquisition, Lillian R. Masek, Alexus G. Ramirez, Brianna T.M. McMillan, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
Does the Unified Protocol Really Change Neuroticism? Results from a Randomized Trial, Shannon Sauer-Zavala, Jay C. Fournier, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Brittany K. Woods, Mengxing Wang, Todd J. Farchione, and David H. Barlow
Dim Light in the Evening Causes Coordinated Realignment of Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, and Short-Term Memory, Shu K.E. Tam, Laurence A. Brown, Tatiana S. Wilson, Selma Tir, Angus S. Fisk, Carina A. Pothecary, Vincent van der Vinne, Russell G. Foster, Vladyslav V. Vyazovskiy, David M. Bannerman, Mary E. Harrington, and Stuart N. Peirson
Predicting Mid-Life Capital Formation with Pre-School Delay of Gratification and Life-Course Measures of Self-Regulation, Daniel J. Benjamin, David Laibson, Walter Mischel, Philip K. Peake, Yuichi Shoda, Alexandra Steiny Wellsjo, and Nicole L. Wilson
Intraminority Solidarity: The Role of Critical Consciousness, Esther Burson and Erin B. Godfrey
CIRCADA: Shiny Apps for Exploration of Experimental and Synthetic Circadian Time Series with an Educational Emphasis, Lisa Cenek, Liubou Klindziuk, Cindy Lopez, Eleanor McCartney, Blanca Martin Burgos, Selma Tir, Mary E. Harrington, and Tanya L. Leise
Complex Morphology in Romani can Resolve the Ambiguity of Multiple Possessives, Jill de Villiers, Huseyin Kyuchuk, and Tyler Poisson
Community Characteristics, Victimization, and Psychological Adjustment Among School-Aged Adopted Children With Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Randi L. Garcia
Recurring Circadian Disruption Alters Circadian Clock Sensitivity to Resetting, Tanya L. Leise, Ariella Goldberg, John Michael, Grace Montoya, Sabrina Solow, Penny Molyneux, Ramalingam Vetrivelan, and Mary E. Harrington
Nobiletin Affects Circadian Rhythms and Oncogenic Characteristics in a Cell-Dependent Manner, Sujeewa S. Lellupitiyage Don, Kelly L. Robertson, Hui-Hsien Lin, Caroline Labriola, Mary E. Harrington, Stephanie R. Taylor, and Michelle E. Farkas
Sleep and Suicide: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies, Richard T. Liu, Stephanie J. Steele, Jessica L. Hamilton, Quyen B.P. Do, Kayla Furbish, Taylor A. Burke, Ashley P. Martinez, and Nimesha Gerlus
A Functional Context for Heterogeneity of the Circadian Clock in Cells, Martha Merrow and Mary E. Harrington
From Urges to Action: Negative Urgency and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in an Acute Transdiagnostic Sample, Andrew D. Peckham, Haley Jordan, Alexandra Silverman, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Theöstur Björgvinsson, and Courtney Beard
Greater Engagement in Gender-Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) and GSA Characteristics Predict Youth Empowerment and Reduced Mental Health Concerns, V. Paul Poteat, Jerel P. Calzo, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Arthur Lipkin, Christopher J. Ceccolini, Sarah B. Rosenbach, Michael D. O’Brien, Robert A. Marx, Gabriel R. Murchison, and Esther Burson
Treating Depressive Disorders with the Unified Protocol: A Preliminary Randomized Evaluation, Shannon Sauer-Zavala, Kate H. Bentley, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Julianne Wilner Tirpak, Amantia A. Ametaj, Maya Nauphal, Nicole Cardona, Mengxing Wang, Todd J. Farchione, and David H. Barlow
An Exploratory Mixed Methods Approach to Implicit and Explicit Identification with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Kayla Furbish, Thröstur Björgvinsson, and Lance P. Swenson
Deconstructing Circadian Disruption: Assessing the Contribution of Reduced Peripheral Oscillator Amplitude on Obesity and Glucose Intolerance in Mice, Vincent van der Vinne, Blanca Martin Burgos, Mary E. Harrington, and David R. Weaver
Frank Beach award winner: Neuroendocrinology of Group Living, Annaliese K. Beery
The impact of grammar on mentalizing: A training study including children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder, Stephanie Durrleman, Morgane Burnel, Jill de Villiers, Evelyne Thommen, Rachel Yan, and Hélène Delage
A Bitter Pill to Swallow? Patterns of Critical Consciousness and Socioemotional and Academic Well-Being in Early Adolescence, Erin B. Godfrey, Esther Burson, Tess M. Yanisch, Diane Hughes, and Niobe Way
Saving Inventory – Revised: Psychometric Performance Across the Lifespan, Kirstie Kellman-McFarlane, Brent Stewart, Sheila Woody, Catherine Ayers, Mary Dozier, Randy O. Frost, Jessica Grisham, Simone Isemann, Gail Steketee, David F. Tolin, and Alison Welsted
Neural Circuits Underlying Rodent Sociality: A Comparative Approach, Nicole S. Lee and Annaliese K. Beery
Affiliation, Aggression, and Selectivity of Peer Relationships in Meadow and Prairie Voles, Nicole S. Lee, Nastacia L. Goodwin, Katherine E. Freitas, and Annaliese K. Beery
A Comparison of Cognitive Restructuring And Thought Listing For Excessive Acquiring In Hoarding Disorder, Hannah C. Levy, Randy O. Frost, Elizabeth A. Offermann, Gail Steketee, and David F. Tolin
How Do US College Students' Sense of Life Purpose Relate to Their Emotional Expectations Toward Community Work in Service-Learning Courses?, Seana Moran and Randi L. Garcia
Buying-Shopping Disorder - Is There Enough Evidence to Support Its Inclusion in ICD-11?, Astrid Müller, Matthias Brand, Laurence Claes, Zsolt Demetrovics, Martina De Zwaan, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Randy O. Frost, Susana Jimenez-Murcia, Michael Lejoyeux, Sabine Steins-Loeber, James E. Mitchell, Richard Moulding, Maja Nedeljkovic, Patrick Trotzke, Aviv Weinstein, and Michael Kyrios
Inclusion of Females Does Not Increase Variability in Rodent Research Studies, Annaliese K. Beery
Specificity in Sociality: Mice and Prairie Voles Exhibit Different Patterns of Peer Affiliation, Annaliese K. Beery, Jennifer D. Christensen, Nicole S. Lee, and Katrina L. Blandino
The State of the Union: Contemporary Interminority Attitudes in the United States, Esther Burson and Erin B. Godfrey
Cohort Effects in Children's Delay of Gratification, Stephanie M. Carlson, Yuichi Shoda, Ozlem Ayduk, Lawrence Aber, Catherine Schaefer, Anita Sethi, Nicole Wilson, Philip K. Peake, and Walter Mischel
The Relationships between Religiosity and Internalizing Symptoms in African American Parent-Adolescent Dyads, Alyssa L. Faro, Laura G. McKee, Randi L. Garcia, and Deborah J. Jones
Scrupulosity and Hoarding, Randy O. Frost, Isabella Gabrielson, Sophia Deady, Kathryn Bonner Dernbach, Greta Guevara, Maggie Peebles-Dorin, Keong Yap, and Jessica R. Grisham
Interrogating the Intersections: How Intersectional Perspectives Can Inform Developmental Scholarship on Critical Consciousness, Erin B. Godfrey and Esther Burson
In the Eyes of the Law: Perception Versus Reality in Appraisals of Video Evidence, Yael Granot, Emily Balcetis, Neal Feigenson, and Tom Tyler
Acculturation and Post-Migration Psychological Symptoms Among Iraqi Refugees: A Path Analysis, Joseph W. LeMaster, Carissa L. Broadbridge, Mark A. Lumley, Judith E. Arnetz, Cynthia Arfken, Michael D. Fetters, Hikmet Jamil, Nnamdi Pole, and Bengt B. Arnetz
Augmenting Buried In Treasures With In-Home Uncluttering Practice: Pilot Study In Hoarding Disorder, Omer Linkovski, Jordana Zwerling, Elisabeth Cordell, Danae Sonnenfeld, Henry Willis, Christopher N. La Lima, Colleen Baker, Rassil Ghazzaoui, Robyn Girson, Catherine Sanchez, Brianna Wright, Mason Alford, Andrea Varias, Maria Filippou-Frye, Hanyang Shen, Booil Jo, Lee Shuer, Randy O. Frost, and Carolyn I. Rodriguez
Biculturalism Dynamics: A Daily Diary Study of Bicultural Identity and Psychosocial Functioning, Seth J. Schwartz, Alan Meca, Colleen Ward, Ágnes Szabó, Verónica Benet-Martínez, Elma I. Lorenzo-Blanco, Gillian Albert Sznitman, Cory L. Cobb, José Szapocznik, Jennifer B. Unger, Miguel Ángel Cano, Jaimee Stuart, and Byron L. Zamboanga
Efficacy of the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Comorbid Psychopathology Accompanying Emotional Disorders Compared to Treatments Targeting Single Disorders, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Todd J. Farchione, Clair Cassiello-Robbins, Amantia Ametaj, Sophia Sbi, Shannon Sauer-Zavala, and David H. Barlow
“A Threat on the Ground”: The Consequences of Witnessing Stereotype-Confirming Ingroup Members in Interracial Interactions, Valerie Jones Taylor, Randi L. Garcia, J. Nicole Shelton, and Caitlyn Yantis
Psychometric Properties of the Hoarding Rating Scale-Interview, David F. Tolin, Christina M. Gilliam, Elizabeth Davis, Kristen Springer, Hannah C. Levy, Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee, and Michael C. Stevens
Children’s Quantification with Every Over Time, Athulya Aravind, Jill de Villiers, Peter A. de Villiers, Christopher J. Lonigan, Beth M. Phillips, Jeanine Clancy, Susan H. Landry, Paul R. Swank, Michael Assel, Heather B. Taylor, Nancy Eisenberg, Tracy Spinrad, and Carlos Valiente
Refinement and Preliminary Testing of an Imagery-Based Program to Improve Coping and Performance and Prevent Trauma among Urban Police Officers, Eamonn Arble, Mark A. Lumley, Nnamdi Pole, James Blessman, and Bengt B. Arnetz
Assessing Politicized Sexual Orientation Identity: Validating the Queer Consciousness Scale, Lauren E. Duncan, Elizabeth Mincer, and Sarah R. Dunn
Perceived Self-to-Other Similarity as a Mediator of the Effects of Gender and Racial Composition on Identification in Small Groups, Randi L. Garcia
Monosexual and Nonmonosexual Women in Same-Sex Couples’ Relationship Quality During the First Five Years of Parenthood, Abbie E. Goldberg, Randi L. Garcia, and Melissa H. Manley
Reward Capacity Predicts Leptin Dynamics During Laboratory-Controlled Eating in Women as a Function of Body Mass Index, Laura M. Holsen and Benita Jackson
Does that pose become you? Testing the effect of body postures on self-concept, Benita Jackson, Kelly Nault, Laura Smart Richman, Onawa LaBelle, and Nicolas Rohleder
The Role of Positive Expectancies in Risk Behavior: An Exploration of Alcohol Use and Non- Suicidal Self-Injury, Stephanie Jarvi Steele and Lance P. Swenson
Motivation for and use of social networking sites: Comparisons Among College Students With and Without Histories of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Lance P. Swenson, and Kristen L. Batejan
Power poses — where do we stand?, Kai J. Jonas, Joseph Cesario, Madeliene Alger, John F. Dovidio, Sean Duffy, Jenna A. Harder, Dian van Huistee, Benita Jackson, David J. Johnson, Victor N. Keller, Lukas Klaschinski, Onawa LaBelle, Marianne LaFrance, Ioana M. Latu, Margot Morssinkhoff, Kelly Nault, Vaani Pardal, Caroline Pulfrey, Nicolas Rohleder, Richard Ronay, Laura Smart Richmond, Marianne Schmid Mast, Konrad Schnabel, Micheala Schröder-Abé, and Josh M. Tybur
Why Roma Children Need Language Assessments in Romani, Hristo Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, and Andrea Takahesu Tabori
Changes in Saving Cognitions Mediate Hoarding Symptom Change in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Hoarding Disorder, Hannah C. Levy, Blaise L. Worden, Christina M. Gilliam, Christine D'Urso, Gail Steketee, Randy O. Frost, and David F. Tolin
Improving Assessment of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture to Further Veteran PTSD Research., Jane M. Onoye, Michele Spoont, Julia M. Whealin, Nnamdi Pole, Margaret Anne MacKintosh, James L. Spira, and Leslie A. Morland
Not a “Mom Thing”: Predictors of Gatekeeping in SameSex and Heterosexual Parent Families, Kristin K. Sweeney, Abbie E. Goldberg, and Randi L. Garcia
Kidnapping and Mental Health in Iraqi Refugees: The Role of Resilience, A. Michelle Wright, Yousif R. Talia, Abir Aldhalimi, Carissa L. Broadbridge, Hikmet Jamil, Mark A. Lumley, Nnamdi Pole, Bengt B. Arnetz, and Judith E. Arnetz
Septal Oxytocin Administration Impairs Peer Affiliation via V1a Receptors in Female Meadow Voles, Allison M.J. Anacker, Jennifer D. Christensen, Elyssa M. LaFlamme, Diana M. Grunberg, and Annaliese K. Beery
Natural Variation in Maternal Care and Cross-Tissue Patterns of Oxytocin Receptor Gene Methylation in Rats, Annaliese K. Beery, Lisa M. McEwen, Julia L. MacIsaac, Darlene D. Francis, and Michael S. Kobor
Investigation of the Phenomenological and Psychopathological Features of Trichotillomania in an Italian Sample, Gioia Bottesi, Silvia Cerea, Enrico Razzetti, Claudio Sica, Randy O. Frost, and Marta Ghisi
Development and Validation of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale–Brief, Alexandra M. Burgess, Randy O. Frost, and Patricia Marten DiBartolo
Young Adolescents’ Gender-, Ethnicity-, and Popularity-Based Social Schemas of Aggressive Behavior, Katherine H. Clemans and Julia A. Graber
When Brilliance Backfires: Perfectionism’s Cutting Edge, Patricia Marten DiBartolo
Using a “Messy” Problem as a Departmental Assessment of Undergraduates' Ability to Think Like Psychologists, Patricia Marten DiBartolo, Lauren E. Duncan, Minh Ly, and Alan N. Rudnitsky
Principles and Practices Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Lessons from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Capstone Institutions, Patricia Marten DiBartolo; Leslie Gregg-Jolly; Deborah Gross; Cathryn A. Manduca; Ellen Iverson; David B. Cooke, III; Gregory K. Davis; Cameron Davidson; Paul E. Hertz; Lisa Hibbard; Shubha K. Ireland; Catherine Mader; Aditi Pai; Shirley Raps; Kathleen Siwicki; and Jim E. Swartz
Behavioral and Emotional Consequences of Thought Listing Versus Cognitive Restructuring During Discarding Decisions in Hoarding Disorder, Randy O. Frost, Clarissa Ong, Gail Steketee, and David F. Tolin
Objectification in Action: Self- and Other-Objectification in Mixed-Sex Interpersonal Interactions, Randi L. Garcia, Valerie A. Earnshaw, and Diane M. Quinn
Gender-Typed Behavior Over Time in Children with Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Parents, Abbie E. Goldberg and Randi L. Garcia
Borderline Personality Traits Predict Poorer Functioning during Partial Hospitalization: The Mediating Role of Depressive Symptomatology, Stephanie Jarvi Steele