


Two Cardinal Portraits by Scipione Pulzone in the Harvard Art Museums and their Related Versions, Danielle Carrabino

Each Luminous Thing, Stacie Cassarino


Who's Joe?, Alicia Chen


Work Will Not Save Us: An Asian American Crip Manifesto, Mel Y. Chen, Mimi Khúc, and Jina B. Kim


Psychometric Properties of a Combined Go/No-Go and Continuous Performance Task Across Childhood, Caron A.C. Clark, Kaitlyn Cook, Rui Wang, Michael Rueschman, Jerilynn Radcliffe, Susan Redline, and H. Gerry Taylor


Summer Research Fellowship Project Descriptions 2023, Clark Science Center's Summer Research Fellows Program


A Conversation with Doris H. Gray on the Power and Limitations of Restorative Justice across History, Culture, and Gender, Rosetta Marantz Cohen and Doris H. Gray


Better Policy Interventions Through Intersectionality, Elizabeth R. Cole and Lauren E. Duncan


Temperature and Convictions: Evidence from India, Terry Ann Craigie, Vis Taraz, and Mariyana Zapryanova

Dactyloidites ottoi (Geinitz, 1849) in Bahamian Pleistocene Carbonates: A Shallowest-marine Indicator, H. Allen Curran and Bosiljka Glumac


The Effect of Experimenter Demand on Inference, David Danz, Marissa Lepper, Guillermo Lezama, Priyoma Mustafi, Lise Verterlund, Alistair Wilson, and K. Pun Winichakul


Theory of Mind and Clausal Embedding, Jill de Villiers and Tom Roeper


Student Mistakes in Elite School Classrooms: Teacher Reflections and Reported Instructional Strategies, Maleka Donaldson


Welcome to the Oops Club!: Varied Patterns of Mistake Responses in a Veteran Teacher’s Classroom, Maleka Donaldson

Coaching the Process of Learning Rather than the “Right” Answer or Performance, Maleka Donaldson and Steve Barkley

Podcast for Parents: Learning to Learn From Mistakes, Maleka Donaldson and Steve Barkley


Prayer in a Time of Pandemic: Loneliness, Liturgy, and Virtual Community, Lois Dubin


Climate Justice at Smith: Visions from Administrators, Faculty, and Staff, Addy Dwyer, Katherine Emerson, and Kaila Frazer


Population Modeling with Machine Learning can Enhance Measures of Mental Health - Open-Data Replication, Ty Easley, Ruiqi Chen, Kayla Hannon, Rosie Dutt, and Janine Bijsterbosch


Environmental Education in Western Massachusetts Curriculums, Abigail Morgan Fizer, Malika Gottfried, and Audrey Elizabeth Reis


The Giant Accreting Protoplanet Survey (Gaplanets)—Results from a 6 Yr Campaign to Image Accreting Protoplanets, Katherine B. Follette, Laird M. Close, Jared R. Males, Kimberly Ward-Duong, William O. Balmer, Jéa Adams Redai, Julio Morales, Catherine Sarosi, Beck Dacus, Robert J. De Rosa, Fernando Garcia Toro, Clare Leonard, Bruce Macintosh, Katie M. Morzinski, Wyatt Mullen, Joseph Palmo, Raymond Nzaba Saitoti, Elijah Spiro, Helena Treiber, Kevin Wagner, Jason Wang, David Wang, Alex Watson, and Alycia J. Weinberger


Metric Ensembles Aid in Explainability: A Case Study with Wikipedia Data, Grant Forbes and R. Jordan Crouser


Wide Range Thin-Film Ceramic Metal-Alloy Thermometers with Low Magnetoresistance, Nathanael Fortune, Joyce E. Palmer-Fortune, A. Trainer, A. Bangura, N. Kondedan, and A. Rydh


The JWST PEARLS View of the El Gordo Galaxy Cluster and of the Structure It Magnifies, Brenda L. Frye, Massimo Pascale, Nicholas Foo, Reagen Leimbach, Nikhil Garuda, Paulina Soto Robles, Jake Summers, Carlos Diaz, Patrick Kamieneski, Lukas J. Furtak, Seth H. Cohen, Jose Diego, Benjamin Beauchesne, Rogier A. Windhorst, S. P. Willner, Anton M. Koekemoer, Adi Zitrin, Gabriel Caminha, Karina I. Caputi, Dan Coe, Christopher J. Conselice, Liang Dai, Hervé Dole, Simon P. Driver, Norman A. Grogin, Kevin Harrington, Rolf A. Jansen, Jean Paul Kneib, Matt Lehnert, James Lowenthal, Madeline A. Marshall, and Felipe Menanteau


An Apology for Philosophy, Jay L. Garfield


Spatially Resolved Imaging of the Inner Fomalhaut Disk Using JWST/MIRI, András Gáspár, Schuyler Grace Wolff, George H. Rieke, Jarron M. Leisenring, Jane Morrison, Kate Y.L. Su, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Jonathan Aguilar, Marie Ygouf, Charles Beichman, Jorge Llop-Sayson, and Geoffrey Bryden


Annulled: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Archives of the Ottoman East, Matthew Ghazarian


Creating Meaningful Connections with the Electr eating Meaningful Connections with the Electron Transport Chain Beyond a Virtual Classroom, Lesley Ann Giddings


Feminist Pedagogy in STEM: The Intersection of STEM Pedagogy and Feminist Theory, Lesley Ann Giddings and Candice Price


Blagoveshchensk Massacre and Beyond: The Landscape of Violence in the Amur Province in the Spring and Summer of 1900, Sergey Glebov


New Advances in Long-Term Monitoring of Storm-Deposited Boulder Ridges Along Rocky Shorelines of San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Bosiljka Glumac, Ursula Miquel, and H. Allen Curran


Does Public Art Matter?: Visual Art as Placemaking, Abby Golden


Exploring Contemporary Young American Butch Identity: An Analysis of Ten Interviews, Noah Good


Will Populations of Macroinvertebrate Functional Feeding Groups Survive Precipitation Changes?, Malika Gottfried, Laura Kim, and Sophia Zuccala


Smith College Campus ADA Accessibility Report, Lily Gould, Olivia Kraft, Allison Pasbjerg, and Mia Schildbach


Psychological Perspectives on the Presentation of Video Evidence: How Perceivers Weight What is Seen and Unseen, Yael Granot and David Igliozzi

Lo que hago en mi habitación, Adrián Gras-Velázquez


Coral Gardens Reef, Belize: An Acropora spp. Refugium under Threat in a Warming World, Lisa Greer, H. Allen Curran, Karl Wirth, Robert Humston, Ginny Johnson, Lauren McManus, Candice Stefanic, Tara Clark, Halard Lescinsky, and Kirah Forman-Castillo


Exploring the Diversity of Microeukaryotic Communities in New England Tide Pools, Adri K. Grow, Robin S. Sleith, Taylor R. Sehein, Michaela Labare, and Laura A. Katz

Bringing Stakeholders Along for the Ride: Towards Supporting Intentional Decisions in Software Evolution, Alicia M. Grubb and Paola Spoletini


Bringing Stakeholders Along for the Ride: Towards Supporting Intentional Decisions in Software Evolution: Supplemental Material, Alicia M. Grubb and Paola Spoletini


Geographic Market Definition in Commercial Health Insurer Matters: A Unified Approach for Merger Review, Monopolization Claims, and Monopsonization Claims, Deborah Haas-Wilson, Kristof Zetenyi, and Brian Gorin


Resilient Community Acts: Testimonial Video, Hannah Hafner


A Diffusion Network Event History Estimator, Jeffrey J. Harden, Bruce A. Desmarais, Mark Brockway, Frederick J. Boehmke, Scott J. Lacombe, Fridolin Linder, and Hanna Wallach


Trauma Prevalence and Desire for Trauma-Informed Coaching in Collegiate Sports: A Mixed Methods Study, Elizabeth Alma Hertzler-McCain, Aerin McQuillen, Shalini Setty, Stephanie Lopez, and Erica Tibbetts


Direct Discovery of the Inner Exoplanet in the Hd 206893 System: Evidence for Deuterium Burning in a Planetary-Mass Companion, S. Hinkley, S. Lacour, G. D. Marleau, A. M. Lagrange, J. J. Wang, J. Kammerer, A. Cumming, M. Nowak, L. Rodet, T. Stolker, W. O. Balmer, S. Ray, M. Bonnefoy, P. Mollière, C. Lazzoni, G. Kennedy, C. Mordasini, R. Abuter, S. Aigrain, A. Amorim, R. Asensio-Torres, C. Babusiaux, M. Benisty, J. P. Berger, H. Beust, S. Blunt, A. Boccaletti, Kimberly Ward-Huong, and et al


Genome Assembly of the Foot-Flagging Frog, Staurois Parvus: a Resource for Understanding Mechanisms of Behavior, Mika A. Holtz, Riccardo Racicot, Doris Preininger, Adam M.M. Stuckert, and Lisa A. Mangiamele


Episode 10: Zipline DC2122, Susannah Howe


Episode 5: NDPW DC0910, Susannah Howe


Episode 6: Medtronic DC1516, Susannah Howe


Episode 7: WHOI DC1011, Susannah Howe


Episode 8: MITLL DC0708, Susannah Howe


Episode 9: Dresser-Rand DC1213, Susannah Howe


Creating a Feminist Religious Counterpublic:RLDS Feminists and Women's Ordination Advocacy in America, 1970–1985, David Howlett and Nancy Ross


People Move, Policies Don’t: Discursive Partition Against Climate-Impacted Dwellers in Urbanizing Bangladesh, Efadul Huq and Tanzil Shafique


The Racial Gap in Exclusionary Discipline Policies, Mia Hwang


Functional Network Reconfiguration Supporting Memory-Guided Attention, Kylie Isenburg, Thomas M. Morin, Maya L. Rosen, David C. Somers, and Chantal E. Stern


Assessing the Language of 2-year-olds: From Theory to Practice, Emily Jackson, Dani Levine, Jill de Villiers, Aquiles Iglesias, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff


Race, Ethnicity and Higher Education in the African Diaspora: Guest Editors' Introductory Note, José Jackson-Malete, Amy Jamison, Vaughn W. M. Watson, Aaron Kamugisha, Monique D. A. Kelly, and Upenyu S. Majee


Beyond the Gates: Smith Co-Creating Climate Justice Initiatives with the Local River Valley Community, Lia Jacobs, Alyssa Foley, and Helen Glover


Social Contagion of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Stephanie Jarvi Steele

Implicit Assessment of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Group Differences in Temporal Stability of the Self-Injury Implicit Association Test (SI-IAT), Stephanie Jarvi Steele, Thröstur Björgvinsson, and Lance P. Swenson


repytah: An Open-Source Python Package for Building Aligned Hierarchies for Sequential Data, Chenhui Jia, Lizette Carpenter, Thu Tran, Amanda Y. Liu, Sasha Yeutseyva, Mariun Tapal, Yingke Wang, Zoie Kexin Zhou, Jordan Moody, Denise Nava, Eleanor Donaher, Lillian Yusha Jiang, Ben Bruncati, and Katherine M. Kinnaird


Paying for what Kind of Performance? Performance Pay, Multitasking, and Sorting in Mission-Oriented Jobs, Daniel B. Jones, Mirco Tonin, Michael Vlassopoulos, and K. Pun Winichakul


Modules and Representations up to Homotopy of Lie n-Algebroids, M. Jotz, Rajan Amit Mehta, and T. Papantonis


“A Plague Broke Out among Them”: Reflections on the Bible and the Pandemic, Joel Kaminsky


Tolerance Over Inclusiveness?, Joel Kaminsky

What the Hebrew Bible Can Teach Us About Illness, Death and Dying, Joel Kaminsky

The Caribbean as Diaspora: From Exile to Affirmation, Aaron Kamugisha


The Responsibilities of Caribbean Intellectuals, Aaron Kamugisha


Fragmented Communities, Anxious Identities, Ellen Kaplan

From Stage to Page: Theater and Story as Literary Practices, Ellen Kaplan


Differentiating Between Us & Them: Reduced In-Group Bias as a Novel Mechanism Linking Childhood Violence Exposure with Internalizing Psychopathology, Steven W. Kasparek, Maya L. Rosen, Lucy A. Lurie, Mina Cikara, Kelly Sambrook, Dario Cvencek, Andrew N. Meltzoff, and Katie A. McLaughlin


Gods, Goddesses & Mortals for the 21st Century: the Reinstallation of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts Collection of Ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Art, Barbara A. Kellum


Beyond Myopia in Communications and the Sociology of Media, Dustin Kidd, Timothy Recuber, Matt Atwell, Tyler Burgese, Andrew Chelius, Jaggar DeMarco, Dana Gallant, Benjamin Guidry, Glen Hartenbaum, Caitlin Joyce, Ye Ju Ki, Kyle McDonald, Lindsay Metzker, Julia Scheffler, Victoria Vazquez, Jordan Walsh, and Feng Yi Yin


Humans of the Western MA Criminal Justice System, Audrey Kim


A Quirky Composite Portrait: A Review of The Book of Beijing, Sabina Knight


The Poet and the Historian: On Julian Gewirtz’s “Your Face My Flag” and “Never Turn Back”, Sabina Knight

Chinese Classics: The Commentarial Tradition, Sabina Knight and Kidder Smith


The Power of Chinese Narrative – interview with Sabina Knight, Sabina Knight and Helen Wang

Passing and Posing in Colonial Manchuria in Murō Saisei's Koto of the Continent, Kimberly Kono


Narratives Reflecting Theory of Mind among Bilingual Lyuli Children of Uzbekistan, Hristo Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, Bahodir B. Mamurov, and Gulbahor R. Akramova


Narratives Reflecting Theory of Mind among Bilingual Lyuli Children of Uzbekistan, Hristo Kyuchukov, Jill de Villiers, Bahodir B. Mamurov, and Gulbahor R. Akramova


Institutional Design and Policy Responsiveness in US States, Scott J. LaCombe

Black Time and the Aesthetic Possibility of Objects, Daphne Lamothe


Textbook Affordability at Smith College: Affirming Smith's Commitment to creating an inclusive, equitable and accessible educational community, Natalie Laroche


A World of Difference: The Fundamental Opposition between Transhumanist “Welfarism” and Disability Advocacy, Susan B. Levin


The Importance of Mentorship in Fostering Change Among Young Parents Utilizing Co-Creation Principles, Asmae Lichir


Climate Change and Labor Reallocation: Evidence from Six Decades of the Indian Census, Maggie Liu, Yogita Shamdasani, and Vis Taraz


The Development of a Parent Report Instrument of Early Communication and Language Skills of Infants and Toddlers in Mainland China, Xueman Lucy Liu, Wendy Lee, Eric Rolfhus, Teresa Hutchings, Liqun Yao, Jingqiu Xie, Yaqing Xu, Yongmei Peng, and Jill de Villiers


The Chains that Bind: Gender, Disability, Race, and IT Accommodations, Eleanor T. Loiacono and Shiya Cao


Reduced Growth Mindset as a Mechanism Linking Childhood Trauma with Academic Performance and Internalizing Psychopathology, Lucy A. Lurie, Emily J. Hangen, Maya L. Rosen, Robert Crosnoe, and Katie A. McLaughlin


Humans Against Large Language Models on Hard Paraphrase Detection Tasks, Jamie C. Macbeth, Ella Chang, Jingyu Gin Chen, Yining Hua, Sandra Grandic, and Winnie X. Zheng


Image Schema Decompositions of the Conceptual Dependency INGEST Primitive: A Study of Paraphrases, Jamie C. Macbeth, Alexis Kilayko, Zoie Zhao, Sophie Song, and Winniw X. Zheng


A Proposal for Primitive Decomposition of Spatial Orientation Relationships, Jamie C. Macbeth, Mackie Zhou, and Zoie Zhao

Reversing the Gaze What If the Other Were You?, Geneviève Makaping, Giovanna Bellesia, and Victoria Offredi Poletto


Computing Circuit Polynomials in the Algebraic Rigidity Matroid, Goran Malić and Ileana Streinu

Wade in the Water: Suggestions for Centering Reproductive Justice in Social Work Education, Practice, and Organizing, Brandyn-Dior McKinley, Loren Cahill, and Shveta Kumaria


The Weightless State: PowerPoint and the Everyday Work of Making Senegal Matter, Caroline Melly


The JWST Early-Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems Ii: A 1 To 20 Μm Spectrum of the Planetary-Mass Companion Vhs 1256-1257 B, Brittany E. Miles, Beth A. Biller, Polychronis Patapis, Kadin Worthen, Emily Rickman, Kielan K.W. Hoch, Andrew Skemer, Marshall D. Perrin, Niall Whiteford, Christine H. Chen, B. Sargent, Sagnick Mukherjee, Caroline V. Morley, Sarah E. Moran, Mickael Bonnefoy, Simon Petrus, Aarynn L. Carter, Elodie Choquet, Sasha Hinkley, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Jarron M. Leisenring, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Laurent Pueyo, Shrishmoy Ray, Steph Sallum, Karl R. Stapelfeldt, Jordan M. Stone, Jason J. Wang, Olivier Absil, William O. Balmer, Anthony Boccaletti, and Mariangela Bonavita